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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Looking good. And another 'trio' in the wings ..... what could it be ?????????
  2. The complete package is outstanding. If your rudder is anything like the one on my tug, normal vibrations from the house will turn it off center now and again. Great job. I'll look forward to your next project!!!
  3. Thank you, Lawrence. Need to apologize for the lack of progress lately. Too much going on ---- and another 2 weeks of non-shipbuilding activity on the horizon. Fortunately, I have all of the great folks here continuing to make progress on their projects so I'm still in the loop --- and eager to get back. See you in September !
  4. She's looking really nice, Vic. Always amazed at the different looks we each come up with from the same starting point.
  5. GREAT to see another addition to the Syren fleet. You won't be disappointed in the kit or instructions. And don't worry about your English ---- it's MUCH better than my Danish!
  6. Those sweeps look terrific --- as does the ship's boat. She's really coming alive now. Pleasure to watch.
  7. So model building is a genetic defect? That explains it !!!!! Instead of dreaming about ruling the world, we dream about a new tool or how we're going to get the margin planks in. Carry on, mate.....we're all enjoying seeing her blossom.
  8. Oh boy, here we go with the fun stuff. You make the details look easy. Damned, you're good at this Popeye!
  9. I usually use a tomato can. But your results are equally good
  10. You've just joined a great club with Syren. And you've already gotten the answers you need. Have a great voyage!!
  11. The time you are spending pinning the rails and cleats has been well spent and will prove itself during rigging. Use the same process for the channels. Looking good.
  12. You have our deepest sympathy, Grant. These quiet friends weave their way into the fabric of our family and share our lives everyday. It looks as if he had wonderful surroundings and a lot of love. Can't ask for much more.
  13. Glad to see you're still afloat........um, you know what I mean. Love the color scheme. And the engine house is perfection!
  14. Solid start. And yes, get those 2 garboards lined up together or you'll wind up with different plank counts P/S. Don't ask how I know this.
  15. Thanks to everyone for stopping by and for your deepest sympathies . The best part, Grant, is that unlike Polyscale, I have an (almost) endless supply of that red in stock.
  16. Things have been a bit slow in the yard as the chief shipwright, deciding to use as #11 blade as a chisel, added his DNA to the build. No major damage but a painful reminder that it's impossible to do the fiddly bits with bandaged fingers. However, we did manage to get a start on the foredeck. Here, we've added some coamings, companionways, and a second fife rail. Note the chimney for the stove below. I love that stove, now 80% invisible. But we know it's down there !
  17. Very interesting contrasts created by your choice of materials. And thanks to your Admiral !
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