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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Sorry to hear about the infection Dave. But what a great idea to show your appreciation of the doctor's work. Think I'll pull up a chair. Chuck's design and your workmanship should be a dynamite combo!
  2. Going back to the overhead photo of the plans, it looks as if the cockpit should indeed extend beyond bulkhead 15. You'll work out the issue of the stern filler blocks I'm sure. Looking nice!
  3. Hey, your lady is a real beauty. Get ready to mess up your gun deck with a pile of sawdust!!!!
  4. Nice work. They'll look better than 'factory equipment'.
  5. That is strange, But actually, scratch might look better. 22 gauge????
  6. Vic -- check your parts. You need 16 for the gun deck and should have 22, each about 16mm in length after you trim them from the photoetch.
  7. Thank you, Don. You must have the patience of a saint! Hope it gave you some ideas you can use.
  8. Thanks to all for looking in. DIRK - I like her too! But you're just a sucker for Swiss Pear Edit - Just realized we just passed 2 years on this log. Where does the time go? Met lots of great folks on here in the course of the build. It's your work and ideas that keeps me going .... and learning.
  9. Just a quick update this time around. The planking of the foredeck has been completed. The waterways, margin planks and planking are Swiss Pear supplied by Jeff. Only the port side has been planked to allow viewing the gundeck below. I used my usual hooked scarph joints where the planking meets the margins: Next up will be to treenail this deck (drill and fill) and apply the finish before we proceed with additional foredeck details.
  10. She's got most of her teeth. Smiling over here.
  11. The time you're investing here will pay off on almost every aspect of the build down the road. Nice looking garlic!
  12. Sails really look first rate, Frank. Belaying plan ? You don't need no belaying plan
  13. Great Scott! These are not just details ..... they're embellishments. Beautifully done.
  14. Looks pretty darned impressive from this side of the pond !
  15. Your prototype rendition of the boat looks pretty true to the reference photo. The appropriateness of the size is tough to call without knowing the structure that will hold it on deck. Whatever you decide, it's a great upgrade !
  16. Looks like that's the ticket for you. I like Chuck's method. Neat work, as always.
  17. I can almost visualize what Mamoli is describing with these tiles and finish. It might actually look pretty authentic in a weathered/aged sort of way.....after some considerable practice. But I'd lean toward copper tape and let nature take it's course.
  18. Should be steamed clams, John. We'll wait to hear from Popeye.....the expert. Who's making the drawn butter?????
  19. Nigel brings up an excellent point. Let your wood equilibrate to the same conditions in your home as it will 'see' when it's used and ultimately displayed. If you have climate control in your home, all the better. I store my wood flat and away from constant direct light. As an aside, as our projects tend to run over several years, flatten your plans and let them also equilibrate to ambient conditions. You may be surprised at how much they can shrink (or expand) over time. If you're building a kit, open the box and let the wood 'breathe' and the plans sit for a week or so before you get going.
  20. Looks pretty darned good, Ken. I'm still waiting to do anything 100% to my own standards. Have fun with the tree nails.
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