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Posts posted by Wintergreen

  1. @Roger Pellett indeed it is not abandoned, just slow. Thank you for your concerns and tip regarding lines plan. 
    However, I'm more of a make it up as you go type of guy. With a reasonable planning ahead of course. Since this vessel stems from working boats and is in some sense already a bastard I'm not too concerned about to the mm accuratess. 

    Bastard? Yes, Atlanticas lines were taken of her sister ship, Gratitude. Only that Gratitude is a fair bit smaller, so they just blew the lines up a bit to suit their needs. I have EdT:s first Naiad book where he delves into the intricacies of drafting as well, using all kinds of measuring, angles, offsets and whatnot. To be fair, it is a bit over my ambition for Atlantica.


    But again, thank you for taking the time to explain a different approach. It is always welcome with different thoughts.



  2. On 12/8/2021 at 10:13 PM, Seglaren said:


    Im a motivated 16 year old boy who sails this vessels (Atlantica, Gratitude and Gratia) and ivve never built a boat before and I really wanna build atlantica. Do you guys think its possible for me to pull this off? Or is it a big no no? 


    Thank you :)


    Hello Seglaren! 

    I would suggest that you actually buy and build one of the kits out there depicting these kind of vessels. One is Billing Boats FD 10 Yawl at scale 1:50. It gives a reasonable sized boat. A couple of others are the new, and higher quality kits from Vanguard Models, Erycina a ketch and Nisha a cutter (single mast). Both at scale 1:64 which produces smaller boats, fewer details and easier to place on you favourite shelf.
    Don't bite off more than you can chew and give it a go!

  3. Ahh, those painted frieses...


    Well, I have a question Siggi. What about armament? It looks like you are only planning for guns on weather/2nd deck? I mean, first gundeck is a bit hard to do any work on now, right?


    About lightning, I remember that Gaetan B had some posts about lightning a good while ago. He compared flourescent lights with led and halogen if I remember correctly. Pros and cons and did reasoning around them.


    Keep it up!

  4. So, plodding along slowly. 

    Guys, thanks for likes and comments 🙂 

    As I've mentioned before the heating system in my shop doesn't really cope with temperatures below -10 C. Right now, we're at -16 C. say no more.


    Anyway, short sessions it is. 

    Sheet for the head sails are led aft through some pendants that are fastened in the stringer on the side.

    After some thinking I came up with the idea of using small beads and CA-glue the line around the. A fake splize and some white glue to finish them off.

    Third picture is to keep me focused on moving forward. 

    The sliding gantry, as Ed calls it is done and the knurly knobs as well. 

    Yes, I could have just ordered a bunch from Amazon or wherever, but where would the fun be in that? Thought it was mahogany but it turned (😄) out to be teak.








  5. What Patrick said above.


    I notice that you haven't treenailed the coverboards and assume that that is intentional. Is it to keep details to an accurate but not overwhelming experience? I mean, treenailing the coverboards will detract interest from the nice deck. As it is now, both the coverboard and the deck stands out on its own.

    Keep it up!


  6. Thanks for all the likes! They keep me going 🙂 


     @G.L. a sincere Thank You! for your boost. I'm glad you won the battle! My radiation is done and next appointment is already next week.

    But I don't know about clean workshop... my shop is fairly clean in the open areas. But the corners and behind stuff is another matter altogether. 


    Over to the wee update. But I thought that a tiny update is still an update, right?

    The dark art of soldering... after a couple of tries it came out rather decent. It is of brass wire and painted to simulate galvanization. 

    Don't mind the rigging thread. My block of wax is elsewhere and I just wanted to see the hook and ring in position. The real deal in the background.

    Second picture. Another miniature update. A ring in the stem head for the forestay. Laying beside is the stock material, bought at any sewing chandlery. I have no idea what they'r called in english though.





    That'll be all for now. 🙂


  7. @Nirvana/Per, Not even in IKEA? Or maybe you're not anyway near an IKEA right? I feel your pain. 😞 

    @gsdpic/Gary, Yes, I have bigger plans. Just wait and see 😉 

    @vaddoc Thank you. Yeah the machinery are full size. In the trusty bench circular saw currently sits a 305mm dia saw blade. The green planner takes 400mm wide material. I'm a lucky guy 😄 However, the full size stuff I'm building is like furniture, boat fittings and stuff. No 1:1 boats. (I have one already 😉).

    About the model shipway. Agreed, it appears a wee bit big and the reason is twofold.

    One, the T-tracks came in 48" length and I didn't want to cut them.

    Two, even if my future plans only include hulls of up to 800mm in length, you never know, do you? I do have the two volumes of Euryalus which is a 1:48 build, rendering a hull of close to a meter if I recall correctly. Initially I thought about to scale it down to 1:64 (easy enough conversion in 1:64 being 75% of 1:48). Time will tell...


  8. Vaddoc, druxey, thank you for the well wishes. In hindsight, ten years from now, this period will be just a memory, quickly gone by. 

    At the moment though, it takes a great deal of effort to be creative. Not so much for physical reasons, more the mind games and ghosts.


    For the moment I'm getting my head around the very few lines that is the rigging. It's like a dozen blocks all in all 😛 

    Also took some time off to build the model shipway for future builds as per EdT:s drawings.

    Measurements are 48"x19" or 122x48cm whichever system you prefer.

    The T-headed bolts are plain good quality carriage bolts that got their heads filed down. Worked like a charm. Just need a matching number of friction knobs, the gantry, some klamps and whatnot and I'm ready to go... 

    On the supporting rails I put some anti-skid which in combination with the constructions heavy weight makes it very stationary 😉 




    That's all for now. Bring out the gingerbreads and glüh wine - Advent is coming 😉


  9. Thank you @KeithAug - yes I try to have valid reasons for not making progress and bobbing around skerries and islands seems to work 😉 

    Hej @Niklas and thank you! About the oars, it has something to do with practise I guess 🙄. These were my first attempts at oarmaking and I'm quite happy with the outcome.

  10. So, here I am 5 months later...

    Have I managed with any progress on the little build? In fact, yes. But only in the last weeks. 

    Apart from the usual sailing around the Swedish archipelago, a spell with the dreaded c-illnes stirred up my fall. Treatment to commence soon. Whish me luck. The forecast looks good though. It was diagnosed at an early stage and all that, and I'm not too worried to be honest. It does have an impact nevertheless and I'm not looking forward to the cyto treatment. Yuck.


    Anyway, when I left you for summer activities I had just started with the rudder. Gudgeons and pintles, hum, I don't know if that's what they are called on small craft as well. The gudgeon is doubled to prevent the rudder from unshipping. The reason must be that the mizzen tackle is fastened at the aft end of the rudder. And that is because the mizzen sail needs a boom that extends beyond the aft end.

    Parts are painted and then the wood is oiled with paraffine oil. It gives a nice tan to the wood I think.





    With the rudder in place I'm in for all the "bits and pieces", like oars (or sweeps if you prefer). The book mentions that a single pair was delivered with the boat. But it can obviously take four pairs, so I settled for an in between decision of two pairs.

    IRL measurement is 12 feet long. In scale that is 122 mm. The handle diameter is about 45mm IRL (1.5mm scale). The blade width is 5 1/4 " (about 4,5mm).

    First picture depicts three stages of construction.

    Second pic, lazily stowed in the boat. The chafe protection is just painted 😉 





    Next up will be mast and spars. 

    well, the masts are already made but they need some tackles and stuff. 

    And sails.

    And sprit poles.

    Enough to keep me occupied and out of the deep dark pool of thoughts.


    Til next time - ta!



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