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Posts posted by Wintergreen

  1. Hi guys!

    A small update again. During the last weeks I added a ceiling with 20cm/8" of insulation above. Then the temperature dropped and has been parked round -10 down to -15... timing, still the workshop is not very pleasant at those temperatures.

    Well, I've busied myself with other chores. One being playing around with acrylic paints. 🙂 

    Have never delved into artists acrylics before and it will take some time to master I think. I had some fun with the 1.0 version hull...

    I also tried how glue will stick to the paint. And yes, it will. Tried both CA and white glue. Both holds fairly well. Best is of course to glue before paint and on thicker layer the glue lifts the paint if forced.



    After a while I took a deep breath and went for 2.0

    Some ugly glue residue, but I'm not overly concerned. To be honest, this is only my fourth model, five if you count the colorful above. And only my first scratch. The whole idea is to gain experience and skill, and that.takes.time.



    Below is what I used, diluted with water. 



    With the hull weathered it is time for framing.

    Three done, now waiting for grandkids that will have a sleep over so no more progress today 😄



    The frames will painted as well. Need some trimming first. And all those ugly glue spots will be covered by thwarts, floor boards and what not.

    Thanks for shown interest and likes! Appreciated 🙂 


    Til next time, ta!

  2. "A bit nippy" he says... wow, hardy people some 😉 
    I had an old Vauxhall once. Starting it when below zero Celsius always included start gas. Once it was -28 or so, then not even the gas was helping. Was towed for a mile before the engine fired up 😄 
    We have green in our boat and likes it. 



    Prior to that the upholstery was red. We didn't like that.



    But taste varies, or as a Youtuber says, "your mileage may vary".

    Looks good either way with your samples, Michael.

  3. Yep, still here, plodding along.

    Just one fram pair to go. I haven't counted, by my guess is that every frame piece goes in and out of the hull up to 50 times. So each pair of frames, that's 100 times. Multiply by nine, that's.. hm... 900 passes in and out. For some reason I don't think a real shipwright needs that many jumps in and out of the hull. 

    This is the 2nd pair being test fitted. Just one pair to go, the front most one.



    And here are the other, waiting for final fit and glue. 

    And no, I haven't used the draw knife to bevel the frames! It belongs to another project where I needed a quick way to bevel off some carlings. Yes, sounds like deck work, but it's actually project Insulate workshop ceiling, going on. 😉



    Soon I will be ready to mount the frames and leap on to next subject of the hull.


    And, thanks for likes and comments!

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