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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. nice work with the hatch! the deck layout looks really good..........
  2. she looks awesome Pat..........so well done, and the rigging is flawless! she looks great in her case did you fix the scratch.......nail polish perhaps?
  3. oh hell yea...........your doing better! shrouds and ratlines look great do you need that high a mag though? I put on the 2.00's and my eyes go buggy after a while......I can't wear them for too long. did your doctor tell you what your sight is? check it out........you may be able to get along with less so very glad for you.........this is good news indeed!
  4. your latest update looks great........the structure looks very well done good shaping on the tiller too. makes no difference how fast you go......your aim for quality work is always top notch. take care my friend.......and take it slow 'n easy
  5. all this happened between last night and today. time to get stuff painted. all of the block pulleys are now assembled. I keep all the stubs of brass rod.......in this case, it was the welding wire. the brass pulleys were slid in place and pinned. control boxes were cemented on the exposed part of the conveyors and painted. along with this, several 10 mm brads were set up, and the heads were painted red and black. when dry, the belts were added, along with the buttons, after the holes were drilled in the control boxes for them. the bottom plate was added and a base to elevate them off the deck. once they were all done and painted.......this is what they will look like. I probably could have gotten away with a shorter base......height-wise, but these will do idea #2 came out well. for something not normally seen, it tosses a bit of automation into the mix now to get that gallows winch finished, so the fireworks can begin
  6. hey there! Hi! it's me........the crazy sailor! betcha been wonder'in what the heck I've been doing. well, I've managed to spend some time at the table, in spite of running errands and stuff. I concentrated on the conveyors to start off with. using the correct measurements, the frames were made.......and I had cut the sides for them. with the side on and some sanding done......I found that one of them was off. so......I had to make another frame. a test fit showed I had a good pair. cutting the smaller dowel, the rollers were cemented in place. I had to cut another belt.........this one should be enough to do both of them. I ended this session here.
  7. you use paint shop....am I right? I bought into the Testor's 'decal it' program. it's good, but it has a few bugs. I do have to say though, I've been able to do some cool things with it. if I would have known about paint shop, I could have saved some cash she looks swell!
  8. gee Rob.........that sounds kinda technical........dunno if I can wrap my head around it. I'm more into the artistic values here now........THAT......I think you have plenty of more eye candy please!!!
  9. making great progress Nenad..........remember....no time limits or restraints. cute puppy!
  10. thanks Michael and Sjors for the kind word! thanks for the likes as well. but it's a work boat Sjors..........I get the best, and worst of both worlds! working on the conveyors off and on here.........still doing the tangent thing while visiting the site. later on, we are going to visit my older son's house and see Ari Reddington Wenzel again............what a mouthful for a name good look'in lad, none the less I should have something to report later on....so until then.........have fun!
  11. I find the absence of pictures on less notable ships.........but on the other hand I've experienced it with famous ships too. what you've done so far Nils is beyond words. the structures, the vents, the railings, are so very well done. combined on one deck........or three, and it becomes a world all it's own! wonderful work Nils!
  12. work is in full swing......good to see your making some positive progress great ideas with the jigs .........and even better that you were able to straighten out that railing. superb work Michael...but yea,........there is that threat of going into too much detail {knowing you} just eyeball it with the starboard side.......apparently, good was good enough for them great job so far!
  13. hey there Den.......did you sell your house? welcome .....always a pleasure! thanks for the kind word! I didn't get too much done today..........I think I'm suffering from work lag. Tuesday is usually a 'bang around' day for me..... ....sometimes I can get into a build mode. today though......I was a putz on the site I did do something though....my mind would go off on a tangent, while viewing a log.......and there I'd go.......tinkering with wood or whatever. here are the hooks I made last week........ I had to make the right side pulleys due to a mind change.......but I set up the left side, winding the reels with cordage. I could have done a real positive thing and assembled the conveyors {with the correct parts, of course}.......but I was drawn to the proto type. I added the belt.......wish I would have painted the body.......but I added a bottom to it. from here I thought of adding a sort of framework, connected to a base frame with wheels. my daydream further included hydraulic pistons that would elevate the front end of the conveyor. at the airport, I work on equipment like this.......on one side is a motor, which enables the conveyor to move under it's own power, as well as run the belt. it has a long handle in which to steer.......the forward and reverse......and to raise the conveyor platform. I stopped short of doing all that though........I've put this much together......and I see that it is doable I may finish it.......what the heck.......it's make a cute little model all on it's own
  14. horizontal plane looks fabulous Bob.........the hull looks superb! I'm sure, with your expertise, the vertical plane will be equally awesome! onward and upward!
  15. when I have my sails cut out and sewn, I give them a coat of diluted white glue, and lay them on a bunched up towel. I lay a sheet of plastic wrap over the towel, so not to make the admiral unhappy, and let them dry. they take the shape of the towel, and will keep the bend better should you have to shape them further. cut off material is perfect for testing purposes here is a little something I have been working on........I need to get back to it one of these days https://wenzelswharftips.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/embossing-sails-part-1/
  16. the layout is populating nicely.....the structures look very good. good choice of color......it details them quite well
  17. imagine what it took to build it. imagine the materials.........just the sails alone must have been a task in themselves! awesome picture Sjors
  18. looks great! yea.......it's good you don't overdo it. ship building hasn't got a time limit I have an optivisor, but I hardly use it. I only wear glasses when I'm on the computer, or working on the boats, and reading fine print. I buy those glasses you find at the drug store.......I have a pair of 1.25..which I use a lot. then I have a pair of 1.75 and 2.00 for the small stuff. I read that you and Charlene are taking another trip......enjoy and use it for additional recovery time!
  19. thanks for the kind comments Jud and Gary......welcome to the log! there is always room for new faces. I never thought of that Jud......hose reels! I'll look into it.........thanks for the suggestion thanks to all of you who hit the like button........I didn't want to go too far with that conveyor, since it won't fit. I need to make the others still, but I did cement the belt on it. too bad I didn't paint it......it would have looked better. given a base platform and some wheels, and it just might look the part the other ones will look a little bit different . get them done and then the winch assembled......and I can start to put the mid ship together. first I gotta get through this thing called work. thanks again for look'in in thanks Mark........it's a secret.........I don't even know !
  20. your going fast enough..........your still getting over that ill, ya know savor what your doing........your doing a superb job of it I can't help but notice the Cutty parts in the background...........it's a tease I have a friend in Hawaii that has three of them.........I haven't been able to get him to part with {at least} one of them yet. I have my second build of the Cutty still in the hallway.........all it needs is to have the repairs done to some of the lines {from when we last moved}, the braces, and the studding sails. one of these days, I will finish her
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