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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. you must have kept her covered while you were gone the hull is look'in sweet Rob.........nice look'in head gear too! it's good to see your back. I put 'tarps' on all my projects when not in play
  2. she looks awesome Pat.....{I like the stand too} the added running rigging is a treat......how you've tied off some of the pendant blocks, so they can be easily retrieved, when setting the sails, is a nice touch of realism. she's a sweet model........very well done
  3. hello there! I was browsing around and saw your log.........I must say.......it's a fine looking build you've done a very nice job on her so far. I've seen a few of these kits by Dusek, and I really like how they look hoping to try one in a future build look forward in seeing more of your work
  4. it looks very nice.........have you tried to add in the reddish quality? the lighter samples of the color does show the grain better......you'll know more when the entire deck is done
  5. thanks for the birthday wish Lawrence........no toys, but it was a very good day regardless the deck is becoming more and more populated.....I'm adding more to the mast. the winch is also being assessed......I may need to scratch build it completely. I enlarged a couple holes in the metal frame of the original winch and moved the spool, but there just isn't enough clearance for two. I had a problem as well with the styrene pieces I cut out. I bundled them together and attempted to shape them with the scroll saw.........this was a bad move. the heat produced melted the parts together....the main cut was halted in the middle, trapping the blade mid cut. I would have to do them one at a time, if I want to see any success with it. I should have some pictures soon..........might even have the winch done..........3rd attempt coming up!
  6. when I was working with Billing USA I got a few tool through Tom........they deal Model Craft tools. one tool he sent me was called the 'pick 'n place' tool. it looks like a pen, with a short rod sticking out of it.........on the rod is a wad of sticky material. it's used to pick up and place small parts on your model. I have little use for it with wooden ships......I'm forever cleaning it due to sawdust. it comes in three different sizes. http://www.billingboatsusa.com/75-tweezers-pick-up-tools perhaps this can be an aide with your photo etch problem.
  7. went through your log Andy.........pretty impressive for your first wooden build you got the hang of it quickly.......and your painting skills really show here. really nice work
  8. so photo etch isn't just brass......way too cool! really liking the way that decking looks
  9. ouch! how in the heck did that happen?!?!?!?! I'm sure you'll get 'er sorted out before time to put here back into the water second that.......get better! can't wait to see what the project is
  10. thanks for the kind comments and to those who hit the like button I got a little done....but nothing serious to report yet....soon if things go the way I want them to hello Michael...I miss watching you work I got the gears from Hobby Lobby....I guess you can call it the 'plaque' department. decorative plaques can be created from all the stuff they have in this dept. roman numerals, clock hands, and these gears things can be used to make fake clocks {why.....I don't know >shrug< }........slices of trees w/the bark and stuff. kinda cool they have another pack that has round knob like decorations.....some would make dandy ship's wheels for fishing boats {What I want to get for that other fishing boat I have in the works}. I used these same gears for the winches on the Andrea Gail. I tried to find a picture of the package........but no luck {not to say it isn't there somewhere....with the way I think}. it probably isn't worth showing you the mast configurations for the Mary Ann and Nordkap.......I like what I see with the Cux. I've always told myself that I'd like to get another kit of it one day. I'm so close.......I could just turn this ship into a larger version of it.......but without the shrimp cooker .....and I'm looking at the nets thanks for the good word Patrick! thanks Pat.......I always enjoy this part of the build
  11. looking good Mark........well, at least if there are stairwells, they will appear planked at the bottom very hard to go against admiral's orders.....not unless you want to get keelhauled. she'll have to come out of the jig soon anyway..........unless you plan on doing the outer planking fixed in place. seriously Mark........super job!
  12. Gibbs is below my chair..........I have to rub his ears, so I can read your update. glad your feeling better. cute puppy.........I enjoy having a puppy......both our dogs came to us this way. I fear though that Gibbs is our last.......jury is still out on that though . continue to take it easy my friend......it's the only way to a good recovery. now without further adue........I've held Gibbs off long enough........to the field we go
  13. I got the pictures together to show you where I am with the winch and booms. since I'm finding it hard to use the existing winch, I took it apart to see if it was worth re-configuring to a four reel system. so I got out the styrene sheeting, and cut out some of the panels.......the base and sides. I saw that they were a bit out of scale right away.........I can always trim them down.....but I focused on making the reel spools, using other methods. I liked the idea of using the gears...........it gave the Andrea Gail some nice detail. perhaps I can do the same here. I got curious........I should take a look at the Mary Ann winch.........but first, I looked at the Cux 87 winch. it was a compact four reel winch. with the Nordkap, I just got this small piece of paper with the winch diagram on it.......just an exploded view. the mast rigging was the same, but it can be seen in the instructions.....simplified. the Cux is a bit more detailed...and more interesting as well. while I was working on the winches....the booms were painted. there is still a few more parts to assemble on the mast. when they are done, the mast can be cemented in place. I'll see if I can get anything done today
  14. thanks Frank.........I'm flattered, but I think determination is playing more into it at this point. I will finish this build.......as I will all of my other projects. it's been a while for this build........I never in my wildest dreams, ever planned to have builds last this long. what I find amazing though, is how few pages this build has..........I've seen some with 100 or more I guess you could say that I based this build on trawlers like the Nordkap..........I truly enjoyed that build. I have many pictures of these types of vessels.......each one has a certain charm to them......but I had hands on with the Nordkap. one of these days, I'd love to get another one.....and do a dual build, cloning the Progress along with Nordkap. I have pictures of that ship too...kit pictures.......someone actually built one. the two together would be awesome....identical to one another, except for a couple of aspects { I'm having a tough time shaking the clone thing }. I've been toying around with the winches.........my first thoughts were way out of scale. it's not a bad thing........I can simply size them down to fit. the main winch is definitely in need of four reels.....having two booms. as mentioned, it will also need to be positioned forward of the mast.......the size of the hold dictates this. it won't be a bad thing, I assure you. I do have a few pictures of the winch development.... thanks for the good word Frank.........thanks to all for the likes
  15. have one of these ship models too. I did mess with it a little.....one of these days, I'll go full tilt with it you did a great job with it........looks very well done
  16. take a look at the season six finale of Game of Thrones.......check out some of the ship........I love it! love to get the plans to build one.........lots of great detail
  17. thanks Patrick and Mark.........yep, it's actually getting there thanks for the good word! I think you may have mentioned it Patrick.......something about not drawing up plans for your models. I don't either.....as far as I got, was the dance floor design for the M&M fun ship. I get an idea in my head and I run with it. hard to see how aspects will affect one another in the early stages. there's always room for modification {if it wasn't you....I'm sure it was a past post I had read } I wouldn't say rapidly Mark.....although I just may see this one finished by the end of the year
  18. thanks Carl and Pat....and all who hit the like button I thought about that Carl, but I didn't want to crowd the overhead and limit access. I figured out that the best logical place for the main winches, would be forward of the mast, leaving the aft area for the fish box. yea....winches and fish boxes...or.....one large box......haven't figured it in yet. the hold makes it hard to do much else........it'll work out thanks for the good word! thanks for look'in in
  19. sorry to hear that Nenad............absolutely.......kick back and take it easy. let's hope it is just a sore back.....her majesty can wait seven blessings to you.......{I forgot.....Cersi took care of that in a big way :D }
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