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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. there! now you have both sides covered.........she's really looking great! very.....very nicely done!
  2. Augie........what can I say.........the more you add, the more beautiful she gets! so nicely done on the margining......I see why you want to do it! very nice indeed!
  3. thanks Dee Dee.........an even sweeter offering sadly.......it is the way of the model, to eventually find itself at the finish line. this one will follow the same route, but it's not a sad moment by a long shot.....I am quite happy with the way it came out. all my thoughts and ideas, harbored in the early days, are now realized and sitting on my table. it's even a bit scary how close to the actual Billing's kit it is, although the subtle differences will keep the copyright monster away. this week should finish it, I think
  4. nice to see what the fashionable ships are wearing these days!?!?! neat idea of making chain..........gonna be another added touch to your Cutty!
  5. oh........so you had one of MY moments! I have several builds in my roster, that this has happened to start to build her.....and then an idea creeps in, that's too good to keep bottled up! well.....your Rainbow has been realized..........I'll look forward in seeing you pick back up on this build. I'm positive I'll see just as stunning a build, as I've seen in the rainbow build. it's a sure bet you learned something from the rainbow build, that will enhance this build and make it even better
  6. go back to work......and see what you've done in those three days! nothing short of fantastic.....that's for sure! you did a great job with the sails, and the rigging compliments them quite well! your quite a master in these small scales......I have enjoyed watching this build immensely. I'll look forward to the finish of this fine boat! it's quite an accomplishment
  7. it's as I mentioned Mark...it looks good, but if it's not right in your eyes, then your not satisfied until it is good you found a solution.......I'll look forward in seeing what you come up with.
  8. I don't recall seeing this one Patrick........is this a build you started? will you be getting back to this one when the Rainbow is finished?
  9. thanks Marty........but if you saw the hulls I have lying about, you wouldn't think so. I have several I need to finish before I can get caught up. doing the A.G. was an Idea I had......it been so interesting, that I haven't wanted to stop yea, I wish Borge would come back and finish it....such a beautiful build he has a Boulogne Etaples as well.......he was to do a recondition of that build....I was going to follow him with mine. I wouldn't worry though about the A.G. still a bit more to go yet, before I call her done.
  10. Yepper Patrick........that's the one a fellow named Borge has a log here....... http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/587-dragon-by-borge-billings-sail-yacht-582-scale-112/ I think this will stir the imagination. I think that the fittings, you will find quite interesting. thanks Kees.........sadly no. I wish I knew more about weathering. I'd be too afraid that I would botch it and make her look like a scow. I'll leave her as she is and be happy I'll live through your wonderful work.......and hope some of it rubs off
  11. I'll get it dwindled down sooner or later.....shopping day today. had a funny moment there........going down the refrigerated aisle, a worker was filling an island case. she goes down one side calling out......left.......I go round the other side calling out....right. we repeat the navigation until we get to where the fellow is. I let out a Popeye laugh, and that perked him up! he looks at me and say something about not wanting to follow the navigator.....I reply in my Popeye voice "I follows me own course!" and let out another laugh. I didn't look back to see if he was on the floor or not I do a very good 'Goofy' too........but then again.......that goes without saying
  12. thanks for your kind comments and likes going back to work..I'm kinda mixed......but I think I have another two weeks I can take....one more vacation week, and the other combined personal time. my work week is only three days anyway, so I shouldn't complain Greg: you mean.....the admiral gets a breather! the one here whose really gonna hate it........Gibbs! George: depending on the subject and how far you want to go with it, I guess you could say, is a good way to gauge a kit. if you pick up that box, and ideas start going through your mind.........I'd say you ought to head to the check out right away Augie: hmmmmmmm.......I wonder if there is a market for it? a prerequisite for this would be for the customer to have a home with a cathedral ceiling an anchor hanging in the middle.....would it be too feng-shui, to have a chair positioned under neath? Patrick: it's the same reason why I mentioned you should do a larger scale of your build....it stirs the imagination. to see the sails on your Rainbow, along with that paintwork......it's an awesome combination. actually, I have one in mind.........the Dragen. I know you have space constraints, but I can see you doing that build some serious justice! I enjoy your work
  13. JULY!!!! wow.......I've been away for a while! sorry Jerry......getting these builds caught up has been slower than I thought! I really didn't count on building the Andrea Gail either.........it's been very hard to turn away from it. that build is almost finished though, and I may pick this build back up next. I was going to continue on one of the other fishing boats, but I may have to order stuff for them. to recap what needs to be done here, I was unhappy with the bottom paint......it seems too low, and there was some bleeds in the corners. this needs to be corrected, before I can continue. once this is done though.......I have plenty of parts ready to go on the model, and there will be some major progress to be seen. I ask for your patience.........I will be back shortly oh......yes flat red!......gotta get some of that!
  14. I've used the term semi - scratch for some of my builds......where I tend to make the hulls from kit parts panels, and then scratch build the rest. while I can agree with Andy, for a better understanding {especially for the new folks coming in} of the builds they wish to do, I agree that there no competition here, so the need for such strict rules are given more freedom. I'm sure this has been discussed before, but it was probably on the early MSW, and lost in the crash. we are all out to have fun...and from what I see on the site......we do, with gusto! I don't think it's a bad idea to better classify our builds, it will give the follower a better understanding of the build's objectives, and it will lay the groundwork for a more subtle change in the direction of the site as well. thanks Boyd for posting this...it can be a win / win for both sides
  15. thanks John........had to think a bit, but it worked out I didn't get to do much yesterday.......the bow vents were cemented in place. I have to make two more. the starboard counter weight was hung on it's chain. this is Model Master flat black.......I was hoping it would be less glossy. ...then the port side was hung. I tried to keep them pointing toward the front, but I think as time goes by, and the model is moved, they are going to settle any way they want I had dabbed a small section of chain with white glue, and fashioned it into a pile. after making another hook, the stanchion was set up. this is the last day of my vacation / time off....sad to think it's over. quite a bit was done during this span, but she's not finished yet. the day is still young though
  16. OMG!! I remember TinTin so cool! super paint work Kees.........really starting to come together. very interesting how you got the information for the build.
  17. it's kinda what I enjoy doing........taking the hull of a known kit and turn it into some other ship. your comment Andy, makes a lot of sense......I never thought of it that way.
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