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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. small update on the Fokker I was asked if I was going to rig 'er......yes I am. when I did the HobbyCraft Dr 1, the holes were already open for me to rig.....the rigging is not too complicated and fairly easy to do. on the Roden kit though, they need to be drilled out. the holes for the tail were done. I made the pilot hole, then move the drill sideways to slant the hole. I did the same for the upper wing, as well as paint the top surface. the holes were drilled for the top and bottom. the other wings were painted too the top part of the landing gear and front part of the fuselage was done too rereading the paint scheme, I found that the landing gear struts and cabane struts were to be Olive, like the main part of the plane. only the interplane struts were to be gray. the change wasn't to dramatic......only took a single coat to cover. hope to get more done. still need to drill for the landing gear and cabane rigging. need to see if the levers can be drilled. more soon
  2. thank you folks for kindly dropping in and the kind comments! we're making progress.......but hey, that's what it's all about. I dunno.......I tried a dry fit of the open cowl flaps.......and those two tabs just don't look right. look'in into it more.... could be a bad move.........maybe not........sitting here at my desk, I chose to hand paint the fuselage.....the upper part is done. I do plan on doing some fading as I did with the Wulfe Hound, as well as the minor camo that the Belle has. I was curious about the nose windows I had masked over. removing the mask, I was happy to see that only one of the windows had some paint seepage. I used the X actor to lightly scrape it off. I mentioned earlier that it appears like I'd have to drill a hole for the main landing gears.......I did. according to the instructions for the tires / wheels, 1 mm or so needs to be cut off the axles........I had to redrill the hole a tiny bit larger anyway, so I drilled a little deeper. I'll wait for the gears to dry before the tires go on. the light lenses are also installed in the wings. lastly.......the front part of the engines were added. these had injection tabs in the back of them that needed to be trimmed off. more to report soon
  3. little too insane for my blood........looks good though.
  4. is school in session where you are........ours is down for the rest of the year.
  5. hick up-s.......it's plural it's proving to be a superb kit, but it does have a couple problems.
  6. there are sites that are devoted to the Dr 1 Welcome To FokkerDR1.com - Research on the Fokker Dr.I here's a site that covers quite a few types of WWI planes.. World War I Modeling Page
  7. the car looks great Andy.......good you found a solution great now......should look even better after
  8. oh...oh, the admiral saw it..........she's already looked it up. not sure.......but I'm beginning to see it in my future. at least I'll have a log to guide my way very nice progress!
  9. yep......your gonna have to get a cabinet or make some space.......they are too good to be in a box! that makes ten.........quite a collection
  10. it has cup holders....nice look'in good Craig...very nice progress. the dozer looks MEAN ........got teeth decals?
  11. you gonna go down the same road as I do with my boats? should be interesting. will it be a what if? What if - Index what's with the purple.......easter's over........I didn't win the Eduard's quarantine contest......
  12. I did some looking into that aileron thing.... to me, this would be incorrect. when the prototype was first tested, it was found to have bad handling characteristics. the V5 {F1} modifications were: larger wing surface, the ailerons {thought to be imbalanced} and the leading edges of the stabilizer fin(s). looking at pictures show both, but not as show on my two smaller models. keen to note that these are reproductions and may not reflect what was on the actual aircraft. this model does show it........the serial number is that of Ltn. Wolff {not sure of the scheme. this picture of the red Baron's plane doesn't show the different ailerons. this is a group of Fokker D VIII's........the wings are totally wrong, but a very colorful group {there's a scout tucked in there.........what tha..........} there were no D VIII's in Berthold's squadron either the Guillow's kit I built, has the top wing, as seen on the Dr 1's. this one may appear to be a 'Berthold's boys' replica, but his squadron did not host the raven........or the white tail very nicely done though.......I think this is the Guillow's kit {if I do alright, I'm in for a treat!} I thought this picture was cool too. so........be the first kid on your block to have a Fokker in your driveway! here's an old fixer-up to get you started
  13. I really like that scheme.........whose plane is that? cripes.......pretty soon, you'll have the prettiest flock in the sky! my two must be the same scale.......been so long, I've forgotten when I got back into modeling, I got them from an English chap on E Bay...same fellow I got my 1:48 D VII . I built that one back in my younger days. built them back in the '90's. they are the correct serial numbers : Richthofen's Dr 1 425/17 and Voss's F1 103/17........the only discrepancy is that there is no white border on Richthofen's fuselage insignias. Voss's cowl does have the 'face' on it.......but I though that the Baron had it too....... the decals were old to start with.......they are even worse now. ........you know........I just noticed that about these two planes. looking at the port aileron, the curvature is only one rib.........but on the starboard aileron, it is two ribs that's interesting....I'll have to look into that the only update I have on theis model, is just paint.
  14. thanks Robert for the kind comment......and thanks to those who hit the like button I'm almost at the end of my two week hiatus from work.........Saturday will be a very sad day. I mention that I got the notification for the wheels, that they have been shipped. they were on my doorstep Wednesday afternoon! I forgot that these folks at located in NAshua, N.H. ......someone told me that at one time. I got quite a bit done, and of course, I'll have the blooper of the day as well. I started with the stabilizers and elevators, assembling the stabs first and adding the elevators a bit later. next was the wings....a bit of a bugger around the nacelles, but the job is done. I was a little surprised that there were only the main wheels in the package, but there is little detail to the tail wheel, so this is likely the reason for it. comes with the hubs too. it also comes with a mask set, but seeing how they are, I never used it. the parts were prepped for painting. the ailerons were added to the wings...done in Bomber tan. the next step would be the outboard turbo chargers.... I added them all. looking in the inboard nacelles...I saw that I forgot to paint the inside inboard area with the chromate........that was quickly remedied. all of the brackets for the flaps were added. the flaps were added when these had set enough. putting them side by side, I made sure they were both at the same height..........almost looks like the flying wing the wheels and hubs painted...... here's where things got to be sort of a head scratcher. there are the exhaust rings that locate on the backs of the engines. the have to be assembled in such a way, that the gap fits on both side of the turbo pipes. I tried a couple of time to attach them, but there is no way to be sure that they are correct for the inboard or outboard engines........the engine was becoming saturated with cement...........BLECH! since these parts won't be seen in the great scheme of things, I've opted to leave them off. just cementing the engines in place. ....and then came the blooper of the day ! the cowl flaps can be added open or in the close position......I wanted to do the open position. the two tabs that are on opposite sides of the ring will not fit correctly. with no logical means to accomplish this. as I was fiddling around with this......test fitting and jubbling parts, I picked up one of the wings {the starboard side...I just checked}........grabbing it where the flap is, and breaking it completely off the wing! of course, the glue just didn't let go of the flap part.........instead it broke all but one of the brackets! I managed to get the flap back on, rejoining all of the brackets and at the correct height and all.....but the pizz-poor lighting at my desk made it hard. so all is back to good on the meter....just need to check for touch ups. I was sitting here, typing this..........I tried another way to add the open cowl flaps......and it may work. so I think the open cowl flaps thing is back on .....decisions.....decisions......... the wheels are assembled now.......ready to be added to the gears........and then to the wings. I find that I will need to drill a hole for each gear assembly.......sounds like another potential blooper for me....we'll see how that goes for those following the Clotilda escapades, you'll be pleased to hear that one side of the second hull is done........the other side is very close to being closed finally . it's been a trial....I can tell ya that. then I can resume with the Clotilda and work on them both .....the hull planking was the super hard part. I'm planning some scratch building for the second hull anyway, so it will be slow anyways..........I'll start a separate log when I get a little more further along {if that makes any sense}. still getting the best of both worlds.......and I love it
  15. lot of carving! wow!...very nice there is some beautiful artistry here
  16. jeeze........best thing to do is contact them.........hold on I did some looking around........one site I looked at described them as being on a CD. another place I looked at showed them as a book. in Nautical.......take a peek.
  17. nice progress George where did you find that PE hand wheel assortment? they look really neat
  18. still trying to sweet talk the admiral.........Mog is building one.
  19. too bad..........still doesn't take away from the outstanding job you've done so far
  20. that's funny........the Half Moon log has been busy of late. usually when that happens, I end up bringing the model back out to the table. heck.....I made those decals for her......and I got the tack line decorations from Corel........seems a shame I haven't worked on her since 2015. I'm almost ashamed.....but I'll get over it just think....if I bring her back out, you won't have to wonder what to do where I stopped nawwww, there are plenty of logs of this fine lady on the site that you could follow....some likely better than mine. always an honor for folks to use my logs.......it why we post them
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