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Posts posted by glbarlow

  1. 4 hours ago, Gregory said:

    several pin vise' for different bits

    Of course😀I drill 3 different size holes to make up the gun carriages, so...  Note they’re color coded too as are a number of my tools using these little rubber sleeves I got from a dentists supply website after seeing my dentist’s assistant use them to quickly recognize instruments. I actually have 5 pin vises, you never know😀 

  2. With the weather, electricity, and heat (lack there of) situation I decided to work on building my remaining 5 carronades. I described my process way back early in this log when I turned to them after my first frame was shattered in a fall to the floor so I won’t repeat it here. I like to use as many tools as possible it seems 😀.


    These I can do in the short intervals I have available to have ship time right now. Here’s hoping things get back to normal this weekend when it should warm up.

  3. We’re having rolling power blackouts here, 40 minutes on, 40 minutes off with no end in sight. -1 degrees may not be a big deal in the east, but it’s not happened here since 1949. Consequently I’m not getting much boat yard time in. Too busy trying to stay warm and grab a little internet time when I can. Hopefully by the weekend.....

  4. I’ve never understood the purpose of using white line then staining it with India Ink, a disaster waiting to happen.  I always use dark line to start with.


    For what it’s worth I’ll never be good at tying rat lines, it is not the highlight of my modeling.  

    Nice details in the rigging, you always add that extra something. Meanwhile I’m spending days on channels and strops.

  5. 1 hour ago, Chuck said:

    No you have to mill your own strips

    Badly worded, of course I’d mill my own strips, nothing to it after Cheerful. I meant the wood to cut the strips from.  I thought the second option was Pear, I see it’s now it’s instead Cherry. 

    So if I chose Cherry, and mill my own strips, the Cherry to do that you can provide as well as all the Winnie version of mini-kits. I guess I can see this all for myself once the store opens. 

  6. Amazing as always. What brown paint did you use? It’s such a perfect match to the wood. 

    An interesting thing about this ship is the lack of a rail or high transom. It seems like the duchess could easily be blown off the stern during her morning stroll about the upper deck. 🤣😂

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