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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Thank you, Matle!
  2. Sorry to read of your mishap with the lamp. How frustrating! Progress looks good, though.
  3. Nice back yard, Toni. And a good recovery - both on your model and from the bottle! Swallow is beginning to look very ship-shape indeed. Sequence of construction is really important!
  4. Just found your log. I'm impressed by both your first planking job and the theatrical head-dresses that you've designed and made (I've a theatre background). Well done on both counts.
  5. From the BBC news site: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53204948
  6. Well, here's hoping....
  7. Fairing the bulwarks in at bow and stern looks very tricky. Excellent result!
  8. Love the hooked spirketting strakes! It's too bad that so much detail will be hidden later.
  9. A pretty respectable first attempt, I'd say. I find it easier to make maquettes at x4 size, in your case ¾" = 1' 0".
  10. Excellent! The tiller and sweep with the tackle look great.
  11. Dafi: I remembered seeing this illustration somewhere, but couldn't hunt it down. So you can't locate the source either?
  12. Comments like that will put you in 'arm's way, Steven! Your model is looking more and more impressive.
  13. A very happy birthday, Gary. And thanks for giving us the present of eye candy. Looks terrific!
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