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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Bienvenue ici, Alain!
  2. Sweet, Michael! So nice to see this coming together.
  3. It is the ensign staff. Certainly it should be tapered and have a small cap on top with a sheave cut through for the ensign halliard. Look at contemporary models and paintings to see examples of these.
  4. Nicely fitted, Siggi! These are awkward to cut, even at 1:48.
  5. Very nice, but I'd be concerned about the short grain on the futtocks, the way you have them oriented on the sheet. Placed on the diagonal would be better.
  6. Looks easily recoverable. Use a little scrap piece glued under the break, then glue the end piece on over the reinforcing piece and transom.
  7. Welcome aboard!
  8. Generally the largest panes at the time were no more than about 9" by 12" - often smaller. A molten ball of glass was spun into a disc. After cooling it was cut up into panes, so-called 'crown glass'. The central portion attached to the pontil yielded the cheapest piece, sometimes seen in old windows as the 'bullseye'.
  9. Too many entries to click 'like' on, so consider them all liked! One small point: the window frames would look much better if you squared up the corners. All the other carved work is lovely.
  10. Modifications look very good, Marc! It's surprising how a small change in head angle dramatically changes the general impression.
  11. I had just read an article (elsewhere) in praise of jigs when I saw your preparatory work here. I'm sure the time you took to make this is well invested.
  12. Thank you for explaining the five division scale, Jules. I also appreciated seeing the enlargement of the left side of Rembrandt's painting showing the pages - a detail I'd not really seen before.
  13. Thank you, Jules. I suspected that the 11 divisions were for Amsterdam feet/inches, but the five divisions on the right end of the scale? What do they signify, please?
  14. This is an interesting thread, Jules. Could you explain the scales on the drawings that are divided into 11 and 5 parts, please?
  15. Anyone who is serious about period rigging should have a copy of Lees' book as recommended by Allan. It is an invaluable help.
  16. Good save! Also, with thin sections like that, cut with, not against, the grain. That can cause tear-out as well. 'Listen to the wood'!
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