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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Martyn, I checked the DeAgostini instructions - interesting that the kit would not include "a" lantern, especially with the Museum being involved. Yours looks great. As you know I'm working on a "fix" for mine. Doubtful that it will be found - though glass bits might offer a clue, assuming that it was mounted at launch. PS: your painting details for all of those figures is absolutely superb Took a bunch of photos of the long boat when I visited the museum in 018, tempted to try to scratch build one -- or not haha So what's next - a rest first I would imagine. Cheers,
  2. Peter, Points well taken - and indeed the empirical data are not yet well seasoned in terms of 787 cycles. Yes ground collisions may be better hidden. After JALs batteries were catching fire (now as you know fixed) decided to buy BA - good call. I read a comprehensive article written by an engineer that questioned the ability of the 787 fuselage to hold together after a crash landing. --- The Max, however is another all together diff. issue - might have some criminal potential. PS: Sorry to take away from your log with these side comments - all done here Cheers,
  3. Steven, Been away the last couple of weeks – been following on my iPad, but forgot my login info haha – now back at home so I can post again to builds that I follow 🤔 Your work and log are allowing so much learning as well as following a beautifully done build.
  4. Peter, Been away the last couple of weeks – been following on my iPad, but forgot my login info haha – now back at home so I can post again to builds that I follow 🤔 Nice work PS: The crew of my return flight let me upfront for taxi, climb to cruise - and then some - My first time in a B787 sweet machine. Start ups are - well - not the way I used to have to do them haha
  5. E.J, Been away the last couple of weeks – been following on my iPad, but forgot my login info haha – now back at home so I can post again to builds that I follow 🤔 Nice updates. Liked your yard supports haha Yes that book is great - So sails - well that will be a new challenge good luck - could be the most difficult bits to get right unless you keep them all furled then much easier IMO. PS: as you know they (sails) add huge amounts of work adding many lines and blocks - then finding enough pins to locate the ropes - have fun my friend. Regards,
  6. Martyn, Been away the last couple of weeks – been following on my iPad, but forgot my login info haha – now back at home so I can post again to builds that I follow 🤔 A big congratulations!! indeed a beautiful example of the Vasa - PS: Also really like the stern lantern - was it part of the kit? Cheers,
  7. Been away the last couple of weeks – been following on my iPad, but forgot my login info haha – now back at home so I can post again to builds that I follow 🤔 Really nice Frank - She will be a beauty!!
  8. Frank, This kit is way above my skill set - really enjoying following your excellent work. It's nice to dig into something totally "new" keeps this hobby stimulating IMO. Your research is certainly also part of the pleasure of your current log. Cheers,
  9. Richard, Brilliant. PS: Your shipyard table looks way to organized haha PS2: Is that a big BMW you drive around on? Regards,
  10. Well said Bob - indeed the best way - this also avoids possibly splitting narrow planks when hammering in nails however small. Emmet - welcome back
  11. Richard, Again, you raise the bar very high with you super detailed skill set - congrats - looking so good.
  12. E.J., Just catching up - Woa your ship looks awesome outdoors in natural light. I'm still so impressed with all of those well detailed carvings - great addition to your skill set. Lower standing gigging and stays also look just right. Cheers,
  13. Marc - you're responsible for this fix -thanks SO much PS: Glad that it meets with your approval I'll revisit here one last time - now back to current very slow project
  14. Javlin: way too kind – thanks so appreciated Dark Angel: Glad that you will find some inspiration – so kind of you to post. I’ve also found so much inspiration from builds that I follow here as well. Cheers. Richard: Thanks so much – your work, BTW, is brilliant indeed EJ: We’ve been following each other’s builds for quite a while now – as always so kind of you thanks. Not quite finished – but now done. Afterthoughts made me think that those vent stacks (not correct anyway) but still needed a bit more of a fix. So done here – now for the install – Need to coordinate with the Admiral - she will need the Vasa's resting space in Feb for a party she’s having (baby shower –for a friend’s daughter) – so will remove the Vasa, and its case then. This lantern will certainly look more appropriate - glad that I finally got around to this bit. Mates thanks for the likes and just dropping by,
  15. Doris, So nice to see your work (no art actually) back on site again. Beyond stunning !!! Respectfully,
  16. Richard, As always dropping by your shipyard is a real treat - your work with metals combined with wood is superlative -beyond well done indeed. And the scaling of these bits together is just first class. Nice informative sheets as well. Cheers,
  17. Hi Mates, Thanks for your nice thoughts and visits, Here are some updated images. Next post will be when installed. Cheers
  18. Hi Mates, This needed to be done – so taking a slight break from my current build, to revisit the Vasa for a New Lantern The one I installed was indeed “just wrong”, as was also very diplomatically pointed out by Marc (Hubac’s Historian) some time -- way back…. And it’s mounted too high as well. Still learning…. Note – that the Vasa stern lantern has never been recovered – so it’s really a sort of guessing game as to how it might have actually looked. I got a new (third one – 4th counting Corel’s) more appropriate, example so finally doing some preliminary work. I had, to first decide whether or not to gut the interior in order to add a center candle (a detail that I wanted to feature) – well that was not an option – skill set not there. Could have just added the plastic windows and be done. Windows came from another source after some cutting and trimming – they look just fine. (YES very incorrectly) added candles to each of the six panels. Here are some beginning images of the work, so far. Thanks for your re-visit to this log.
  19. Johann, Indeed stunning work. Beyond anything that I will (most of us?) see in this "hobby". I was laughing, in kindness, my work, by comparison, is from a Lagos box --- haha I have learned so much from just following your work - Thank you ! Sincerely,
  20. Regarding windows the perfect mirror glass finish is what I was thinking of. I'm guessing, but I assume that back then glass had visual waves - not perfectly mirror flat - hence the idea of adding a clear "something" to visually remove the super flat glass look. But, if your glass panes will be so small it would, then make no difference.
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