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Everything posted by md1400cs

  1. Federicoaa Thanks for the photo. Ferit, Martyn as always big thanks. And mates thanks for the likes I had thought about painting her as she was in 1805 at the battle of Trafalgar – decided not to - But did copper the hull. as a first time experiment for me. As you know she did not do well in that battle. Captured towed and then scuttled. In 2009 the Spanish Navy thought that they had found her but results proved inconclusive. There is a replica Santísima in the harbor of Alicante, Spain. No plans were left for the original so this replica not quite “right”. It (the replica) was constructed from the shell of a metal ship; hull planks were added and so on. It was a restaurant, night-club and who knows what else. It certainly is NOT the Vasa or the HMS Victory. haha I had several photos available as well. Painting her was tempting ! She looks very first rate with the added red, black, yellow paint details Cheers,
  2. Peter, Excellent kit choice - as well as an excellent start. You will have lots of back-up info here at MSW if needed as you have noted -- the Vasa is a popular build. And yes The Vasa Museum is INDEED spectacular. I'll grab a chair and follow along as well. You might also be interested in the following if you are unaware of these sources http://warshipvasa.freeforums.net/ http://www.wasadream.com/Index/indexenglish.html http://www.wasadream.com/modeles/Clayton/wasaclaytonenglish.html I used much from these to help "fix" the very inaccurate Corel - hmmm Cheers.
  3. Hi Mates, Denis, Frank, E,J, thanks - glad that you might use this idea. Patrick, as always thanks as well Some updated work in the same area as before. Finished up the mast cheeks or are they bibs?? See lower pics. That said, should those long mast cheeks? that are wrapped in ropes ALSO have some nails pounded through into the mast?? I spent a lot of time looking through my books, and at “Google University” looking through many photos – found nothing helpful. The only hint was the Boudroit Book (see pic)– it offered a slight hint at a yes. I don’t have his book 1 (hull construction)– that one certainly details mast construction as well. I have not seen nails in any of the brilliant Russian museum quality models that I have looked at. Hmmmm? Any suggestions are appreciated. I just don’t have enough knowledge to decide nails or no nails. L PS2: I know that historically this area should be painted black – Regards
  4. Funny Yes Chuck's serving machine rocks as well as his ropes and blocks - as you know. re: friends who would never know "anything" right or wrong about our hobby - I know many of these kind folks, in fact I live with one hahaha. The other one (great son) is finally off of my payroll living large in SF CA. Cheers,
  5. E.J, Super nice job serving the shrouds! It's time consuming but much worth the effort. Cheers
  6. Very nice indeed. Paper art work came out just about perfect. Looks smashing. Regards,
  7. Peter, Been following, but Needed to mention -- looking great - stern work also is first-rate indeed. Cheers,
  8. Minor update; I discovered (previous build) that using black nylon fishing line is an acceptable way of adding “in scale” nails to some needed areas. Finished up the platform still need to add the ten deadeyes. Now focusing on the lower main mast. Used the kit provided dowel, but used the kit bibbs only as a template. Again went to the Boudroit’s book for a guide in adding some extra details. Bibbs should be made up of several pieces of lumber. My results are much simpler than what is in his book. (platform not attached - just for a look) For the cheeks I used pre-scored deck plank sheets. Easier to bend when wet. Now need to see how to properly rope these three cheeks around the mast. Some references have two sets of mast bracing ropes, then cheeks are added above pre-installed ropes and then an outer layer of ropes is added. Hmmm? Need to work that out. Then on to the mast cap, and other needed blocks. Regards,
  9. Marek, SUPERB work. Your detailing skills with painting are also brilliant - You have built a beautiful example of this new DeAgostini kit. Cheers indeed.
  10. Hi Mates, So appreciate the nice comments! – thanks for your continued interest. Work in progress; Topmast crosstree & main lower platform; kit provided bits were useful as templates. I know that the lower platform should be painted black (as well as ship hull trim red/white etc….) but I prefer the natural look of woods - crosstree done, platform getting there. The mast and all of those attached side support bits will be a first time effort for me. PS: Using Boudroit book three 74 Gun Ship as a guide - yes French ship but similar timeline. Regards,
  11. Steven, Super interesting build along with brilliant detailing - a real history lesson here - thanks as well
  12. Johann, Brilliantly scaled detailing !!!!! Your work is superlative within this hobby - as always thanks for sharing this log.
  13. Frank, It’s my error. I had many files available to look at (see one below) did it wrong – Gave a look at my Vasa (all correct) – weird that I would attach the lanyards off to one side for this one. Easy fix – thanks for the diplomatic “heads up” Was goofing around last night took a few of the lights - here’s one I like. Seems as if I will need to do some dusting off before building its case. PS: I had, sometime back, occasion to speak with the owner of Evan Designs LED’s. Suggested that he contact MSW and possibly become an add sponsor (mentioned the 33k membership) – Still don’t see him listed in the sidebar – hmmm. Cheers,
  14. Ferit, Very well done!! - they look so well scaled - nice work
  15. Hi mates, Minor updates - completed the hull gun doors, added deck support stanchions along with some other bits here and there. Decided to use kit provided frames, but make the doors.(happy that all the lights are still working !!) Now onto the mast, yards etc... Thanks for you continued interest in this very slow going log.
  16. Eddie, This will solve ALL of your problems. Use a very very small amount– it is thick, will adhere in a few seconds. It will attach anything to anything. Used this for all of my Vasa gilded bits+++. Use it for only FOR specific applications. Once you use it you will determine the best use for this product. It is great. If you need to move a piece - after glue has settled - just slowly pull the piece away – the dried glue will, like a rubber band, also pull away and can be completely removed leaving no glue marks on either bit. It will be difficult to pull away but it can be done. PS: used it for the ballast rocks – perfect.
  17. Hi Mates, E.J., Patrick, Frank – thanks for the kind thoughts ------------------ Completed the installation of the upper deck furnishings. Here are a few updated photos. Think that the sponge pole is a bit out of scale – may fix. With that fourth carriage decided to leave it unfinished placing it close to the unfinished gun port area. Two of those train tackles that I could not make use of (made a notations in previous post) instead worked out real well for use as gun tackles (wrapped the ropes as it would be in a “stored” position). As always thanks for your likes, notations and just dropping by.
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