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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. That's a harsh lesson but well-learned and overall... a good thing, Pete. I say don't abandon your 6 ft. RC yacht but when you feel ready mentally, then pick it up and you'll probably finish it.
  2. Actually, Sam, that might not be a bad idea but I've been heavily reworking the cutting drawings as I there were problems. I've been reworking the bulkhead drawings, the backbone was fine, and also working on sorting out the stern which may also take a couple of go's to get right. Quite a bit of complexity to it as far as getting everything ship shape and Bristol fashion.
  3. OC, I sent you a PM on the problem. It's fixable per the link I sent. Option 1 would be what I would try. Worse case is, it'll need to go to a repair shop but it's not a difficult fix so it probably shouldn't cost too much. Linux is good but depending on the flavor, it can be a "hair-puller) to set up. I have a PC with Linux but there's program that I use that won't run on Linux so I"m waiting for a "fix' from the program company which they've promised. Win10 does have issues due to the way they feed out their un-tested updates to any other than paid-corporate accounts. And... the problems seem to be scattered for some reason in that they seldom hit everyone. As for Win7... it will continue to security updates much as XP did and occasionally still does. Which from where I sit looking at all the Win10 problems, they take my Win7 only from my cold, dead hands. As for continuing this, I suggest that OC open a topic in Shore Leave for more help.
  4. Congratulations on the milestone. To paraphrase: "We love the smell of glue in the morning because it means we're building." Ok.. after that last, I'll go quietly.
  5. The part of the problem is that MS shut down it's testing department. Now the customers (you and I and NOT the corporate ones) do the testing. This has been really a problem with Win10 as it's still not mature. Win7 seems to have less problems but stuff is still going live that should never have left the test department.
  6. For masking... either tape or if you have access to a stationary house, a product called "frisket". I'm not sure that's the current term but it's a very thin, clear plastic used in publishing. Correction... it's still available: https://www.google.com/search?q=frisket&rlz=1C1ZCEB_enUS832US832&oq=frisket&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.1511j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. How advanced? Ok.. seriously, hit me with a PM. Depending on the problem, I do know a few around here who might be able to help. Need make of the 'puter, OS, and what it's doing or not doing.
  8. Like Lou, I wish the same thing back when and also because my eyes were better. That is some impressive work you're doing.
  9. Just remember the scrap box is always hungry. And don't empty it but if you must, keep the bigger chunks for use where you just need a small part made. You're doing good on this.
  10. I've been following along quietly but I have a question. If you keep building and adding deck furniture, how you going to plank her? Planking involves a lot of moving the hull around and then sanding which may knock a lot your wonderful loose. You are doing a great job with everything, I'm concerned about it being torn off or broken during the planking process.
  11. This is a feast for eyes, Gaetan. Both the work and photography are stunning.
  12. Beyond brave men. I remember spending a week in college history on this battle. Not sure why but the professor was "old" navy. He never said other than discussing the history behind the battle and the battle itself but it wasn't, shall we say, from a personal point of view. Some of us students did wonder if either he or his brother might have been in it. We ran into a lot of that back in high school and college. If you don't have the book, have a read for background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_off_Samar
  13. You owe me a keyboard and a monitor for that one, Eric. I guess that will teach me not to read and drink coffee at the same time.
  14. Are you looking for information on how to restore them or are you looking for someone to do the restoration?
  15. Brian, Here's link on why it's called the Texas deck. Strange but apparently true. Google tells us nothing on why the Hurricane deck is the called that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_(steamboat)
  16. There's different methods as builders use all kinds of woods. Some use basswood and some fill in the area with a mix of basswood, balsa, and even plywood. (I'm using the plywood and basswood myself on newest model). Then there's those that "paint" the filler blocks with white glue, white glue and water mixed to stiffen the surface for planking. For sanding... what Lou said.
  17. Dave, Do give some thought to a build log. You get some help and also help others who wish to build her.
  18. Can you find 4-bladed props? It would take some surgery to turn them into 2-bladed.
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