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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. I like what I see. I find it interesting that you're using a mix of bulkheads and frames.
  2. Extra, extra long grain of rice? Seriously looks good. I don't know how your do it.
  3. Thanks for the "likes" and the comments. I'm still re-fairing the inside of the hull as time permits. Been a hectic week. Martin, I'll answer the first question first... The jig is actually a beam (the master beam) I made during Version 1.0. I checked the curvature against the new beams for exactness. After gluing it down, on the jig board, I ran a milling head through it so the sander would fit. It may not be pretty but it works. I take you have even the smaller mill that was discontinued then? Metric..on most of these mini's seems to be standard. Mine use the 4mm size which is NOT what I'd call standard when every other mini-mill uses 12mm. Also, the slots don't match any other mills (even MM's R8 Mill) which made/makes tooling a problem. Yes, getting the standard clamps to fit has been an ongoing issue. I have mine Mickey Mouse-d to work with nuts, washers, added screws, etc. Even a piece of wood off the "stern" of the clamp to help lock things down. I've been giving thought to going to a different mill.. maybe this one: http://www.littlemachineshop.com/products/product_view.php?ProductID=4962&category=1387807683 It's the same one MM sells but with shipping, there's not much price difference at least out here in Oregon. But, being "frugal" (ok.. the Admiral thinks I'm cheap but only on some things) I'm in a hold mode. I guess I'm waiting for an excuse...like HMS Visa being able to return to the line of battle.
  4. That appears to be a rather complex bit of wood, Toni. I'm looking forward to seeing how you approach this.
  5. Don, That sounds like SW has memory leaks... Rebooting is the best fix. Might work for the AutoCAD problem also. Seems like more and more programs...err.. the correct name now is "apps"... have memory leaks. I guess the developers don't bother checking for such things any more.
  6. Those are gaps, John. Did you bevel the inside edges of the planks? Going a curved surface the inside edges keep the outside edges from meeting.
  7. I can't add anything to what's already been said, Patrick. I'll just sit here quietly in awe.
  8. You might try locking the draught layer. I've run into similar situations where I accidentally started working using the draught layer instead of the active drawing layer. Comes under the category of "crap happens" I think. This was years ago working with engineering drawing and AutoCad... so your CAD program may not have a lock. I'm not sure if the current versions of AutoCAD have that feature either.
  9. NIce work on the chains David. Yes there will be blood.. which seems to be part of the building process. i think everyone's ship has been signed by DNA.
  10. Now you got me wondering if the colors are "intentionally off" as I look at the Wikipedia picture. Note the clouds, the sails, even the flags... everything has a tint to it for the mood... Choppy seas, dark cloud with orangish tint on the white. Storm has just passed or it's nearing sunset. Boy.. what a mystery.
  11. I did mis-read that, Mark. My bad. If as your last post says it was during the sea trials, you're probably correct... canvas or still not finished. I'm wondering if was sea trials, that many things were covered to protect them.. not just from the elements but also whatever work needed to be carried out during the trials. Oh what we would give for a time machine.....
  12. Nice work, Sean. And I feel for the broken hand, you have my sympathy. I'm not sure getting older does us any favors in the "hey... I"m going to try this.. " department especially when we're less than sober.
  13. In that case, since she wasn't launched yet, it's unlikely the decks were being scrubbed or holystoned. With all the activity going on the finishing her up, anyone doing "cleaning" would have been in the way.
  14. That is some painstaking fiddly work there, Greg. And very well done. BTW, I love that overhead 3-pics that give a birds-eye view of things. Impressive.
  15. I echo the previous two comments... I would have been holding my breath, turning blue and possibly headed for the ER doing that.
  16. Rob, I'll probably be in the minority...no nails, no imprints. They look over scale. I'm the same way with treenails at 1:64 scale... I don't like them. Bigger scales.. they work.
  17. Wonderful planking and treenailing, Frank. The treenails look just right.. they don't stand out and they don't blend in to the point of invisible either.
  18. Looking good, Micheal. A little fairing and she'll be all right and proper. Ah.. deck beams... two choices unless you have access to a laser cutter... either cut them with a scroll saw/band saw, or soak, heat/steam, and bend. That's about your only options.
  19. Beautiful as always, Glenn. I'm streaming some random music today and while i'm reading your log, Proud Mary by CCR started playing... Made for a perfect mood.
  20. What a great set of pictures of the finished model, Alexandru. Congratulations.
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