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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Steve, Engine room looks great. It may not be seen by most folks unless you open up the cabin area, but you'll know it's there. Well.. we'll know it too..
  2. Nice work there, Mike. Yep... boring but necessary. The No. 15 is a very useful blade for me. It's gets into places nothing else will. They also make a No. 11 sized saw blade which is also great.
  3. Richard, See if you can find Dodds & Moore Building the Wooden Fighting Ship. It's a pretty easy read and has lots of good info from how selected and managed the forests, to raising the frames, bending the planking, even iron mongey. Basically, the planking was put into the steamer for 1 hour per inch thickness plus (as I recall) one hour for the plank. It would have been already spiled when it went into the steamer if needed. They would haul it out and put it on using something like jackscrews to bend it into position and hold it while it cooled.
  4. Cathead, The only way I can see is spiling the planks at the bow. Check out the planking tutorials here on MSW and in the database. There's one by Chuck that's pretty foolproof.
  5. Thanks for the comments and support. Sam, I can't answer that about sealing the ports and how well it worked. The French frigates didn't have lids on the gundeck as it was exposed in the waist. They use bucklers insead (a one or two piece scheme of a lid fitted to the outside and then secured from the inside. Tom Short answer.. they stay full width or should. However, for eye appeal, I probably should taper maybe a 32nd of an inch... I'll give that some thought when I start laying planks again. The bigger issue is that if I taper them, I'll have to use some stealers at the stern. Right now, still shaping things. I do need to make a Lowe's trip for a profile/contour gauge to duplicate this work to the other side. Better leave the CC at home and only take cash for this run....
  6. Gawd, that's bad on them. I'm surprised they just didn't contact you instead wrapping some string a glue. I'm gong to join the others and sit back to watch and learn.
  7. Richard, I hope you're not confused by my efforts. I'm on the learning curve here. Yes, the real ones did have some extreme bends. Mine are/were over extreme as I didn't have the curve of the tuck right. I'm still working on this area, btw.
  8. No worries, Mick. I'm like you.. I can use the advice, critique, and encouragement. You're doing a super fine job on her.
  9. Tom, Those are the planks, not battens.. just not 100% fitted and sanded. The darker one was still wet. As for tapering, only at the bow are they tapered as such. The French planking is a bit different for frigates of this era than the British or Americans used. They used use 8-12 strakes of thick and wide planking and then went to "normal" (for some value of "normal") planking. The hull is very smooth and unbroken without the obvious wales of the Engish/American ships. Footnote.. the wales are 1 foot wide, for 9 strakes on the 8-pdr frigate. The "normal" planks are 8" wide. Thanks Dan. You're probably right. I've pulled off the three planks landing on the tuck and will sand a bit more. While I agree about the eddys I'm not sure they apply on this ship (I could be wrong) as the waterline is between the lowest full transom and that small transom above the filler block. Hmm... she drew 17 feet with the lowest gun port sitting 4 feet out of the water. The stern windows lower end is at the top of the aft most gunport. They really did play on perception to make this ship look bigger than she really was. I note that the British did a similar deception with the Roebuck by putting an upper row of dummy stern windows on a 44 gun frigate to make it appear to be a 64 or 74 from astern.
  10. Frank, I'm glad you're happy about the change. Rigging is tough enough but if you can't get the rope secured, it becomes a royal pain.. been there, turned the air blue. The new rails do look more in scale.
  11. Mick, Run one back when your reworking and check... It might just be my eyes are deceiving me.
  12. I'm hoping for opinions.. and fear not, I can take critique... I've sanded and shaped quite a bit on the last cant frame and the transoms. Is this better? Does it need more work? I removed 5 planks, the 3 now installed are only tacked into place and will need beveling, etc. But I wanted to get an opinion. I'm thinking they look 100% better, but not sure how "accurate" it is. Do I need more work on this area? I managed to sort out what my references show (unfortunately, no planking expansion but that's to be expected) for plank that's now wrapped around a bit. Which what the references seem to show. Thanks in advance.
  13. Richard, Best information is that the company is gone. The owners were killed in a car wreck and I guess the kids decided to close the business rather than run it themselves. It was basically a two-person shop that catered to the RR hobby.
  14. Looking sweet Popeye. I'm glad you figured out that fascia problem without going nuts.
  15. Mick, Looks super nice. Re-check your breeching line length. The look short to my eye. The gun should be able to recoil back so that the muzzle is inside the gunport.
  16. Just.... wow!!!! I go along with Danny.. only one of you? !!!!! Your model room is a museum.. better than some museums I've seen.
  17. The catheads look fantastic Nenad. Impressive work, my friend. Do stay cool... I think you're right about the seventh circle of hell.
  18. Nice kevels, Frank. I hate to sound like a party pooper but the pinrails seem awful thick. Take some appropriate size line and fake a belaying and make sure it grabs and holds the bottom of the pin. Maybe it's just angle of the picture....
  19. Jay, I remembered where I'd seen hammocks... Toni's log: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/198-hms-atalanta-by-tlevine-1775-148-scale-from-tffm-plans/page-24#entry177468 It might help. There's discussion after that post. I think yours look good but you seem to be not a happy camper.. I hope the link helps.
  20. Have a look here: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/6633-john-bowen-retires-at-shipwright/ I don't think there will one....
  21. Nice work, Mike and a nice catch on the frame ends. You're doing a super job on the frames.
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