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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Sjors, Nice work on the head. And a nice picture of you and the bus.
  2. Bob, Excellent work on the gun and the rigging. I think there should have been another set of tackles to return the slide forward to firing position. Probalby rings on the slide and two more near the front of the base.
  3. John, That's for the rear pivit pin. The gun could be rotated and then pinned at either the front or the back.
  4. Fortres, Please post your pictures in the Gallery. Then modify your post to link to the gallery instead of "hijacking" Alexandru's build. Thanks.
  5. It's nice to see you and your Reale de France returning, Gimo.
  6. Augie, You're moving right along again. Popeyes picking up the pace. Sjors is being Sjors. Once more all is well in the world. Lovely standing rigging, by the way, which helps make everything well again.
  7. No pressure Mobbsie... well, maybe from Sjors. But when the time is right, we do want pictures.
  8. Very nice work, Rosmarie. I had a hard time figuring out it was paper until I went back and started at the top again.
  9. Patrick, Getting the ratlines done is a milestone, though it feels like a millstone when you're in the middle of them.. I'm looking forward to see the full ship pictures.
  10. Jan, Wonderful work. The rigging is coming along well and looking very nice.
  11. Gary, This is wonderful. Sort of like watching a movie for the second time. You see the details you missed the first time.
  12. Wow! Just beautiful, Doris. A real masterpiece in the making.
  13. I'm using a Hitachi that I got for a good price. Quiet, relatively vibration free. I made a zero clearance plug from plywood shimmed to be perfectly flat with the table. I'll make a post on my blades when I get home tonite. Greg H. (dvm27) recommended them on the old site and all my info is at home.
  14. Doris, Thank you for sharing this with us. I look forward to following along and watching a master at work.
  15. Nice to you re-starting the buildlog, Foremast. This is an interesting ship/cog/boat....something that floats. Anyway, I'll be looking forward to following along.
  16. Looking super Larry. Those beams are a bear and your's came out perfectly.
  17. Hmm... is that the one with the toothpick that holds from the other side of the frame?
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