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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. HI Kevin Really, really, really impressive! I can see that your four legged friend agrees, as well. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Dimitris Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.. The details are really popping out! Just marvellous. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi George. Many thanks and yep, you're right - in retrospect, maybe I should've named her Challenger instead of Majellan! HI Pete - thanks - you're sure right about the Cabin...I'm still trying to figure out how to make the individual decks within the superstructure itself lift off so that you can view the detail inside. Mmmm, should be fun... Hey Bob! Many thanks - she's shaping up to be a lot of fun, that's for sure. Thanks David - Yep, I'll use styrene for the majority of the superstructure, as it seems to be the most suitable material that I can think of. Thanks Nils - Come to think of it, Magellan's hull is probably just big enough to fit on your KMDG as a lifeboat! Thanks Greg - Greatly appreciated. I haven't seen the MKR promos yet, but I'm sure the DUSNUS will make sense once I see it! Thanks John! I'm glad that you're enjoying my log as well as those of my other ships. Greatly appreciated. Thanks BDGiantman. The 3D photos were a bit of fun, but also a means to get me to focus on the final product, i.e. what Magellan can look like with the superstructure added.
  4. Hi everyone Thanks for all of your comments and likes! Greatly appreciated. A very quick update. I've been spending some time doing lots of work to get the internal layout correctly laid out. Tedious work and, not much to show for it. Nonetheless, I thought I'd loosely attach the lines drawing of the superstructure against the hull as a means of keeping me motivated. Anyhow, here are the photos. Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Mehmet Masterful weathering! It's as if the boat's been exposed to the sun-bleached elements for decades. Really, really, convincing work. Well done Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Dave That little beauty is really coming along nicely! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Augustus Nice work! I have to admit that I didn't realise how big the hull was until I saw your You Tube video: She's going to be a beauty once finished. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Mike Beautiful work! I also love the Acrylic jig. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  9. Hi Pete Sweet!!!! What a difference the gloss makes to show off her beautiful lines. Nice! Patrick
  10. Hi Jeff It's certainly great to see you back posting again. I had wondered where you've been, but, of course life always get in the way. Your ship's looking really good and you're certainly off and running now. I look forward to seeing what you're able to get done over the Christmas break. All the best Patrick
  11. Nice work Denis! Don't worry about missing the deadline because they're always made for breaking. I'm going to be following along with baited breath to see where you're heading to with this one. Nice work! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Willie I love the fine detail work you're doing such as the chair, hatch handles, ram, etc. She's certainly looking very nice! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Giorgio I like it! The yellow line really sets the sheer of the hull off nicely. Did you use the masking tape as a guide, or was the line done with pin-striping? Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Dimitris The new photos are really superb! Great photos of a great build. Nice! All the best Patrick
  15. Hi Nils Now, that's a masterpiece! I can't wait until you're able to get back to working on her, but I understand that you need to complete your Pegasus first. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  16. Beautiful work as always, Vaddoc. If I were you, I'd be tempted to post photos of the finished boat on Tad's FaceBook page. I'm sure he'd be pretty pleased with your boat. All the best Patrick
  17. Hey Marc You're definitely off to a great start. I can tell that your sister's going to be well pleased with it! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Piet I'm sure I read that somewhere in America there's a Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ants (SPCA). Apparently, ants are highly valued amongst the modelling community.....LOL.
  19. Hi Nenad It's not important whether the time goes fast or slow, as long as the memories are good. Judging by the photo of the hull, the memory looks sweet! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Frank Just saw Paragon in the other Forum and she looks beautiful! Congratulations!!! Cheers Patrick
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