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Everything posted by tarbrush

  1. it looks just amazing Kees, it's a real pleasure to watch your builds!
  2. awesome work Ray, and I look forward to following your HMS Tantside build when you start!
  3. Thanks for your compliment Steve, I have been enjoying your Shenandoah build as well! I also really like your the quote in your signature. Patsy (derisively): "It's only a model." Arthur: "Sshhh."
  4. Pulling up a chair to watch Dave. Best of luck with you build, your Mayflowers came out beautiful!
  5. oh, I always love to see pictures. sometimes a picture of what went wrong will help another modeler to suggest a fix that you may not have thought of. Take heart and press on though. It seems like modeling is always two steps forward one step back.
  6. good luck with your build Arnie, I am sure it be a stunner! Checked out your Connie build on Fine Scale Model, beautiful job!! I look forward to following your build.
  7. thanks Patrick, yes I am getting a little tired of framing now.
  8. Long time between updates but I have been working steadily, just slow. I am going to go ahead with making the hull in three pieces. I will do much of the interior of the hull, hanging knees and riders while it is in 3 pieces. then put it back in the building jig and join the pieces with the planking. fingers crossed on that. So far I have the bow and stern portion made and rough sanded and I was delighted to find they can be removed from the building jig and then put back on with no trouble whatever. The next job will be to finish the center portion, then the fun work of detailing the interior begins.
  9. Frank, the worn black paint on the bench seat in post 139 is absolutely amazing!! Could you show us another picture of it?
  10. Wonderful build!!! I love the subtle weathering worn look of the bulwarks in the last photo, great work Angarfather!
  11. Thanks for the photos Jan! you've given me some good ideas. I really like the glass top.
  12. looks beautiful Don, I really like the color contrast of the wood planked hull to the black top
  13. it really does look like it was difficult, congrats on pulling it off, it looks amazing!
  14. Looks real good Adrieke! a video of the flickering would be cool.
  15. Hi Scott, sad to hear you are stopping you build log! I have really been enjoying it. Will be looking forward to when you continue it again! best wishes, john
  16. Jan-Willem, thanks, I will be looking forward to them!
  17. 7 Provinces, Please please pictures!!! , this sounds like the perfect modeling table! I would love to see a photo tour of this bench you have built.
  18. John, thanks for the link to Ngineering, I am planning to light my present build. Burnside, your build for Mariefred is beautiful, I love the looks and the size and would like to build one myself, have you noticed any of the problems that Puckotread noticed with the Bohuslän kit?
  19. Hi Bryan, your model is looking good. have you decided how to finish your deck? one thing I like to do is take some of the scrap decking and make up a few test decks. some small pieces about an inch or two square and then try different finishes on them, you can throw them on the deck and see which you like the looks of.
  20. time for another update, I have all the frame blanks made, and have cut and fit the major body plan stations, now I will put the bevel on each frame before cutting the inside face of the frames. I just had to see what it was going to look like with the inside edge of the frames cut, so I did the first four midship frames, nothing has been glued yet. I am going to wait to glue anything till I am satisfied I have a fair hull.
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