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Old Collingwood

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Posts posted by Old Collingwood

  1. 15 minutes ago, Javlin said:

    You know OC they make a canopy glue almost like a white glue maybe like Gator Glue that goes on thick and have a q-tip ready(pointy ones Tamyia I like) damp it on the tongue and wipe.The glue fills those gaps for you you do not need it often but bombers seem to have more problems.;) Kevin


    Oh and a good save!

    Thank you Kevin,   I have a  tube of that Revell Contacta Pro  glue  (the one with the fine needle tube)  its very precise and goes down a thin layer,  but also a thin layer can also go on to hide any tiny gaps  when set  - kind of looks like a weld  smooth weld seam.



  2. 2 minutes ago, lmagna said:

    Even though I am certain that the company Kevin supplied ships internationally, as does the offering on eBay for the same canopy, here is a company that is UK based if you decide that you want to start over. 



    Thanks lou,   yep I know Hannants    I have brought off them in the past,   I will have a go with mine for now  -  after I have painted it up  and test fitted it (what I should have done correctly in the first place)   then I will make the decision  to go ahead with mine or  have a look at Hannants.



  3. I have tried to rescue the canopy,  I glued the edge on the inside where the crack started  and then  worked on the  loose section that had fell out, this was glued back in  then I did some tidy up, where the crack is visible I will paint a part  framework and do the same on the opposing side so they match.


    Pics show dry fitted  still needs  painting and fitting.




  4. 11 hours ago, Egilman said:

    Paint and decals look pretty good to me also..... I built this kit a couple of decades ago.... 

    I painted it up in it's USAAC version......


    Unfortunately it met it's fate many years ago when grandson was doing touch and goes with it.... (he couldn't quite get the correct rate of descent when trying to land, he always picked short runways also)


    Good looking bird, the night penetrators were especially disliked by the Luftwaffe....

    Thank you for the reply.



  5. 4 minutes ago, lmagna said:

    How do you know? If one drives upside down and on the wrong side of the road they could end up anywhere!:D He might be sneaking up on your backdoor even now 

    Are but  - our back door would be gregs  front  first floor  door  - he would  need to stand on his head  on upside down  stilts  - while jumping down/up down/up  and I wouldn't be able to understand him  as his speech would be upside down - back to front   - very odd.



  6. Hi all,   just put on the two wingtip nav lights  (just see through plastic)   then I decided to have a go at the wing  decals, I started with a couple of tiny ones under the wing  -  I put them down using Microset  first  then after about five minutes after I had wicked away any moisture  -  I then brushed on some Microsol   and left it to dry, then I turned the wing over and  placed the rad warning decal  - same again  Microset  placed wicked away the  moisture with a cotton bud, then  I did the same with the Roundel, after this was placed again with Microset  and wicked away - I then waited about ten minutes  and brushed on some Microsol.

    I guess I need to leave this till tomorrow before putting anymore Microsol on if needed?



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