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Everything posted by Sailor1234567890

  1. Great information here. Anyone have more to add? The imagery takes this thread over the top.
  2. Great information here. Anyone have more to add? The imagery takes this thread over the top.
  3. It would be my first wooden kit and my Cutty Sark done as a teenager 25 years ago or more was certainly over simplified in the rigging department as well. I think this one will be my first kit when I come to building my first kit. Sooner rather than later I hope.
  4. Does anyone know how that capstan would work with the companionway right beside it? I can't tell if the capstan bars would clear the top of it. That would certainly take away some of the muscle power provided as the men skip around the companionway to grab the bars again as they come past it on the other side....... Your hooks.... Amazingly small. Nice job. I don't think I could do that. Yes, binnacles were often lashed down like that.
  5. Would this kit be acceptable for a first go? It's no Vanguard and certainly more involved than a ship's boat. Rigging that's not too complex (I've rigged a Cutty Sark but that was years ago) and not so simple as to be boring either. I would build her as Witch of Endor that Hornblower uses to escape the French in Flying Colours. I think this kit is about as close as one can get to the vessel described in the book. 10 gun cutter, sweeps. Leave out the swivel guns, maybe change the companionway hatch, move the holes for the sweeps forward a bit as the work described seems to be forward as described in the book. All easy changes to make to this kit. One could even build her with Bush at the tiller, Brown yelling at the freed galley slaves pulling on the oars and Hornblower and the French pilot manning the port side aft 6 pounder. Any thoughts on it?
  6. French ship Ocean at 1:2 scale in his "basement"? LOL
  7. Oh, I'm quite surprised. I would have thought much bigger. Thanks for that.
  8. I have an image of me in my Tilley hat at her helm on a daysail in the harbour. She handles beautifully. You can really feel her power up as you fall off the wind.
  9. What would a cross sectional dimension of the keel be? I estimate somewhere in the 2x2 foot range? 2x3 even?
  10. Forget impossible, it wouldn't be correct to include it I don't think. These sails were rigged when required and struck below to the sail locker with the attendant blocks and rigging only rove when the sail was to be set. You're SURE you don't want to put a few studding sails on just for show?
  11. Like everything is laid out for the Captain's inspection. Looks great. Keep it up.
  12. Looking forward to seeing how you manage as well Ed. I think at sea, things like stuns'ls were belayed to any convenient pin over top of whatever was already on it if that's any help. They were after all a light weather sail and seen as bonus sail area as opposed to part of a vessel's actual sail plan.
  13. Exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks.
  14. Simply amazing. How are Spanish 74s different from French or English ones? I can't seem to find much information about them anywhere. I think I read somewhere that they are often of a better quality but in what ways? Your work is stunning, looking forward to seeing more of it.
  15. I tend to agree with you about how they look. I'm curious to see what she'd look like with the changes made.
  16. A quick question, are these AL Surprise kits designed with the larger main mast described in the Aubrey Maturin books or as the ship really was built? Beautiful build. I love the display stand so far. Going to look sharp.
  17. How long does the card last once the model is completed? Seems to me if you're not careful with storing it, it could deteriorate easily. Beautiful work you've done there.
  18. She truly is a beautiful craft. If only she could be put back to sea.
  19. What happens to the other half of that cow hitch? When I was rattling down back in the day, we used to put an eye splice on the forward end and seize it to the forward shroud, clove hitch the middle shrouds and an eye splice seized to the aftermost shroud always making sure not to put tension between the shrouds so as not to pull them together inadvertently. I don't see where a cow hitch is best used for this purpose.
  20. Funny how poorly some people can be treated. Here, we have a shortage of doctors. They are also paid by the government. They are not regulated how long per patient but the more sloppy ones will do 10 minutes, most will do longer appointments. Rural areas are particularly hard hit with most doctors wanting to work in larger centers where there are more resources, patients and opportunities. It's too bad they can't have decent work conditions and have to leave home to find meaningful employment. I'm sure she's making the right decision and all will turn out fine for her. Look at the bright side, once she's set up in her new place, you'll have another excuse to visit new parts of the world.
  21. I sailed a ship that was built in the 1960s. HMCS PRESERVER. She had a pilotage bridge from which we could post lookouts at sea. In warm sunny weather it was beautiful. When the weather was not so clement, we simply remained inside. Lookouts outside though, always kept the lookouts outside.
  22. I see you're in Ontario, Canada. I grew up in Cornwall, a few hours down the river from you. You can access ALL of the books through Inter Library loan. Decide what series, (start with Hornblower I'd suggest) and order each book in turn as you need it. The Hornblowers will read quickly, 150-200 pages of pretty easy reading per book. By the time you reach POB, they're 3-400 pages each and the reading is not beginner reading. Still well worth reading all of them. I have them all on my shelves and read through each series in turn from time to time.
  23. I've read all the books of each series you mention in your original post with the exception of the last. I've read one or two books by Nelson but not any entire series. I started with Hornblower as a young kid of 12 or so. I started POB later in life. I would place him far and away the best of the genre. His character development and storylines are incredible. He puts you in the era. Hornblower and Bolitho are easier to read and also excellent stories. In fact, I would say my favourite story is of Hornblower drifting down the river Loir to escape Napoleon's soldiers. Excellent reading. It's a bit later in the series though. If you want my suggestion, read them all. Start at book one of the Kydd series perhaps. Or the Hornblower or Bolitho series. Don't start with POB or you'll be disappointed when you move on to the others. Enjoy them all then join the Aubrey Maturine appreciation society group on Facebook. There truly is a cult following of POB.
  24. I picked up 3 volumes in English of the 74 gun ship when I was at the maritime museum in Brest. They didn't have all 4 volumes in English so I held off on one. I read all four when I was in university. My school had the two best nautical libraries I've ever seen. There were several monographs and books in the museum gift shop as well. I could have spent a lot more there if it wasn't for the Canadian dollar's value to the euro.
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