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James H

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Posts posted by James H

  1. 13 minutes ago, ASAT said:

    James, I found that some 1.9lb EPP foam (like computer, electronics shipping protection) the really stiff stuff works a treat as a sanding block - easily shaped with a serrated knife, and provides enough stiffness but still conforms to a concave, curved shape.   Depending on what part of the hull you are fairing, you need various shaped blocks.....  I have also wanted to try these  https://woodworker.com/soft-contour-hand-sanders-mssu-150-362.asp?GF=150-362

    I was thinking about a very thin and narrow piece of ply, maybe about 4 inches long, and wrapped in abrasive paper. Anything with varying densities could mean than they'll not act as a bulwark against any internal irregularities. 

  2. I reckon there's probably enough here to merit a quick update before this model is soon completed. Pretty sure I'm now in the last week of the build. I just spent Sunday plus Mon and Tue evenings doing the rats and they are now sealed before I do photos. 


    Going back a little, the masts were the next things to be built, starting with the lower mast tops. Dead simple to build as you can see. Tapering the mast sections was a lot easier on my Proxxon lathe too. 









    Before fitting the masts, I added the hawse cable and finally fitted the grating through which is runs. Then on with the masts!





    Yards are also nice and simple, with no hexagonal centre section, so these went together quite quickly before being painted and fitted out. 


    Time to rig.

    Bowsprit (here just needing the bowsprit stays adding.



    One thing I really love doing are the shrouds (he says sarcastically). I like fitting those about as much as the catharpins and rats. 🤣

    Here you can see the shrouds fitted, just waiting to be ratted. 






    ...and that really IS it now until she's complete. 


    Le Coureur will soon be sharing my bench with HMS Victory once I've done the final Duchess photos. 



  3. 34 minutes ago, EKE said:


    Thanks Jim!  Great information.  Are you using a tool to apply the gel, or using the nozzle of the glue bottle to apply?


    No, I apply straight from a bottle of Gorilla Glue CA gel. It's quite controllable. I love the stuff and it's been a godsend this last 7 months since I've been working for Vanguard.



  4. 1 hour ago, EKE said:


    Question for you Jim, regarding your technique for the second planking.  You have said you used CA gel to attach the planks, and you described placing spots of CA periodically along the back of the plank, and progressively pressing and holding the plank into position while the gel sets.  What about the edges of the plank?  Are you gluing the edge of the new plank to the edge of the last one? 


    For second plank, I don't edge glue. I can't see the point as the planks won't be moving anywhere. I do bevel the edges of the planks to make them sit as close as possible to the previous.


    Also, those little gel dots are maybe 2mm apart, roughly, and quite small. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, MEDDO said:

    I can scroll around and zoom in and out just fine but when I hover over a pin and/or click on it I cannot find out who that is.  This is on a iMac running Safari 14.0.  Interesting on both the iPad and iPhone it works just fine.

    I have asked the developer about this.


    If you double click on a marker, or right click (I think, as I'm on a Mac), I do see who the marker is, but that should be a simple hover function.

  6. 54 minutes ago, bruce d said:

    Sorry if I was unclear: I did nothing. A notice appeared in my activity log advising me that I had put a marker in the community map when I had not even visited that page. When I followed the link in the activity log notice it took me to the community map page and a marker for me was already there.




    I see 'UK' as your location under your avatar. I mean that the system looks at your location and translates it to a marker on the map.

  7. 3 hours ago, bruce d said:

    So you will know, it just put me in the wrong place. I found a notification in my activity page that I had added a marker (I hadn't) and when I checked it showed my location as NW England.

    So you will know, in an earlier post there is an image of a map of the UK (perhaps others saw different locations?) and that is where my marker ended up.




    If you only put a country, it will put a marker roughly in the middle of it, so you got the NW.


    Our system seems to be adding lots of markers dependent on what members added to profiles.



  8. Hi all,


    A short while ago, we added a map system to MSW. This allowed you to add your location/town/city to the system which would then add a pin on our global map. When we updated MSW, this became redundant as it was incompatible. 


    We have now installed Community Maps to MSW, which works in exactly the same way as the previous. This will allow you to find any member close by, who has also added their location. A great tool for finding if there are members near you for joining any clubs perhaps, or kit trades/sales etc. 


    This is an entirely voluntary application, meaning you manually place your location pin into the map. You can do this manually or get the system to grab your location and drop the virtual pin for you. 


    If members added their location, this could be an invaluable tool as well as a generally interesting feature here at MSW.


    This is a members-only facility. To access it, click this dropdown:

    Screenshot 2020-10-06 at 08.25.17.png


    You will also see an extra area on your profile page, like this:


    Screenshot 2020-10-06 at 08.28.40.png



    If you added your pin to the previous version, you will need to DO IT AGAIN. Our apologies.


    Have fun with this. I'm going to spend a little while playing around with it.


  9. 33 minutes ago, Tankerman said:

    I am nowhere near ready to start construction of this kit yet but have been studying the instructions, plans and components from the two boxes.

    The photo shows one of the many frame component sheets and you can see engraved lines on the frame components that require fairing. My assumption is that each clinker step will need to be filed to the line to achieve fairing - a lengthy but necessary process.


    That's my assessment too.

  10. 1 hour ago, Keithbrad80 said:

    Hey James, 


    Im really enjoying this build! You are certainly more skilled than I! I’m sure you have thought of it all by now but when it comes to planking are your worried at all the weight of the ship might make it really tough to plank? The frame certainly looks strong enough to support its own weight, but personally i like having the ability of moving my ship around while planking, do you think the weight of the ship might make that process harder? I’m looking forward to watching this build, its going to be an absolute masterpiece!




    Hi Bradley,


    It's already quite heavy and I've only got as far as installing the lower gun deck, sans details. The hull itself is perfectly workable in terms of manhandling for sanding and planking, for its size. It will of course get much heavier, but I intend to plank this whilst led on my bench. There's no other way really. When I finally sand it, I'll do that outside with a thick towel on the floor on which I'll prop the model whilst I work.

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