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About d'brat

  • Birthday 10/09/1947

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    Phoenix, AZ

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  1. Holy cow. That has more pieces than my Lego Titanic. And the instruction manual(s) will probably be as long. Absolutely amazing.
  2. Maybe a few things that could apply to a variety of ships from many manufacturers at a variety of skill levels like: Are all of the wood pieces and fittings there? Missing parts can ruin a Badger builder's day as well as a Victory's Quality of the wood? Planking material smoothness, grain, flexibility, no knots. Sheet parts solid with few missing plys Quality of the laser or die cut parts like bulkheads? Warped, twisted, not cut through. Quality of fittings? rough lumps or precise detail. Completeness of assembly instructions? Step-by-step good photos or just a plan sheet in an unreadable language. Experts won't care as much but a high quality kit might have these even if they are geared towards advanced builders Clarity of rigging diagrams? Every line or just a rough drawing Overall appearance of a completed build? Very subjective but you know a model just looks out of proportion or has odd lines even if it is assembled exactly according to instructions I'm a relative beginner but knowing even those things would help me pick my next project. A manufacturer with lots of low results in areas I care about could be avoided. . Everyone could apply relative scoring weights based on their own interests. Can you tell I'm one of those guys that makes lists?
  3. Thank you for the reminder. I did not do a full count of the little bits even though I knew that I should. I've not been building for a couple of months but I will definitely do the count when I get back to it (hopefully) soon. When you were short where did you order the replacements? My kit came from a local hobby shop so I don't have a mail-order distributor to use.
  4. Thank you. Your build looks great. I have not been able to work on my for a while but hope to be back at the "shipyard" soon. I'm sure I will have a lot of questions then. One questions that I already have is how you tapered the bow before planking. Did you shape it to a vee first then planked it and then squared it off to glue on the final stem piece or did you glue the stem piece on before planking and then notched it to accept the planks? Not sure if I'm describing it clearly but I know the instructions do not cover that.
  5. How about a Dumas Typhoon - beautiful non-sailing-ship
  6. Does anyone else look at this topic first thing to see what's new and inspirational? And are you disappointed like me if the update is just a non-informational comment like this one? My stash is building up for the day when Chris' newest design hits the market.
  7. I had to go back twice to see the date you started. You make planking look fast and easy. You even mastered the bluff bow. Is every plank nailed?
  8. This looks like it will be a very impressive model. The original ship is rusting away in Philly harbor waiting for a rich angel to save it. I've been on it several times and have thought about building the plastic kit that is available. The limited production nature of your project will provide you something very exclusive when you are done. Good luck with the hul shape and deck.
  9. You dig a great job with it for a first time. The veneer looks so fragile. I would probably have had a very costly wad of wood at the end.
  10. Very impressive. Everywhere you look there is more detail. Did you have many "Oh, Drat" moments attaching the wood veneer to the deck? It looks totally smooth.
  11. Very impressive kit. Are you planning on leaving the acre of wood planking just varnished or are you painting the hull?
  12. Even after all those months lurking I never knew about clicking on the photo. Thank you. Now I'm even more impressed with the details of the PE on this build.
  13. Hi Jack You are moving fast but after two full careers you certainly deserve the leisure time. Should we tell the rest of the forum about our weather today in AZ? Other than the trimming you mentioned did you try to loosen the fit of the frames on the keel at all so you could adjust the squareness with the Lego blocks or did you rely on the pre-cut snug fit of the pieces? How well is the keep clamp working for you?
  14. Do you have to warm the paint can to get the finest spray or does just the shaking prevent any splatters. You must have a verrrry steady hand to draw lines around the tiny bits. Do0 you have any before and after close ups of the detailiing effect?
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