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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. The copper sheathing looks great Ken! You're building her like you've built her a half-dozen times before!
  2. Congrats on getting past this milestone Keith. Oh and congrats on the new camera also!
  3. She's beautiful Gaetan, and the photography is outstanding! Love that set-up!
  4. Your carvings look good to me Piet! Some say the Rapa Nui was the civilization that created the Moi on Easter Island. But the Rapa Nui say they didn't.
  5. Hands down, the "home-made" wheel's definitely the way to go! Very nice work Bug!
  6. I like the lowered roof Dennis. I'm curious now, to see what's going on top. Gun Deck??
  7. Nice job with the sails and tying them to the spars. Love the over-all shot too!
  8. Congrats Dave! All that carving had to be a daunting task to say the least.
  9. That's a really good likeness of the carving in the pic Dave. Is that one that needs a duplicate also?
  10. Upper right corner Dave! You need to be on the main page of what ever thread you want to post a new topic in. In this case: "Build Logs for SCRATCH SHIP MODEL PROJECTS".
  11. Looks great Sjors. 4 more mouses? I have every faith that you won't have any problem!
  12. What the other guys said Piet! We all know it'll turn out fine!
  13. Looking good Dave! Can't imagine doing that myself with these eyes of mine!
  14. Is the lower-hull going to be double-planked, along with the pre-formed sides?
  15. Nice job on those headrails Jesse! The symmetry is perfect!
  16. Big shoes to fill indeed Bug, but I'm sure you're up to it, and will do him proud!
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