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Everything posted by hof00

  1. Hi, Could I please respectfully reply to this thread? Yup, an Awesome release.... I have the "Hatchette/Partworks" 1/200 version purchased a few years ago. Looks like quite a bit of an upgrade. Costs for mine were something like the following: 1st issue: $16.00 Subsequent issues: $30.00 (X 140 Issues) Something like that anyway.... Built the basic hull thus far and some superstructure. (- the RC) I can take a few photos if requested. and post here if James is o.k. with that. Regards....HOF.
  2. Awesome work!! Quick question, what adhesive did you use for the Stainless around the Funnel? Cheers....HOF.
  3. Good evening Sir, I am in awe at the detail, attention to detail and the execution!! Cheers and Regards, HOF.
  4. Absolutely Awesome!! I think that this could be interpreted as a "Master Class." (Am I wrong?) Cheers....HOF.
  5. Thanks Chap, Tried Acorn Models, no joy, finally Hobby World, Auckland.... We'll see how it pans out, was hoping that others, (Inc yourself ? 🙂 ) could offer some experience/advice. I guess I'll find out in the next couple of days. 🙂 Good to see a NZ Presence!! Cheers....HOF.
  6. Hi All Looking in to the PE adhesive thing.... Alternatives to CA when attaching PE. Could not find Gator Grip anywhere in New Zealand but did find "Ammo Ultra Glue." It's acrylic and supposedly perfect for PE. I have ordered a couple of these, righty or wrongly.... Any experience or comments?
  7. Nice start Sir!! Brings back some fond memories. Will follow your progress with interest. Cheers....HOF.
  8. Hi Chap, Is that similar to EZline? (I recently got some of EZline from the States, (After a wait of a few months 🙂 ), makes me wonder if I have chosen the incorrect thickness. The thought is that I'd use eventually use on the 1/200 Trumpeter Bismarck. From memory, EZ line size is 0.1 and 0.2) Cheers....HOF.
  9. Looks awesome!! What medium will you use for the Rigging? Cheers....HOF.
  10. Awesome! Just lurking in the shadows of MSW.... 🙂 Just a question, not too much "Sweat" but does the detail extend to Turret "Blast Bags" with the kit? Railings/Ladders/Etc? (Interested but way out of my budget in New Zealand.) (Got the Trumpeter 1/200 version and Amati 1/200, (Part works), not to mention 1/350 Tamiya....) (I guess I'm a Bismarck Nut.... One day.... 🙂) Following with interest. .. I am sure your son will love the experience. 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF00)
  11. Hi Chap, Very nice build!! I'm hooked also, I think it's partly due to the scent of the A/L new kit wood.... 🙂 Wot's next? Cheers....HOF.
  12. Hi Chap, Awesome build.... 😀 I am in awe.... (Do you use a "Loupe?") Cheers....HOF.
  13. Hi Chap, Just wondering if you "Hold your breath" attaching the miniscule bits.... 🙂 (I'm turning "Blue" for you!!) (I did find Pink Floyd's "Breathe" helped me in the past for rigging stuff.... 🙂) Cheers....HOF.
  14. Thanks Bradley, I returned to the search of NZ woodworking tool suppliers yesterday and spoke to a company in Auckland. They had just received a shipment of various items, Inc. drive belts.... Seems that they, like myself, had been waiting months, all to do with the COVID thing. They adv. that the model, MC1018 is fairly generic. So, ordered a belt, this will hopefully arrive today, the next thing will be to disassemble the Head Stock and fit said belt.... 🙂 Thank you for your advice and assistance. Very much appreciated. Cheers and Regards, Harry./
  15. Thanks Chap, Unfortunately, the users manual dos not give me a drive belt size. 😞 Yup, agree with your sentiments regarding manufactures "Consumables." Cheers....HOF. ,
  16. Hi All, The subject of this post is not really Modeling Tools but some advice regarding the "Midi" Lathe above. I utilize this to "Turn and Taper" Masts and spars, so, a modelling tool.... 🙂 Anyway, I put in a call to a New Zealand supplier, months ago.... After many calls the suppliers vendors do not seem to be too worried about "Consumables," more concerned about new tool turnover. So, I am after some advice in locating a suitable Drive Belt and have seen on Amazon, but would like some confirmation from someone more learned than myself degrading such things. (Seems to be the same configuration as "Rockler" and others.) I do not have the Belt dimensions as I gave the old one to the NZ supplier. Many thanks in advance, if possible.... 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF00)
  17. Thanks Chap, I am waiting on a Lathe Drive Belt for my MC1018 Lathe so I can turn the Mast.... I sawed a length of Dowel in half and glued it back together, (In about 10mm quarters), so I can turn it. Once turned, the idea is to separate the halves and groove each half to accommodate the wiring. Once everything is in place, (Inside/Outside the Mast), I can glue the halves back together and "Step" it. (That's the plan anyway.) While I wait, I'm making a foray into the "Dark Side" with a 1/400 Academy Titanic for my partner, she is a big Titanic fan!! This is not as easy as I thought, PE is a new and Fiddly medium to me at the mo. (Waiting again on a Vallejo Paint delivery one day soon.... 🙂) So, the Drive Belt is certainly taking a very long time.... The New Zealand Vendors don't seem to be able to find this "Consumable." (I saw one on Amazon but have held off ordering, not for much longer though.... 🙂) (I seem to be stuck in the "Waiting" parallel reality.... 🙂) Cheers....HOF.
  18. Hi Marc, Pretty much settled in.... Still plenty to do but getting there. I'll be "Lurking" around to see progress on your beautiful Cutty.... 🙂 Cheers and Regards, Harry.
  19. Hi Chap, Great to see your post and photos, looking really good!! The Mill looks awesome, good to add some versatility to the workshop. Yup, appreciate the motivation thing with COVID, Etc. Been having issues myself, however, this could have something to do also post my house move.... 🙂 Small sessions on Your Cutty is still progress, a few more sessions and you'll be finished before you know it!! Cheers....HOF.
  20. So, I need to ask, are you going to do PE, Rails, Etc. with your build? (At 1/700 it would drive me to distraction.....) Cheers....HOF.
  21. Just awesome Sir!! Looking to get back into the 1/400 Titanic, having enough difficulty at this scale, let alone 1/700.... I take my hat off.... (If I had a "Trilby.... ":-)) Cheers....HOF.
  22. Looking forward Chris. Is this a subject that could be modified for RC? Cheers....HOF.
  23. Hi Greg, Have been following your many builds with interest. A random couple of questions.... Do you have individual Display Cabinets for your wonderful builds? Somewhere out of the Dust and perish the thought, immune from seismic activity. Cheers and Regards, Harry. (HOF00)
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