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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Oops, did I accidentally show one of the little guys I have working for me ? Thanks for the compliments, they are nice to read!
  2. Hello again. I have planked the transom, and have added a couple strakes to the test side. I have decided for certain the planking pattern, and will implement it on the other side (port) after I finish the strake I am working on. Planking will be pretty straight forward. I will update again when I reach some milestone, but it might be a while. After planking is coppering, but that will come when it comes. I have come to feel like my phantom looks more boat like. I guess she just earned more respect from me, because I made her a cradle of sorts . Thanks for any responses, they are always welcome! Until next time !
  3. Are you sure your false keel is straight? In photo 2 it looks to be slightly bent.
  4. Nice job Jesse! They are going to look fantastic with the carronades on them, not to mention when they are rigged on the ship!
  5. I would love to know how to carve. A group build for carving something simple would be nice. I might participate if there were enough people to help and teach me. I also like the idea of a group build of part of a ship. That way, it wouldn't take much time away from my ship. Maybe a group build on a certain part of rigging, like a mast from the deck on up?
  6. I echo what the others have said. Goog luck to Janet with the surgery. Your ship is looking great!
  7. This build should prove fun! I hope you post a picture of it on her desk when you are done!
  8. Those carronades are a major improvement from the kit stuff! They will look great on the ship!
  9. I look forward to seeing you back in the shipyard! Good luck!
  10. Thanks for all the help and comments guys! I will be using the plank bender for the first time for a tricky bend at the stern. I will pick the port side for display because that is the side I did the fist plank second, if you understand that. Would doing a plank on the starboard side, then repeating the same plank on the port work? That way, all the planks on the port side would be the second attempt of itself. What do you think? Lawrence, welcome to my build! Thanks for coming! As for the build being in the scratch build forum, what would classify it as a scratch build? Thanks! Wayne, thanks for the nice comment! You can use my log, but I'm not sure if I am farther than yours and your granddaughters build. I think I might have seen it somewhere on MSW, but I'm not sure where it is now. Isn't it named the Elsa? Have fun building her!
  11. Well, that's a lot to catch up on! I'm sure you will have Majellan back in ship shape soon! It really is too bad when something like that happens .
  12. I have gotten a little bit done over the past week. I drew up, cut, and glued on my first two strakes. I have also decided on a planking pattern, and am preparing my third strake. You might also notice that I cut the rabbets for the bow and stern. Anyway, here are the pictures so I can get back to work! So far, no steam bending has been necessary. I noticed that my second strake looks a little better than my first. My first is on the starboard side. It just goes to show how much I am learning! Spilling is definitely a long process, but I like what I see! Thanks for any comments and advice! Until next time! Edit: The planking looks worse in the photos ! Darn 5 megapixel camera !
  13. Nice progress! It's a lot of fun putting all the pieces together, isn't it? Just as a reminder, I'm not sure if you noticed, but there is a red splotch on your deck starboard of your aft hatch. I hope that was correct terminology ! She is looking fantastic!
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