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Everything posted by Elijah

  1. Good point, I'm going to have to think about that. Maybe a baby gate?
  2. I'm not sure on your questions, but I will look through my favorite book for these kind of issues. (The Lore of Ships)
  3. She looks like she could be a cool looking sailboat! Maybe she could be a schooner. I'm looking forward to where you take this! Keep going !
  4. This is going to be interesting! Will you paint the ship, or leave the bamboo showing?
  5. Thanks for the compliments everybody! I really enjoy reading them. Mike, your farther than me! You've got your bulwarks done, and we both have planking to come. I'm going to go on a vacation for over a week on Thursday, but I may be able to finish my styrene templates before hand. I can also buy some wood filler today, so everything will be ready for hull shaping when I get back. If I finish my styrene templates Today I'll show some pictures. Happy modeling everyone! Until next time.
  6. That's good to hear! She's looking great, and have fun on the rigging! I'm looking forward to that bit .
  7. She's getting farther! I too have some wood from crown timber yard, and I can hardly wait to use it!
  8. Nice Sal! Using wire for the foot ropes is avoid idea. You just have to reduce shine.
  9. Welcome back John! The deck is looking good. That is a good idea, glueing the plank to one side!
  10. Hello folks! I finished lining off the hull, at least if that is vertical lines. I found a problem with the building board, but that has been solved. It just means the starboard station lines are off by a little bit. I also got a lot of styrene boarding. There are 5 boards of decent size. I glued the paper hull templates to a board with some elders school glue. I started cutting these templates out. I will give them a proper trim when I am done cutting them all. Until next time!
  11. Looks good! The lowest one that attaches to the hull appears not to be fully attached. Was this a dry fit? Again, nice painting!
  12. Good thing that's sorted out! I look forward to your second planking!
  13. Good luckwith the move!ihope everything goes smoothly, and that you'll have a very nice new workshop!
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