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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Welcome, Dale, from a NorCal ex-pat. The AVS is a well-regarded kit and is often suggested for beginners since it has minimal rigging and armament. As you have learned, even a "beginner" kit has sufficient challenges for s first-time builder. I hope your renewed enthusiasm will get you past any mental roadblocks on your project. Be sure to start a build log! BTW, depending on your whereabouts, there are at least three very good local ship modeling clubs in California: South Bay Model Shipwrights (Bay Area), Ship Modelers Association (Fullerton), and San Diego Ship Modelers Guild.
  2. Hello, Olya. That is a very nice paint job! This kit is one of the last kits that Ben Lankford designed for Model Shipways -- he was highly regarded for his contributions to the hobby of model ship building.
  3. It's all relative. As far as I'm concerned, once you're in, you're in.
  4. Ouch! Sorry to hear about that. Hope everything goes well for you moving forward.
  5. Hello, John. Most general wooden ship modeling books include material on rigging gun tackles. Local libraries often have these in their catalog. Cheers!
  6. Well, that's got to be slightly embarrassing for OcCre!
  7. Further progress. I'll call this first shot a pic of the "kinda looks like a windlass thingy," even though I know it's not a windlass. Bit more of the interior bow framing added as well. Heads up @Chuck Seiler: That pseudo-windlass thingy took quite a bit of fitting to get it in there right. I had to remove some material on the starboard side. And I also got the port-side interior bulwark planking done. When I originally did the outer planking, I was a little worried, because they didn't have much in the way of gluing surfaces. But once all of the interior framing and planking is added, the hull is actually quite sturdy. Onward!
  8. Hey, hey now!! I don't "despise change." Well, at least not all of it. Okay, maybe most of it. 😋
  9. Strange. I recall seeing part #132 in my instructions -- might be something they caught when they rolled out the new kit. As you are probably well aware, card kit instructions are notorious for the occasional omission or lack of clarity. Learning to work around these is an acquired skill!
  10. These beautiful schooner yachts are eminently worthy of your amazing modeling skills, Keith. Or is that the other way 'round?
  11. Welcome aboard, Mike!
  12. Welcome aboard, Patrick!
  13. And please, folks, we can't emphasize this enough: adding tags willy-nilly and/or not using standard tags will make the system less efficient. Here's a couple more do's and dont's DON'T include ship prefixes, e.g His/Her Majesty's Ship (HMS), USS, USCGS, etc. etc. Just think about it: Does anyone really want to pull up a list of every model on this site that has HMS in the title? DO use the complete and proper name for a kit's manufacturer, no abbreviations. If in doubt, check some of the existing tags for examples. Functionality is really the key, so our staff reserve the right to add, delete, or modify tags as necessary. Thanks for your help on this! P.S. You may have already noticed that MSW staff have already started adding tags to build logs. If you see that your log has already been tagged, please don't add extra tags to it.
  14. Besides the number of guns, the rank of the commanding officer came into play. Frigates were the smallest men-of-war deemed worthy of a post-captain, while sloops were generally led by commanders or lieutenants.
  15. Welcome, Rick! I know nothing of live steam myself, so hopefully someone else here will be able to give you some pointers. Cheers!
  16. Welcome aboard! To be painfully honest, your neighbor didn't do you any favors. That is an old kit that uses antiquated design and manufacturing methods. It's also a difficult subject (frigate). Such a model would be a challenge to even a modeler with some experience, but it is likely to be absolute frustration for a beginner. My advice: set it aside, and if you think that this hobby might be something you could really get interested in, then invest in one of the many newer, better designed kits that are targeted at beginning modelers. A number of such models are available from several companies, including BlueJacket Shipcrafters, Model Shipways, Vanguard Models, and Midwest Products (out of production but still widely available). But the price of your kit is hard to beat, and if you do decide to have a go, then start a build log so that folks can monitor your progress and offer advice. Cheers!
  17. Upper decks planked and hatchway installed. I had to stain a few bits off the model, so I went ahead and also stained the existing interior framing, along with the last plank that I installed. Looks pretty sharp, I think -- it's kind of growing on me.
  18. Very nice work! I notice also the presence of an aquarium lexicon, which suggests there might be an attractive aquarium somewhere about the house?
  19. Next update: Frame extensions and the last planking strake that goes with them completed, along with the remaining interior framing at bow and stern. One issue to look out for, albeit a very minor one, is that the the last three interior frames at the stern had the left and right labels (L and P, in Polish) reversed. Not a big deal, since the parts are identical, but using them as labeled will result in the reverse side of the ply facing out, if that makes a difference to anyone. The fit of the frames isn't as perfect as the next photo suggests; some of the frames extend slightly above the bulwark (how much above depends on how good a planking job one does) and must be cut and sanded flush with the top edge. That takes us through p. 17 of the hull construction.
  20. Welcome aboard, Tim! Kate Cory can be built into a beautiful model -- good luck with it!
  21. Welcome aboard! I would love to visit Arran some day -- the whole west coast of Scotland has a very rugged natural beauty.
  22. Pretty sure they aren't brass treenails, but rather bolts for the clinker planks. But I agree -- they look amiss. I can't help but think that real bolts standing that proud would create significant drag.
  23. I don't know when I will eventually get around to this project, but I do think about it from time to time, especially whether to build it as something more historically correct or to fit it out as a modern pleasure craft -- each possibility suggests different options for upgrading the kit contents. I do also still receive updates from eBay about FS kits being listed, but usually the kits are ridiculously overpriced, as you have stated. For kits that are out of production, use antiquated construction methods, and provide some rather iffy parts, I wouldn't pay more than $20-$30, but I often see them listed for much more. Plus I have a stash of card models that will probably take me several lifetimes to polish off, so I have to think twice about accumulating more projects. 😜
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