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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Just beautiful Karl. Keep the pictures coming, always looking for a new update.
  2. Wow, she is looking Beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep the pictures coming.
  3. Please keep the pictures coming, I love the detail work you are doing. Thanks for sharing the work you are doing.
  4. Like Brain and Mark said it makes a mess when you sand. If you are going to sand with it on the model it would be best to tape off as much of the model as you can, because the dust gets in everything. Try testing it away from the model and you will see what happens. It is always better to be prepared as to what is going to happen then being caught by surprise.
  5. Thanks for the link Tony. I know others here will find the information very useful in working with wood.
  6. I also have the same question. Are you going to weather it, and if so could you tell us how you do it.
  7. Thank you for taking the time to explain how you did the coils. There is always more than one way of doing something, but there is only one way for each of us, if it works for you then do it that way no matter how long it takes. Keep the pictures coming.
  8. Beautiful work, I like the way you are doing the detail to everything. It does take longer, but the finally outcome is going to be beautiful. Keep the pictures coming.
  9. Now you have heard it from a man that works with wood all the time, he does know what he is saying. But it all comes down to you as the builder, you are the BOSS and if you like it then do it. But like I said "Duffer" does know wood. Keep us posted and more pictures.
  10. Excellent work on the rigging. Keep the pictures coming, this is beautiful work.
  11. I really enjoy the work you are doing, the detail is outstanding. I also will be waiting to see the "Steps over the Bow-Sprit". Keep the pictures coming.
  12. We all live and learn, sometime the best way to learn is the hard way. But at least we learn from our mistakes, at least I sometimes do LOL.
  13. Excellent work on the Crown. Keep the pictures coming, she is going to be Beautiful when she is finished.
  14. Excellent work withe riging for the cannons. Keep the pictures coming.
  15. I really can't say anything that hasn't been said before. I have been watching your work since way back when you first started in MSW 1, and now we are MSW 2 I am still blown away each and everytime I see new post from you. Please keep the pictures coming.
  16. Thanks for all the different tips guys, I know they will come in handy for me and others.
  17. Beautiful decking, very happy to see an update. Keep the pictures coming.
  18. aitch, Thank you for posting this again, I am sure others will also find it very useful. Thanks
  19. I am glad that your back working on the KF again. Keep the pictures coming.
  20. Your off to a good start. Keep the pictures coming. I have learn a long time ago that you will never have enough clamps. I always look and see if I can get any when they are on sale, for dome reason Lowe's always seems to be cheaper than Home Depot not sure why but they are.
  21. Thanks for the walk through, I have enjoy every part of it.
  22. I agree with what you have said, we always get in a hurry at the end and then before you know it you starting it all over again. As long as one learns by his or her mistakes they will always be better the next time. Keep the pictures coming.
  23. I really think she looks Beautiful. But this is my option. Keep the pictures coming.
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