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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Kevin, With the detail that your doing and the way it is coming out this is going to be one big Beautiful Ship. Please keep the pictures coming. Will always be watching this build.
  2. Excellent. And that is all I can think off. All the other worlds I can't spell, and spell check doesn't come close. Keep the pictures coming.
  3. Best of luck with the move. I hope and pray nothing happen to you and your family and the Victory.
  4. bigtree1993, Have you read the log from the beginning like when he first started it on MSW1. You might think different about trying to buy one if you can, not too sure you can buy one of the same kits anymore unless someone wants to sell there's. There is another company that has them just can't remember who it is. Someone here will know. But Remco has put a heck of a lot of work into this, had to make things that didn't work or fit. He will tell you.
  5. I would like to have just the see-true Gun kit. Do they sell that by itself? Or does anyone want to see me it?
  6. Your doing an excellent job. The detail is outstanding. Keep the pictures coming, I am always watching builds like yours.
  7. Nice build. The deck work came out very very nice. Your doing an excellent job, keep the pictures coming.
  8. The detail work is out of this world, love the carvings. Keep the pictures coming.
  9. I have nothing but high Comments for Sherline. I have spoken with Fred on the phone for almost an hour, and he talk me out of spending money stupid, he solve the problem I was having and at the same time told me a few trick that work for me. Kat is usually the person who answer the phone when you call, she knows what is what for the Sherline and can answer all your question about any add-on. I will always have nothing but good things to say about Sherline. Glad you are happy with your Lathe and Mill. You have made the right choice to go with Sherline.
  10. Paul is right about "Master Barrel of Poland". I got all the guns and barrels from them for the 1/200 ( 1/192 scale, but not that much size difference ) USS Missouri, it was good service with them. They also have a lot more for your ship them for mine. Someday I will start her.
  11. Thank you very much for taking the time to post the pictures.
  12. Brian, I also made the orrey, did you ever do the other one that they had. It was a small one, I had started it but never finished it. Would like to finished it some day.
  13. She is looking Beautiful. Nice detail work. Keep the pictures coming, I am always watching for new updates.
  14. Excellent as always. I could sit and look at all the pictures of your build all day and night. Keep the pictures coming, always waiting for new updates to your build.
  15. Jerry, No insult at all. it is an old nickname ( besides others that can't be type here LOL ). And yes the crab cakes are good. Your doing a excellent job with all the detail. Keep the pictures coming.
  16. As long as we learn from our mistakes or that of others then we are getting better each time, it's the little things that we don't notice until later and we say to our self why didn't I see that. The next time it will not go un-notice. Thanks for showing us all how the mistake happen.
  17. Jerry, I agree with what you have said. A person does all the beautiful detail and shows it to us on the forum and then covers it all up. Yes some people are happy with knowing that they have done it and it is there, but no ones else know since they can not see it, big deal you have the pictures of it. I remember building the Constitution right before I went in the Air Force when I got out of high school, all the cannons on the lower deck got hidden after all the work of rigging them, now that to me was a waste of time, Thank God my father did all the rigging while I was in booth camp. When I came home on leave it was done, but he told me he will never do another model for me, the way he look at it was you started it now you finished it. I started making planes for awhile and the went back to ships, back then everything was plastic and there was no internet to know about the wood. But I still did everything with only knowing that there was hidden detail that no one could see. It all comes down to the person building the ship/model, you and me can say this and say that but we are not the one that's building it. But to me what a waste of time. When you get up in age you know there is only so much time left and so many ships to build.
  18. amateur, Glad your happy with your new teeth. Can't stand mine, had them all taken out and bone remove so that I could get the new ones. I am so use to not having them that I can't stand to wear them. But without them you have to slow down when you talk or the words don't sound right. And so far I am out a little over $6000.00. Oh well life goes on. And believe me even without them in I can still destroy a big steak without thinking about it LOL.
  19. Excellent work. The time it takes to do what you have done pays off big time. Keep the pictures coming.
  20. Thanks Mark. Very nice link, enjoy reading it very much, never new about the acid in different types of wood. It is an easy way of doing it so that it does look natural. Now to find the tree bark.
  21. Thanks for the tip about using "rosin". I remember that stuff from school when I was a little kid, my Mother had me taking Violin lessons. You know what happen there LOL. Thank you.
  22. She is coming along Beautifully, I love the attention you have taken to the detail. Keep the pictures coming.
  23. Not sure if you can load them all in one post. Maybe Mark or Danny can help you with this. Will be waiting for when you do get the uploaded. Thanks for showing how you do the tree-nails, I like the jig setup. Keep the pictures coming.
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