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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. All I can say is Beautiful. Keep the pictures coming. Excellent detail, and beautiful painting.
  2. Now that has got to suck big time. Hope it heals fast, they always seem to take forever to heal. And you always seem to hit it on everything and anything. Best of luck.
  3. All I can say is BEAUTIFUL. Keep the pictures coming. I am always watching.
  4. Very nice planking, I also enjoy the color of the hull. Excellent work. Keep the pictures coming.
  5. Nice idea. Never knew that this was on the market. Thanks again for letting us know about this.
  6. Very nice work on the deck planking. She is coming along beautiful. Keep the pictures coming.
  7. Very nice setup. Have you turn any yet that you can show us?
  8. Very nice work. She just gets better and better each time I check the update. Keep the pictures coming.
  9. Beautiful work. Excellent job at fixing, we all new you could do it, now time to move on. Good luck with the plates, it will take time but we all know that you can do it. Keep the pictures coming.
  10. francesco. English Please.
  11. I never said I had any, but sometimes if the shoe fits LOL.
  12. Except if your me. LOL LOL
  13. The new Fine Scale Modeler has a write up about this kit in this months magazine. Keep the pictures coming.
  14. Jim, We all know anything you make would be better without a doubt. The band saw would be a big improvement over what is on the market for ship builders, something to think about. The ones out there all have different problems. If you go on Amazon and look at the reviews you will understand what I am talking about. You are right about the scroll saw there are a bunch that are top notch, but Band Saw there isn't really any for us. Just my option.
  15. Antony, Thank you very much for sharing this with all of us. I am also like Andy (Not a ESP LOL). Now if someone wanted to do this for ship builders like me and Andy, they could make a little side money for wood or tools. Thanks again.
  16. Beautiful work Any, the detail and the time taken is paying off big time. Excellent work. Keep the pictures coming.
  17. How about a Scroll Saw or a Band Saw?
  18. Good question since Jim is the only one I have heard of having one.
  19. Very nice. I would also like to know where you got them from. Keep the pictures coming.
  20. Danny, I also will be waiting for the tutorial. Keep the pictures coming. Love the work that you have done on such a beautiful ship.
  21. BareHook, Russ is probably the foremost knowledgeable person on this forum for when it comes to the Constitution. He knows her inside and out. In the past when it was MSW1 he had given me more information then I had in the book for this ship. and trust me I have everyone but 1 or 2 that has to do with her. Anything you would want or need to know about this ship he would be able to tell you, and on top of that he is very knowledgeable on other Sailing Ships as well, if he thinks he can help someone with a problem he doesn't think twice about doing so. He has been a member of MSW way longer that me. I have only been a member for a little over 5 years now, I meet him on MSW about 3 or 4 days after I join this forum. He is good trust me. If he saids it isn't so then it isn't so.
  22. Jerry, Happy B-Day. And yes today ( Yesterday ) was the start of Football, but also still have baseball going, and the Yankees finally beat the Red Sox's (they didn't get sweep) May there be many many more to come. And yes I am a Yankees fan, have been since I was a kid and always will be. Keep the picture coming, she is a Beautiful ship.
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