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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. Mark, Ed beat me to this answer, I was looking through the same books he just said and seen the same. I think the answer might come down to your choice.
  2. I did the body plans in AutoCAD, then I imported them into SoildWorks and then use the spline command to draw them in.
  3. First off I am not the best person to ask this. But let me see if I can help some. You got to use the plans. Then use the body plans to get the hull and then you can go on from there. This isn't shown in any books or videos. I was taught this by a good friend who gets on line with me every few weeks, and I always make sure I record everything he shows me and go from there. You also have to learn how to make planes ( not air planes ). You get your shape of the hull from the plans for the ship. The ship I am working on is the Confederacy, which there is no framing plans for, so it had to be made. This picture here you can see the framing plan or part of it.
  4. Wish you had ask before you bought the software, I would have told you to try some other software first. Now don't get me wrong, once you know how to do it you can do anything, it is just the learning curve that is the big set back. Wish you the best of luck.
  5. more. The jpg 7_27_13 is from work I had done yesterday on two of the frames and the keel and stern post. I have been working on this well over a year now.
  6. Antony, If you are just learning this I do feel sorry for you, not trying to be disrespectfully to you or anyone else. But this software is very hard, I know for a fact I even went to collage for it just for this hobby. Making frames isn't easy like making gears and other stuff, I have books and more books plus videos etc. I wish I could tell you different but I can't. I am going to post some pictures for you and maybe you might understand what I am saying. And yes I know what the software cost, I am using version 2011 and believe me it not cheap at all and I got a break because of collage and the service.
  7. I see more now as to what you are saying, I agree with you that it doesn't seem like it would run the full length either. And since neither of us has the print from the NMM there is no way of knowing for sure. Now hopefully someone on the forum does know what the answer is that you need. Wish I could be of more help, but the books I have on Harold don't show or say anything that can be of any good for your question. Sorry.
  8. Mark, If I remember right Harold did some things the way he though best which is not always the way it was done. But after looking at other French ships like you have I also see a mix. Not sure what to tell you on this, maybe someone like Russ or Gary can help. What do you feel is right?
  9. Your doing and excellent job on her. Keep the pictures coming, I am enjoying this build very much.
  10. Dam, now that is Beautiful. He makes it look all to easy, and as we all know it isn't. Excellent work Karl. Please keep the pictures coming, I am always watching and waiting for more.
  11. Mark, Well your finally getting there. She is looking Beautiful, glad to see things coming together for you. Keep the pictures coming.
  12. Chris, I agree with you 100% about the price of the kit. If a person has to re-buy the wood, fittings, rope etc etc, then he or she has just paid close to a third of what the kit cost. But when you can buy a kit and don't really have to buy stuff for it to look like it should then you got your moneys worth and all that is left is for you to do the best that you can to make her look right. The old saying that you get what you pay for will be proven by this kit and then maybe other company's will follow along. We will see what happens with that last part. Thanks again for making a Beautiful kit for us Modelers now the waiting will begin as soon as you are done.
  13. Dam she is looking Beautiful. Keep the pictures coming.
  14. Excellent work Karl. Keep the pictures watching, I am always waiting for new updates to this log.
  15. Almost 1200.00 US money. Oh well, for a kit this good one would expect it to cost this much.
  16. Learning the CAD Software will be a whole new ball game. Which Software are you going to use?
  17. Keep the pictures coming, I also will be waiting to see how she looks after sanding the tree nails.
  18. It is looking excellent. The pictures came out good, the red did show up nice. Keep the pictures coming.
  19. Excellent work Chris. I want the kit or like Floyd said, I want the one your making. LOL It is Beautiful. Keep the pictures coming.
  20. Just think of what you can make for the wife with a new Lathe and Mill. Tell her you can make anything that she breaks. LMAO. Heck try it and she if she goes for it.
  21. Beautiful work. The work that people like you and Doris and others that I have seen done in card is undeliverable. Please keep the pictures coming.
  22. MHO would be to save the money and buy the Sherline, but I am also saying this because I have one. Remember you get what you pay for. The others are all made in China, not that that is a bad thing BUT!!!!!. Like I said just my own option. A lot of us here have a Sherline and like it big time. It all comes down to you.
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