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Bill Morrison

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Everything posted by Bill Morrison

  1. Unfortunately, I am home suffering from surgery on my left knee after shattering it with a fall. They removed approximately 1/3 of the patella, so I am currently restricted in movement. I am sorry I missed the convention! Bill
  2. Wow!!! This is one of my favorite ships. You had better believe that I will follow along! Bill
  3. I have seen quite a few different paint schemes for the SR. Yours is the most interesting by far! Kudos! Usually, I see that standard, Royal Blue above the upper wales, wood coloration to the waterline (perhaps a yellow ochre), and white below the waterline. I rarely see a model painted ala Berain, all blue above the waterline with gold carvings all around. I started a variation of this with royal blue along the upper hull and bulwarks, medium blue below that to the off white lower hull, and gold trim and wales. Although striking, I have believed that that color scheme is missing something. Your use of red might be the answer. One criticism of the kit is that it is missing deck furniture, so I have been scratch building a few items. Your build might introduce me to some items I have overlooked. I also appreciate your reference to the Wasa. It seems that research before she was raised was all wrong and that the Swedish builders used more red than blue. I would love to see her! Keep up the good work! Bill
  4. She is stunning! I am curious about the use of red in the external bulwarks since most references I have seen show these in Royal Blue. It is an interesting and attractive choice. Bill
  5. OUTSTANDING JOB!!!!!!!! Bill Morrison
  6. Personally, I do not subscribe to the idea of starting small. Start with a ship that interests you; you are far more likely to finish it by acquiring more skills as you learn. No less than Mondfeld agrees with this point of view. For example, I started with the Model Shipways Phantom, a small pilot schooner. It is unfinished today after 25 years. Yet, I have built the Bluejacket USS Constitution, Flying Fish, Model Shipways USS Essex and many others. The Phantom is boring to me. Bill
  7. My belief is that the Corel kit of the Unicorn is of the 1748 28 gun frigate of the Lyme class. Manufacturers of these models often get the histories wrong, or they confuse ships of one era for that of another. That explains the "1790" notation on the box. That said, I am having real trouble distinguishing just how this model is inaccurate. I know that the figurehead is incorrectly placed, but she closely matches drawings and models of her. Can someone please elaborate on this? Thanks! Bill
  8. Evan, It has been so long for an update from you! I have missed your work on the Connie, and I sincerely hope that you are keeping up with her. It's great finding this thread again. Bill
  9. Wow! I just noticed this thread and am extremely impressed with this labor of love! Your commitment is inspirational! I will follow it until you are finished. Great job. Bill
  10. Real or not is not the question. The model does come very close to a ship that did exist . . . the Real Felipe. Granted, there are several drawings and paintings of that ship differing in points of detail, but, we know the ship existed and we know that the model comes close. They should have marketed the model as such. Bill http://www.modelships.de/San_Felipe_1690_authenticity/Real_Felipe_01_k.jpg
  11. Thank you! I looked over that site and watched/read several of the sample practicums. They seem interesting and helpful. Bill
  12. Thank you. However, I am curious about the practicum itself since I have never heard of it. Is it available commercially? If so, where? Thanks! Bill
  13. Excellent job so far! Very impressive! I do have one question; what is the practicum that you reference and what is its source? Bill
  14. Those Flyhawk kits are definitely not Tamiya equivalents! I built the Prince of Wales; it was worth the effort! Bill
  15. Wow! You are doing a beautiful job with her! I will keep following this log! Bill
  16. I have had the AOS book for years. It is a great reference Yes, I have considered making the quarter galleries, the transom, and the boats myself as well as the bow. Since you are scratch building her, I was simply wondering about the plans you are using. Bill
  17. The Bounty is a terrific first effort! Well done! But, I am impressed by your start to Pandora. I am currently building the old Constructo kit of her and have found that the bow is too pointed, not rounded. Therefore, I am trying to alter the design. You have mastered that design! I cannot wait to see more. By the way, what plans are you using? Bill
  18. I just found this thread! She's a beautiful lady so far, and I am impressed with your work! Bill
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