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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. Pretty neat Bob, I too thought that you had used brass even though you said it was card. Michael
  2. Bob thanks for checking this out. Druxey, funny you should ask those questions, because I was wondering myself just how to deal with the end that did in fact flap around as you say. So I haven't been out to the shop yet this morning I had to deal with our heating system. Anyway my thoughts about flapping around are to slide the loos end through a 36 inch length of brass tube, that way it can rotate all it wants. How does everyone else deal with the flapping end? The other thought is to let the loose end dangle over the end of the bench. The second question regarding the second clamp it is a spare and I should have made 4 not three. I was thinking of some different clamping devices for doing the seizing around the deadeyes. Michael
  3. Wow those parts are tiny, the bow looks very sharp indeed. michael
  4. Carl, It is funny I got so focused that I realized by 3:30 in the afternoon that I had not eaten anything all day. Plus I had all the supplies. Good morning Druxey, I made 3 slides anticipating other clamping ideas At the moment it really need not be stored there. and it just taking up room. Had I been thinking it through I would have made 4 or the two that are in use a little wider at the top. It is a work in progress. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Michael
  5. Nico I think you are short changing yourself on the canopy. The rest of this superb build could support a full canopy done with thinner cloth. Michael
  6. I could have added to the other thread I suppose but it wasn't my serving machine. After getting frustrated with the tiny bit of serving that I did yesterday I opted to make a tool that was a little flexible in its uses. Raiding the scrap boxes for wood and metal after doodling while having the early morning coffee I came up with a design that I hope will serve me well enough. I found a nice piece of Fiddle-back figured Maple for the base, a short length of 3/8 anodized aluminum tube, some scraps of Ebony. The sliding maple blocks on the aluminum tube were made from salvaged maple I found at the dump.a while back. I cut a channel in the block first with a 3/8 end mill then glued in a block that was 1/64th thinner to the back side this was in order to allow it to slide and to act as the base for the threads for the locking thumb screws. I shaped the ebony just because I could. I mounted everything on a single pedestal so that I could slide them off and put on different clamps or devices yet to be imagined. I also thought I was being original until I noticed that a lot of other fine builder had used sewing bobbins for the thread. That universal mind just keeps cropping up. The end caps in the aluminum tube are ebony. I used Dafi's method of clamping the rope in the rotating holder just simple tapered wedges. the rotators are turned from a length of 3/8 brass hex stock.and are a snug fit into the small shouldered ball races that a friend gave me, he was a helicopter mechanic, and the bearings get replaced after so many hours. I have hundreds of them all different small sizes. If anyone needs a couple let me know. The thumbscrews were turned from some brass pinion stock that I have had lying around for years and since I do not have a knurling tool this was the next best thing. they are threaded 4x40 The rod for the bobbin was set so that the bobbin could just turn freely and with a layer or two of card slid under to add tension. It can also just slide off. I did not get into the complexity of gearing as the hex rotators turn freely enough. A clamping arrangement will be added to the tops of the sliders for doing the seizing of the shrouds around the deadeyes. That's it for now. Michael
  7. John, Russ, Doris, Carl, Popeye ,and Bob, thanks for dropping by. Today I whipped up (pun intended a little serving tool that will also be able to be used as a clamping jig. I will post full details on the tools and jigs section. Here is a shot of the tool in action I used black on white for the photo. The sewing bobbin which can be easily loaded on the sewing machine is a slide fit on the shaft and close enough to the base that a layer or two of card acts as a brake. I used Dafi's method of securing the rope in the tubes with wedges, The tubes are running in ball races to reduce the friction. The slides cad be easily slide off the aluminum bar. and locked with the little thumb screws Michael.
  8. Russ, Sherry, John, Germanus and Alex. Thank you all for your kind comments. I picked up some Gutterman Black No 50 cotton thread today and followed Longridge's method of using 4 x 3 strand ropes, I only used 3 threads instead of 4 in the three strands of the smaller ropes I should have used 4 threads in each strand. It was a lot of work regardless. The four ropes each rope was formed from 9 threads instead of 12, so I ended up making the shrouds a little on the light side. I did some seizing with the same No 50 threads and test fitted the shroud rope around one of the deadeyes, I was a little disappointed because of the mistake with the numbers of thread in the smaller ropes, because this made the shroud 16 threads thinner than it should have been. I need to make a serving jig and a better clamping method than the crocodile clip stand for doing the seizing. I am also thinking that a geared powered ropewalk with be the ticket, So I will have to get cracking on one of those as well. I must admit I got tired of winding by hand. Michael
  9. Kip Great to see you back up and running. I will be out on the Island later this spring, visiting my son and grandsons. I hope to be able to get up Island and visit. Michael
  10. Jan looking at all your rigging lines I am really impressed! I feel glad that I only have 4 deadeyes on my build. Michael
  11. Ed your attitude regarding getting it right is most inspiring! Michael
  12. Alex it is Interesting, watching your research come together, and as you suggest it makes sense that the documents are more than just fantasy and are based on the actual observations of the artist. Nice work on the construction. Michael
  13. John the mast hoops and the top fittings look great, the light at the end of the build must be more than just a glimmer now. Michael
  14. Russ, Germanus, Carl, John. thanks for your thoughts, and information. Here is a correction, and this is just to get a sense of what I am dealing with. Michael
  15. Carl, bob, John, Thanks for looking in. Carl you mentioned a contrast in colour, I thought there was already quite a contrast. Russ, Thanks for the heads up, These are not actually attached to anything at the moment Just looking at the overall proportions. I am going to use some black thread to make the shrouds I think I will be able to make the length just long enough without lengthening the rope walk. Michael
  16. Druxey ,Mark, Bob, and Kevin, thank you so muck for those kind words. I used the same slit chuck to drill the holes in the deadeyes. by adding the hose clamp it worked to hold the deadeye. and rotated on the 1/4 inch dowel held in the mill vice. I like to use a centre drill for the wood sometimes especially since the holes were close to the curved part of the deadeye. After threading the rope through the deadeyes they look to be OK proportion wise. Now I just have to finish the rest of them. Michael
  17. Matt the sails look great!!! .... I cannot see the stitching am I missing something? Michael
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