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michael mott

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Everything posted by michael mott

  1. John those are some long mast and spars. I am going to suppose that you will have the sails furled.... but maybe not? Michael
  2. Ok I know there was some info and posts about this on MSW 1...... fast forward to MSW 2 I am coming up to my 65th birthday and My sweet wife will pool with her family to get me the right stuff for my Bristol Pilot Cutter. Here is a picture of the sailplan What do I need? Michael
  3. Russ that is OK My question did prompt Hexnut to suggest the PDF which worked. Your comments prompted me to look deeper into the version that I have. A win win as far as I am concerned. cheers Michael
  4. Russ I think this link will explain some of the reasons why i cannot do some things with my version of Autocad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoCAD#AutoCAD_LT Michael
  5. Russ I think it has to do with the level of the Cad package There are a number of things that were not included in the Autocad Lt 2000 The other thing I cannot do it 3D. The difference in cost between the Autocad Lt and the full Autocad is considerable. The thing that I really like about Autocad v's the Corel drawing program is the way the vectored program works compared to the raster program simple things like extending a line or trimming a line those tasks are much more cumbersome in the drawing program and Ortho mode. Michael
  6. Hi Russ Upload the JPEG to which program? If I scan a drawing for instance I save it as a JPEG then upload it to Corel Draw II Then I scale the image to whatever scale I am working with. So now instead of doing the tracing in Corel I will save the Corel file as a PDF then load it into the Autocad Light. Once the file is in Autocad Lt 2000 It is put on layer 0 and the layer is locked not frozen, That way the trace goes well as in the case of the example that I started the post with. Now in order for me to post a picture that I have generated in Autocad Lt 2000 I have to save it as a DXF open the DXF in Corel and then save it as a JPEG PNG or PDF to post it here. This is the Autocad file that I traced from the PDF this morning. It is a PDF file test trace of corel Cockwells.pdf This is a PNG this is a JPEG The PDF was the easiest on my computer system resources, and the line weights in the JPEG and PNG are very hard to see in the exported images. In each case the same file in Corel was saved. The JPEG and PNG both had to be reduced from 8,000 pixels to 800 pixels to post. I used Ifanview to do the reductions , it is a free and very easy program to use. This has been a bit of a ramble but I really prefer to draft in Autocad and not draw in Corel. So I am happy that I have begun to use the spline function and it will make drafting so much easier for me. Michael
  7. Russ, I have tried every format other than the PDF that I tried this morning none of them work in Autocad Lt. Not my version anyway the PDF did work so now All I have to do is use PDF,s because the normal raster images just come up as a small box with the name of the file. Michael
  8. Nice little project Russ A full size one of these would be good on the lake. the model finished up really well. Michael
  9. Hexnut I am sorry I confused the issue in the first post I meant to say that from Corel via DXF to Autocad which is when it freezes . I do set the line width in Corel 11 .001" because if I set it to 0" then I see nothing. I just did the PDF into Autocad LT Well thanks for that tidbit of Information , learned another great tip today Thanks. Oh this is such a great site !!! Michael
  10. I have been using Corel draw 11 for quite some time to draw the lines and framing of my models, I like the way the program works in some ways and not in others. The ability for me to trace over a scanned image and the editing of curves and fills. It is slow though and a memory hog. I have also been using Autocad Lt 2000 for 13 years and I am reasonable competent (still learn new stuff every time I use it) however I always seemed to have trouble with tracing because it does not allow it. For straight drafting I use the Autocad If I am not drawing with a pencil. I have been working on getting better with the spline curves because I will be able to get better definition eventually with the Autocad. so here is my first attempt at the lines of a test hull with Autocad. My question is: that if I export a Corel file via DXF to Corel 11 then go to do any work on the file it freezes the Autocad and I have to reboot the Autocad program, does anybody know of a fix for this problem. Going from Autocad to Corel is not a problem and works fine. And if I want to publish an image from Autocad Lt 2000 I have to save it as a DXF then I open it in Corel then Export it as a JPEG or PNG file, which is a rather long winded way of doing things. Michael
  11. Sven, you are definitely pushing the bar up there, what a fantastic job on the masts and rigging. "steady hands,careful you must be" Michael
  12. The oars look good, I did notice however that the tenth one from the left side......... is a bit fatter than the rest. Great stuff sir. michael
  13. Looks like you have done a good job of rebuilding Rusty. The model looks great. Michael
  14. Paul I had not realized how much of this ship you had made out of card. But now I see that it is really a multimedia model incorporating all sorts of materials. Nice job on the range finder. Michael
  15. Mark, Shooting boards are great I have been using them for years, but the one you have just made is a beauty. The plane looks nice too.Up here in the remote boonies of Canada we have a Lee Valley Shop and I am rather partial to the Veritas brand of planes. I will be waiting to hear what you think of the sliding nature of the cut on the ends. A well though out design for sure. Scott's workbench book is a gem. When you get a chance check out page 13 in Fine Woodworking's Design Book Two. Michael
  16. Ah John it's all smoke and mirrors Thanks for stopping by. It made a great change working on the fine wood this evening because for the last two weeks I have been helping out a farmer friend, doing rough framing of a 36 foot long 10 foot wide farm maternity shed for his calves. Michael
  17. Alfons thank you for your kind remark. A little milestone today i finished the scraping of the deck and then a polish with some Medium Steel Wool The deck is smooth enough now that it shines in the right light. I can see the stanchions reflected in the deck, so I am pleased with the overall finish of it, I won't put any oil on it until the structures that need gluing have been glued down. Now I am able to work on the cockpit and cabin structures. The main cabin sides are beginning to come together I set the curve of the cabin roof and tapered the length from 12 to 8 scale inches from stern to bow. It just feels better somehow. an overall shot I had to use a strap at the bow to stop the hull from sliding around in the cradle while I was scraping Michael
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