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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. No difference what so ever. And you will be sanding an smoothing it anyway. David B
  2. Nils if you decide to fully rig that thing with sails you are either extremelybrave for a masochist. David B
  3. Doris you have taught me a valuable lesson. Your imagination and ingenuity know how to make a great piece. David B
  4. Thanks for the history lesson. And for the great photos. David B
  5. Nice one Marc, you are wise in using Urecht. I never trusted Mamloli's plans.. To bad I cannot see it up close. David B
  6. Your scarf joint looks great. And the use of a spindle grinder mkes the job much easier. Keep up the good work. David B
  7. Neenad, we understand thi all to well. As far as I an concerned family always comes first. David B
  8. Once you go through that book my advice would be to practice a little bit. You will find a great resource it was one of the first books I found that was a keeper. David B
  9. I would use a no2 pencil and rub it along the edge of the plank on one side. After gluing the plank the graphite would mix with the glue. Once everything was done i would then use a homemade scraper and scrape the deck. This method will shave the deck smooth and help to burnish and polish it. A scraper can be made from almost anything, David B
  10. I would mark the line and then whittle as close as possible then sand down to the line. David B
  11. Now for the bridege components. I cut and folded them like before but I made some errors that I did not catch in time. The lower cabin was made first The upper part went next The two side by side Instead of double checking the overal fit I glued them together and then to the gundeck from these angle it is okay But here is where I screwed bad I have to do it over a sharp knife and little drops of water to remove the bridge The removal was a success I am not happy about the mistakes but they taught me a valuable lesson. always doublecheck your fit before you do any glueing, David B
  12. Nice but my advice would be to be careful when you shorten the keel. David B
  13. I like the look. Are you going to experiment with the umber too and compare them? David B
  14. I will be watch with interest. the osberg is an intersting vessel in which the rules are a little different from today. It lend itself to interpretaion. Look over the build logs and use the search funtion to find the logs for your kit. You will find a lot that will aid you and what you do not find we well help you. David B
  15. Basically what you are doing is fairing the hull and prepping it for planking. Take strip of wood and place it across the bulkheads and bend it aroun three to four of them. If the edge of the bulkheads. Then take a thin strip of wood and put some sandpaper on and proceed to sand down the edges doing 3 to 4 bulkheads at a time. Use the plank to check your progress. When you are finshed the plank and the bulkheads should stay in contact through out the hull. be careful and do not take off too much you could potentially make the hull asymerical. a little at a time. David B
  16. Another thing I have tried is a good oldfashioned steam iron and a couple of c clamps not as fancy but a little less hurting on the pocket book David B
  17. Nils, how long is that thing and how much will you have to sell out for a caes. Honebunch is going to demand a new fur coat ot a new car if you are not careful. Your work is incredible. David B
  18. Now for the gundeck and then bridge The first thing I did was cut out the gundeck, this was starting to get a little easier as practice makes perfect. This time around I started at the back and started the glue up forward on both sides at a time to make sure everything evened out I then procedded to glue up the gundeck a tab at a time on both sides to make sure the alignment was okay. The end result is not perfect but it will work for the moment David B
  19. Come on over to Manitowoc you might be able to hitch a ride with Ralph the only SIBs we get that are nice are by John Fox III but he only comes every now and then. Ask Ralph about the fun he has. You might have a blast. PS bring your models. David B
  20. Daniel are by chance a member of the Rock Mountain Shipwrights? And if you do you know Steve Wheeler, Ralph Buckwaltrt and John McCann? They show models at Manitowoc every year. David B
  21. I plan on putting everything that came with the pdf on the model. The bottom of the hull is not colord so it is probably a waterline model. If you can send me the photos Inwould be grateful. What I googled was not that much. This is considered an advance model for a newcomer. David B
  22. That is a first for me. Once I adjusted my Sherline I never had any problems I would never have thought looking ther. David B
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