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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Looking good so far Mark. How did the little one do?
  2. Once the aft deck was dryfitted I did the same with the front part. Once I was sure of the fit I then glued the decks down. So far so good. David B
  3. Bob, many out there have had to either add or take something when we thought we were done. The fun part is hiding the fact so nobody knows about it. David B
  4. After double checking the bulkeads I started on the hauptdeck or main deck. It came in two parts, the bow and the stern. I decided to work on the stern first. The first thing to do was seperate them from the sheet Then came the dry fitting, This is important never glue anything until you are really sure you are going to be happy with the results. It was through this process that I discovered an error in the plan. It was missing the slots for one of the bulkeads. After marking out the location I made a slot Then came the fun part of moving and flexing the paper without tearing to get it to fit aft section. The rest of the part was then fitted, then came smoothing it out so that it lies evenly. No glue has been used yet. David B
  5. Nils, from what I have read it would depend on the size of the vessel. A rack against the bulwarks or house where they were out of the way when sailing or in a space cubby hole near the capstain. David B
  6. Great looking lantern Nils. I remember years ago at several NRG conferences the topic of fine art would always crop up. And it could get kind of lively. That is one issue that will never be decided on. David B
  7. Once the spine was glued into place I proceeded to cut out and fit the bulkheads. Making alterations as needed as each one was dry fitted before hand. Another thing I learned was to use the glue sparingly. It dried faster and less chance of warping the paper. Dry fitting the part Making the alteration as needed So far so good. David B
  8. This is a serious addiction. However the only thing you can do succomb to it and go with the flow. David B
  9. Naw I am using the same equipment that was used for the movie Fantastic Voyage. Maybe i should throw away the test tubes and go to chips and dreams. David B
  10. If this is not the location I am sure the moderaters will put it in the right place. I am looking for a photo etch set that I can use for my 1/250 model of the USS Maine. Can anyone point me in the right direction? David B
  11. Not really, no. If you are having some difficulty you can make multiple score lines on the bottom using a straight edge and a knife. One down the center and then 3 to 4 crosswise. This will make it easier to flex the deck. David B
  12. Pete I am regressing in my age. Can I take your 12 1/2 home with me? I will take good care of it. And when I invent a shrinking ray I can sail it in the pond near my sister's house. David B
  13. Nils, you are giving everyone an inferiority complex. Fantastic work. David B
  14. Shame on you Daniel, you are making me have very dangerous thoughts that could be detrimental to my already fragile sanity. (Build smaller build minitures, build ship in a bottles.) David B
  15. Looking good Toni, but I thought Testors bought up Poly S and discontinued it? David B
  16. Well done. A fishing schooner should have a nice sleek look and you captured that look. Nice and clean. David B
  17. It was all done by using nets and man power. I saw an old B&W film along time ago when they were loading a vessel. The cargo net was lowered through the hatch into the hold and then team of stevedores would start filling up very spare space. You would not want to wrestle these guys. They were all built like gorillas. David B
  18. What was your ratio of Blacken It to water? If use straight the stuff will merely do the outer suface and that will rub off. A ratio of 1 to 8 will take longer but the etching will be deeper and once rinsed and dried will usually not rub off. There are several discussion on blackening brass on the forum, you should look through some of them to get a cuple of ideas. David B
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