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Everything posted by dgbot

  1. Nenad I think you have finally lost it. Please call the boys in the white coats and they will take you to a nice padded cell where you will be happy and content. Good women. fine music and food and a good drink and nothing else for about 6 months untill you have recovered. David B
  2. Balsa is perfect. Just cut it out and fill then cut and shape. It will also help to insure your hull is symetrical. As for the planking I have rarely used a crimping tool. The hull shape has mild curves. You just have to be careful on laying them out. Once your hull is ready for planking my advice would be to make up a plan on how you want your planks to sit. Since this is a double planked hull it will give you some practice. Go through the forum and look up planking and check them out. There are also a couple of good books out there that can detail it for a lot better than I can. It is good to think ahead but for the time being just try and make sure your hull is ready. I would normally start on the shear plank first. This would give me a start on how it will play out. David B
  3. There are many ways to make a wheel it is just getting up the gumption to try out the way that works for you. It can be a pain but after a while a little fun as well. David B
  4. Not at all. Just fill in between the spaces and shape, it is relatively easy to do. Any wood will do no need to be fancy. David B
  5. Andy I would follow Allan's advice. Fred is the curator of the Vasa Museum and is the aknowledged expert. He did a great write up on the decking. If you are after a faithful reproduction you should check out the website and the book if it is still available David B
  6. Mark, if my memory serves me there were a series of articles on the construction of this kit in Seaways Ships and Scale a couple of years ago by Kurt Van Dahm. I do not have access to the back issues at the moment but I am sure someone can help you out. It was a pretty good article. David B
  7. Ken, I just finished going through your build. I have always like the Fair America painted and in wood. You are doing a bang up job that makes me jealous. As for the Sculpy, I have seen plenty of modelers use it for many carvings. It is also used in modeling military miniatures. David B
  8. Once the masts are prepared you should start on the shrouds first altrnating from port to starboard for each shroud. Once they have been rigged and connected to the deadeyes you would then start on the stays. This is how I normally start out. David B
  9. Mobbsie I finally got around to going through your log. The Aggy for a beginner. You had more courage than I do and You really did a nice job. Building and redoing when needed in such a short time. That you have gone this far in such a short time is incredible. Keep it up you are an inspiration to everyone out there to never give up and to have fun. As for accidents this is nothing new. Years ago I split my finger to the bone and it cost me $800 no ins. A friend of mine was carving out a hull for a lifeboat and his xacto slipped and into his hand. 10 stitches and a sliced muscle. 6 mo of physical therapy and he was as good as new. David B
  10. This will make for an interesting build log. From the assembly, detailing, and the RC hardware. David B
  11. And I thought i was a little off the wall. Keep up the good work. That musket will add a nice bit of detail. David B
  12. That is one of the reasons I shelled out for a foredom. They have handled 80 all the time. The fun part is getting it to sit straight. David B
  13. You have a lot of space inbetween your bulkheads. This will make it difficult to keep you planking even. My advice would be to fill those spaces in. Any wood will do. Bass, aspen, pine, balsa, or scrap from the kit. measure between the bulkheads at the false keel and when you fill in use a square to insure alignment. Plus your model will not warp. You will also find it easier to glue the planks because there will be more surface area. David B
  14. Amazon has this book for about $50 including tax and free shipping in the US I just bought it and will add it to my library. David B
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