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Everything posted by EJ_L

  1. Three weeks of work have yielded results and the carvings down the upper gun deck have been completed! Now Im left with a pile of debris to clean so I can get ready for the next stage which will see the two curved decorations at the bow carved and installed. Other upcoming items will be the railings and deck furniture such as the bitts and knight heads, ladders and more canons. Lots of work still to go so stayed tuned! I will I’ll also be starting the next ship in my fleet Royal Louis soon. Not sure exactly when that build will start as I am waiting on the build slip I ordered to arrive but, it was backordered so may be a few weeks, may be tomorrow! I like having two projects going at once in different stages as that allows me to switch back and forth between them to break up monotony. I will start up a build log when actual construction gets started.
  2. I promise I have been working! 😀Carving these decorations has been eating up the hours as I can make one in about 45 minutes. 22 out of 30 done and then I can paint them and finally install.
  3. Good to see that I am not too far behind on the build! This one has caught my eye as well for a future build so i think I will pull up a chair and follow along. Off to a great start!
  4. Welcome to MSW Malcolm! Best of luck to you on your build and don't worry about not knowing or needing to ask something. As you can already see, we are a great community for helping each other along. Most important thing is to have fun! You are building for yourself so no pressure. Again good luck and I look forward to seeing your build!
  5. Welcome to MSW Dave! Great to have you with us and good luck to you on your Fair American!
  6. Welcome to MSW Henry!
  7. Welcome to MSW Kevin! Best of luck to you on your Virginia Sloop. I'm sure you have done so already but, if not, I know there are some nice completed and active build logs on here that you should check out. Have fun!
  8. Awesome! She sure is a busy model with all those details. Lots of interesting pieces to look at.
  9. Hi Sargon! This ship is next up in my own shipyard as the kit is in the mail to me as I type this. I think I will pull up a chair and follow along. It will be nice to have some company on the build. Looking forward to seeing what you do with yours!
  10. I took another small break from S.R. this weekend to build a display case for La Couronne. For those who have not followed that build, here it is! I now have a nice, big open space in the shipyard that is begging for a new project. Better start saving up that money! 😃 I promise to now concentrate on getting decorations carved on S.R. so there can be more updates!
  11. The back panel hinges open to the side. Latches on the opposite side and top keep it aligned and sealed closed. I though about the door either opening up or laying down but, being so large, 26 inches by 35 inches, both of those options kept getting in my way when the door was open so I decided a side swing would be best.
  12. I finally built La Couronne a home. Display case is made out of Honey Locust wood and Lexan in stead of glass. She will now make her way down to the basement where she can sit proudly next to Rattlesnake and await on Soleil Royal to join them. With this update, the log is 100% finished!
  13. Welcome to MSW! As I'm sure you will see, that model is a favorite of many and there are several great logs both past and active on here for her. A lot of great ideas and ways to make your model a little more special. Good luck and happy modeling!
  14. Welcome to MSW! Best of luck on your Swift!
  15. Welcome to MSW!! Great to have you with us and best wishes on your future builds! Happy modeling!
  16. Wow!! That scroll work is really going to be fantastic!! Still not sure how I will approach mine but, I'm sure I will get an inspiration eventually. Without a doubt Marc, your build continues to be a very educational build. Be it historical accuracy or artistic interpretations, you have well thought through plans and better still, excellent reasoning that you are always willing to share with us. Thanks!
  17. Been a while since I’ve had much to update. Took a much needed vacation to visit a friend from the Navy before work gets into my very busy part of the year. Nice and refreshed now and ready to get back to building! Been working on the decorations on the sides and am now on the third incarnation of them as I kept not being satisfied with them. Fairly happy with the look now and progress should continue moving forward. This is a very slow portion of the work so updates will probably be sparse till they are done but, I will try to post something every so many. As always thank Hanks you all for stopping by, the likes and comments. Much more to come!
  18. I'm trying to work out similar designs or at least come up with a plan on what I am going to attempt on my own build. None of that frieze is of course shown on my plans and the cast metal pieces are far different in design that anything Berain. I'm glad you have come to the same stage of work as your designs are giving me a clearer direction on where I want to take my own. I think you will have far greater success in achieving the smaller details in plastic than I will in wood and am looking forward to seeing them!
  19. Thank you all as always for the nice words, likes and following along. I actually finished the figurehead a couple of days ago but, didn't get around to posting the pictures. So here it is. I need to get out my good camera and take some new pictures of everything. Been hoping the weather will cooperate this weekend so I can take them outside in the natural light. Always a better choice. Now I get to flush out the bow with the gratings and their framework as well as start designing the iconic side decorations that I do not know the name for. Still have a lot of work to do so I better get back to it!
  20. I’m sad I found this build so late but wow! Cool project Chuck. I’m looking forward to when the kit will be available as it looks like I may have found a nice smaller project to give me a break from my larges ones.
  21. Thank you all for the nice words, likes and following along. The carvings have been a huge challenge but, one that I am glad to have attempted. Still have the shield to make to complete the figurehead. More to follow!
  22. Nice start indeed and while no, she is not the easiest build to start with, you appear to be doing quite well! I look forward to watching this one come together.
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