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Everything posted by EJ_L

  1. I've always been a fan of two builds, especially when building large or very long duration models. It gives you ways to take breaks from monotonous tasks while still enjoying the hobby. Will keep an eye out for the new log.
  2. Beautiful work thus far! Those added and improved upon details are making her so much more than a "out of box" kit. Wish we could have been on this journey with you from the start, but there is still plenty to see so I think I will pull up a chair.
  3. Thank you all for the words, likes and following along. Jonathan, welcome to the build! I finished with the starboard broadside today. Now, just a few details left to go and then the mast and rigging will start.
  4. As many others have said, take care of yourself and family first. The hobby, as well as all of us will be here wishing you the best and ready to either resume Licorne or follow whatever the next project is.
  5. All of those PE parts are a pain to install I'm sure , but WOW!! They sure do make a model come to life in a breathtaking way. Well done!
  6. Thank you so much Michael and O.C. as well as everyone else who have been leaving the nice compliments, suggestions and likes. The support is always welcome. No pictures at the moment but I almost have the rest of the port lids ready, just 8 more to attach ropes to and then I can start hanging them in place and setting the dummy cannon barrels. With some luck, I may have a fully armed ship this weekend!
  7. Tom, no shame in wood fillers to make the first layer of planking fair and true. Most of us do the same on double planked hulls. It is the second planking that everyone sees anyway. Do whatever it takes to make this layer spot on and the second planking will go on much easier.
  8. My gut reaction is that they need to be raised up closer to the head rails. Most ships have them wrapping just under the lower head rail. This keeps them above the water if only by a little bit.
  9. Nice work space. I see you have a couple other good looking ships in progress also. The rigging practice on this one will go a long way when you are ready to start on those larger builds.
  10. I will echo the above comments and say well done indeed! The scarf joints along with the treenails and bolt location patterns are very neat, clean and uniform. They really make the planking look sharp.
  11. Port broadside is armed and ready. Now to repeat on the starboard side.
  12. Off and running! Well, at least your mistake was an easy to fix one. I apparently like to challenge myself and cut the wrong ropes when they are in hard to reach places and require the growing of three additional hands in order to mend.
  13. Good to see that the foam came out without too much trouble. Hopefully that residual foam will scrape off easily.
  14. All the port lids have been created and I have started to install them. First 10 are in place along with the cannon for that port. I still need to touch up the paint and adjust the lids, but I am moving along.
  15. The lengths of the serving are correct. The serving is just there to protect the stay where rubbing would occur plus a little more. The majority of the stay is not served. In addition to what both you and Carl have said, I would keep some glue handy to help hold the threads tight as you wrap. With hand serving, keeping the thread tightly wound is the most challenging part. Periodically applying a dab of glue to the thread helps to keep them it fixed tight to your rope. You do not want to coat the line as it will stiffen the rope and make working it hard later but a tiny dot occasionally won't hurt and will keep it from completely unwinding on you if something slips.
  16. Sounds like a good plan! To me, rigging always looks more intimidating than it usually is. Patience is definitely a virtue though. Work slow, plan ahead and rig from the center line outward as much as possible for easier access. Try to avoid permanently securing any lines till you are done. That will allow you to be able to loosen knots for adjusting the lines as they pull on the masts.
  17. It looks like it has been time well spent. Your serving appears well done as are those hammock nets. Great progress!
  18. That primer coat does a lot in making her look less like Frankenstein's monster and more like the proud 1st rate she is. Have you primed the upper bulwarks as well?
  19. I think we all feel that way from time to time on here. I had been confused myself on that issue as I found it strange for the Monarque not to have been armed or planned for arming of the forecastle. By this point in the 17th century, many vessels had been armed that way, even if they were only small guns. For a ship of her rating not to have had guns on the forecastle seemed a bit odd to me. We are also hampered by "snapshots" of history. A painting here, a passage there. Combine these with general knowledge of practices and designs and we can recreate reasonable assumptions. The more famous a ship, the easier it is as there is simply more "snapshots" to put together to make the image. This is harder to do on vessels of lesser fame. Even when we have the actual ship to look at, touch and examine, example Vasa, we still get things wrong.
  20. I would say do the rigging to meet what you want this model to look like. Actual rope rigging will look better in terms of realism, but will also be very time consuming and much more difficult. Personally, I think it is worth the effort however, I have built a couple of smaller plastic models and used the molded shrouds for simplicity sake. When I built the constitution the first time, the kit had these pre-made, plastic shrouds. They were flexible and acted almost like a cloth type material. I used them and they look fine on the model. I wasn't going for ultra realism on that one as it was mostly a learning experience. I have used rope on all my shrouds since. That may not really help, but in the end it is your model and therefore, as long as you are satisfied with the choices you made building her, then you made the right ones.
  21. Started construction of the port lids. Got the lids themselves built this weekend and am now starting to fit the hardware. Did a test fit on the first one and it seems to be working fine. Now to blacken the hardware and assemble all 58 lids.
  22. On recycling the ornamentation, it would not surprise me in the least that this was done. While the crown was notorious for spending vast amounts of money on the first rates, the reality of wood demands would have made the practice of recycling very practical. In addition to the wood shortages, time was always valuable. If statues could be freshened up and reused with little modifications, I believe that the builders of the day would have done so. When you consider that they were either the same carvers, descendants of the original carvers or trying to emulate the originals, why not use the originals as much as possible? From what I have been reading, (by the way, I'm loving the Winfield & Roberts book) I would have to agree that Monarque and S.R. were two distinct ships as well. As there are separate and distinct career histories of each, I would be inclined to believe in the existence of both. While it is true that ships were renamed either through rebuilding or capture, generally speaking, from what I have seen first rates hardly fell into these options. As they were typically flag ships, they kept their names through rebuilding or passed them along to an entirely new ship when their service was over in order to continue to honor of that name. I also have seen that most first rates ended their service by either being broke up or destroyed in battle. Rare that one of these were captured. Marc, probably a smart decision to move the scuppers. I never thought of their position either until you mentioned it. The scuppers do tend to be an overlooked component on many models. I know I am guilty of it. Just another item to fit on an already crowded hull. I have to give lots of credit to the builders in finding ways to fit all of these items and still maintain structural integrity. The more I have read about the engineering that went in to these ships, the more amazing they become. Especially considering the era in which they were built.
  23. Another round of fascinating information. While I know that this is to aid you in both your current and potentially future S.R. builds, you have now peaked my interest in attempting to scratch build the Monarque. I'm still a long way off from starting a new build, but that is probably best as I will need to do a lot of digging and research. I think that attempting to create a model of that ship would not only fit in nicely with my fleet, but would be a worthy challenge. Hmm... lots to think about.
  24. More decorations are in place. Now I can finish installing the chains for the dead eyes.
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