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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Very nice work Sjors!!! You have crossed half way to the darkside, you are now officially a kit basher. Congrats and one day I expect to see you cutting futtocks and making chocked joints. Ben
  2. Question - I have got some bamboo to put through my Byrnes drawplate, what size hole should I draw down to and what is the corresponding drill size? Ben
  3. Did I see on somebody else's log that you used to live in Dayton mark?? Ben
  4. Good idea to scratch a new transom Sjors, I'm sure you will be happier with it. Sorry that Andy has caused you additional housework and Chores, such is life! Ben
  5. Yeh, that sounds about right! The model shop at Dayton mall is about the same, a big selection of plastic models but about 1/2 dozen wooden ones which never seem to change. We should ask around MSW and see if there are any more people around that we maybe able to start our own little club??? I know there is a club in Columbus but I dont want to travel that far. Ben Pm me if you wish to discuss.
  6. Thanks for all the nice comments guys - I really appreciate the motivation it gives to carry on with the Frame 1 pair. ben
  7. Got to agree - GARY Larson was a genius! Far side is still the best cartoons I think, I have a few of the books and they ALWAYS make me laugh. ben edited by trussben so as not to look quite so stupid!!
  8. Mark - I have to agree and say you are proberbly my fave moderator. If a log runs to a different tune than its owner wants, the owner can ask others to calm down on the posts. My logs seem to be somewhere in the middle? Sorry Augie for butting in, looking forward to more pics of the rigging. Ben
  9. Just came across your log Randy, some excellent work and a fine looking model. I also live around Cincinnati, near Lebanon, and wondered if you knew if there was a modeling club nearby? All I have seen is the RC clubs. Ben
  10. Wow mobbsie, Your making fast progress there! How many hours did it take to complete one side! Looks very good buddy. Ben
  11. Good tips, I'll remember them when I get to that point. Ben
  12. Jim - thanks for the tips on those pesky chocks, I think I have a method worked out now. Tom - look forward to when you start, make sure to start a build log. Well I have managed to spend a couple more hours, weather was soooo bad yesterday I had to stay in the workshop. Framing square was made out of some 3/16 ply that I had, added 2 more supports for strength and stability. Dead flat and dead flat 1 are completed and i'm pretty satisfied for my first ever frames, now onto frame 1 fore and aft of which has a shift - gonna be interesting. ben
  13. Beautiful work Toni, seems that it always happens that we will miss something but how you fix it is the key. Ben
  14. Hi Robbyn, If you have glue residue in between the frames, the way i got rid of it and also leveled out the planking was to use a curved #11 exacto blade and gently scraped it away, very little room to get sandpaper etc... in there. Enjoy your new sparklys. ben
  15. Looks awesome Jim, the frames look great and the use of the safety timbers is something I will defiantly use when I get to that point. Ben
  16. Your right Druxey, I kept trying to use tiny scrap parts of wood and just could not accurately get good joints, as soon as I used a bit bigger piece it was soooo much easier to manipulate it and feed it to the disc sander and achieve the correct angles. Steep leaning curve to this scratch building but I am enjoying it greatly, after I finished the dead flat frame I ran excitedly to show the admiral and she was even impressed! Ben
  17. Hi Jaxboat and congrats on starting the build log of your Confederacy. I have a couple of comments if you don't mind, first is not to use your amati keel clamper but make a full length keel holder, she is a long hull and can warp while you get the planking on, the keel clamp only holds in two places, much better to hold the entire keel so the is no chance of it warping. Second is take your time with the stern framing, I have a had a few issues with stuff there, see my log for some, better to take the time and get it right now and not have to pull it all apart in 6 months time like I had to. It looks from your pic that you need to fair bulkhead 8 more so the planks naturally taper into the counter planks, unless its just the photo angle, make sure that the counter has the right shape compared to the plans, I had to do this and you can see what I had to do to get that shape correct. It's really great to see your work, looks really good to me! Keep posting photos as I'm on hiatus working on my ECHO and would like to watch your progress. Ben
  18. Hi Greg, Thanks for the help, I have started making the chocks and I find the easiest way is to have a bit of a tab to hold onto while I sand the angles and sides, it wastes a little bit of wood that I cut away after the chock is glued in place but it seems to be working really well for me now, I completed the dead flat today and the joints are almost invisible. Now I have to find some bamboo skewers to make treenails with! Ben
  19. Hi mark, I have all the TFFM books as I plan on building a swan when I finish all my other builds. There is no real set way described, just adjust until they fit, I guess a bit of trial and error will show the way. Ben
  20. Very interesting discussion with a lot of great points being made which mostly I agree with. I personally think that there are 3 main points for somebody who has never built a wooden ship model, start smaller as everybody will underestimate how long it will take and I think that is what discourages a lot of first time builders, not seeing any progress. Second is to pick something you like, more chance that you will stay the course and finish it, warts and all. Third is not to expect to build a museum class ship on your first attempt, there are a lot of skills to be learnt, planking and rigging mainly, there will be mistakes but try to learn from them and don't lose heart. BTW my first ship model was an AL swift many years ago, the friend I gave it to still has it proudly displayed in her house. Ben
  21. Nice work with the ships boat there Grant, yeh they are delicate little things, I just made the frames for the 2 boats for the Confederacy, only 4 inches long and just holding them feels like holding an egg. Look forward to seeing the planking. Ben
  22. It's was very nice to see some updates Sjors, she is looking great. As for all this talk about arming her, it sounds like the UN of modelshipworld is going to put an embargo on you my friend, hide them where you can. If you cross to the darkside one day you will have to make your own and then they couldn't stop you. Ben
  23. Good start there mobbsie, I've never coppered a hull so I'm afraid I am no help whatsoever. Ben
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