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Everything posted by Trussben

  1. Ahhhhh! I remember now what a great job you did on the Syren!! Thanks for posting everything again Rusty. ben
  2. Sorry rusty for posting stuff on your log. Yves - Chuck is an extremely busy guy, he runs and looks after this site god bless him, he always goes out of his way to help anyone, we can ask and expect NO more from him!!! If HE chooses to do above and beyond, which he usually does, then great. But he is not a manufacturer! He maybe covers his costs but I doubt that as well. Please respect the work that he does designing the best kits on the market IMHO. Chuck - thank you, your a steely eyed missile man. Ben
  3. Hi, I will take some pics of the other castings and post them, If I remember right they were not as bad as the figurehead ( absolute crap ), but nowhere near as nice as the resin ones that Chuck did - wish he would make some more ( pretty please ) . ben
  4. Hi Floyd, Let me see this weekend if I can find the old external HDD that has all the photos of my previous builds, If I can find it I will post some pics on the forum, maybe in the gallery of them all. AL Swift, AL Scottish Maid, AL Harvey, AL San Juan Nempo. I do remember that I stayed pretty much with the plans though and hardly did any bashing to Harvey. ben
  5. Nicely done Augie ( edward tweezerhands. ROFLMAO! ). Must be a real satisfiying feeling finishing the ratlines. So what are your plans for the next build? Any Ideas?? Confederacy maybe?? ben
  6. Nice work JP, glad to see that you are giving spiling a go! Is the problem plank trying to lift off on one edge? if so thats the common issue with edge bending that spiling will correct. look forward to more. ben
  7. Hi, I will also follow your longboat build, I stop and start on mine every now and then when I get time, I have just stepped the mast and bowsprit, rigging next :-). You can find my log as well as a couple if others on the site. Make sure to look at Chucks. Ben
  8. Hey Rusty, I seem to remember from 1.0 that you did your internal planking before adding the stern pieces, did you have a reason for doing it this way?? I'm at that point right now so I would like to know. Ben
  9. Very interesting Floyd, I built the Harvey several years ago and gave it to a friend, unfortunately he had a house fire and everything was lost. Your bash list seems quite comprehensive and I look forward to following your build. Ben
  10. Damn Remco, how the hell do you make such beautiful blocks, it's insane what you are capable of. One day in the far future I would love to be able to even scratch the surface of what you achieve every day. Ben
  11. Nice model you have there downeaster, where in maine are you located? I used to live in millinocket until 2010! Ben
  12. Glad you looked at it again JP, I think by adjusting that garboard you will get a better run at the stem. Ben
  13. Jim, your a lucky man being able to attend the workshop, it's high on my bucket list but just can't get away from work at the moment. Enjoy it, take lots of pics and give us unlucky ones a treat by telling us all about it on your log. Ben
  14. Hey Chuck, Glad to see you are back and going to rebuild your log. My longboat is not here but in the normal kit build logs if you want to see another one. I will follow along on yours and Toni's. Ben EDIT 3-11-2013, Just found my log has been moved to this area now!
  15. Hey Chuck, Don't forget from MSW1.0 that I was among the first to express interest in building the Winnie along with Rusty, but I'd really like an autographed copy. Ben
  16. Hey Toni, I just wanted to add a big thanks for you rebuilding your log in such a detailed and complete way, it's a joy to read it all again. Ben
  17. All I can say Ed is that your build is one of the most unbelievable works of art that I have ever seen, I shall order vol2 of the book as soon as I can. Ben
  18. Moro. Nice to see you back Pasi, I've enjoyed your build so far so it's great to see the log continuing. Ben
  19. Hi JP, It looks very good, maybe your Garboards come a little too far forward but if you have measured everything and you are happy with how the stem planks will taper then carry on at full speed. ben
  20. Simply Beautiful Rusty, I love how your Swiss Pear and Boxwwod go together, and the accuracy of your port lids is better than mine! ben
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