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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Nice work. the yellow sand color was only used from 1943 on. before that everything had the base color panzer gray.
  2. Nice work I get a to do list every weekend from the admiral. do this, do that. do this, do that. 😇
  3. Hello, Addet all the hatches of the cannon ports Building painted and addet metal pins, with these pins they are glued to the model with CA glue. detailing painted ropework, step 1 step 2, "fishing" for the wire Step 3, A knot. this way the top part of the rope can be tensioned later. like this Both sides are ready And another error camouflaged I forgot the stern chasers These were apparently very important in attack and defense at this time 2 dummy hatches are the camauflage 🙈🙉🙊 Thanks for following
  4. simply explained It is a hole in the stern through which the helm of the rudder passes. (work in progress a few years ago) Better picture
  5. Nice models. Where I live. We dig a big hole. And find... a cog 😳 https://mass.cultureelerfgoed.nl/doel-cog?language=en
  6. Maybe the PE parts are a little greasy. Then CA glue does not want to stick either. degrease (water and soap) and try again with CA glue ??
  7. There is indeed no hole in the stern for the rudder. Easier for Billings to design a model. More difficult for those who will build the model ... Why not make a hole in the stern yourself? There is a replica of the half moon. For more info, search on google for Half moon Halve maan ( Dutch) Halve maen ( old dutch) https://www.google.com/search?q=halve+maen+replica+schip&sxsrf=ALeKk0093UvfSOVe6eJt55LZZum2qnEP7g:1592121426414&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjs4L3A6oDqAhWQiqQKHeSgChEQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1536&bih=722
  8. In case you want to hide these little painting secrets I think you can apply a winter camouflage if you wish (very easy to do) You still have plenty of time to decide this.
  9. I always build the entire chassis first and then install the wheels and tracks. Afther that the smaller parts are applied. An early Tiger I model indeed has many wheels. Complicated, but it gave a very smooth ride for such a heavy tank Making and installing wheels scale 1/1
  10. I was actually hoping for comments like this on the channels/chains, thanks Mark. Chains were certainly also in use in the 16th century. They have been found on at least 2 wrecks of Spanish ships (St Johns and San Juan) Both mid-16th century. My Pelican sailed in the period between these Spanish ships and the Vasa. Presumably both methods can be used. The Vasa iron bars look the easiest way to build. The chains with will have to be "home made" Ps, At the bottom of the text is written. "from wich they hold and secure twelve schrouds, wich are some sixty strand ropes". Then each shroud would be made of 5 ropes (60 divided by 12 ) . Correct??
  11. While surfing for info on the hatches of the cannonports I found these 2 interesting sites (1 of which is a PDF). http://www.theonrust.com/building-the-onrust1.html https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/144580044.pdf The PDF is very interesting about the channels, chains and deadeyes and is mainly about a Spanish wreck sunk in the mid-16th century off the coast of Florida Of course now comes the question about the style to follow. The channels with chains The channels with iron "bars" like the Vasa. For now I continue to work on the hatches of the cannon ports. One is "ready" as a prototype (How to build will follow later) To be continued, Thanks for following, likes and the nice comments
  12. A sailing ship without sails Is like a pub without beer
  13. Painting : See page 15 of the PDF. There is a lot of variation in this time period. If you don't exaggerate, you can do little wrong. Steere-MA2004.pdf
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