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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Hello, The "radio car" is now ready for painting. The "AA car almost. Time to build the AA unit (Looks easy) This should be the base plate on the floor in the car... The base plate dry fitted in the car. These kits keep surprising me 🙈🙊 First do some research about this The base plate may not have been mounted directly to the floor. Or the plate is too big in diameter. Thanks for comments, following and likes
  2. Unfortunately, these are necessary in a mold (a little bit smaller would have been more handy ) progress : Seats The hood Adjusted a bit with plastic strip and tissue paper (the tissue is glued with CA) The radio and battery could also use some extra's Thanks for following
  3. Hello, With the main mast top ready and a smaller fore mast top under construction, it is time to think about the main and fore topmasts. In many drawings the top mast and flagpole are in one piece. A simplification of the 16th century painters or was this reality. (In one piece : about 15 Seperately : 1 ) Masts in this period could not be dismantled. The different parts of the mast were firmly attached to each other How? not a clue yet ... Mast tops Making top masts on my home-made lathe. To my surprise it worked out quite well. Determine the length The masts in the Aeropiccola drawings are quite correct in length. The length of my top masts are long enough to use both methods. Top mast flagpole separately or in one piece ( not yet decided what methode). To be continued, thanks for following.
  4. Hello, and
  5. Interesting pdf about the 16yh century (and free to download) https://www.academia.edu/20120786/The_Arming_of_Late_16th_century_Merchantmen_A_Masters_Thesis_from_the_Maritime_Archaeology_Programme_University_of_Southern_Denmark
  6. Explained very well. And in line with what I have already read on this topic. In the 16th century the so-called bow and stern chasers (usually heavy cannons) were very important in attack and defense. Boarding was the primary method of capturing an enemy ship in the 16th century
  7. Great work and very clean planking.
  8. Indeed these kits have virtually no pins or tabs to attach the parts to each other. Ideal for those who like a challenge and have some free time. A problem for those without experience and who are in a hurry. Putty may be needed some times, but I use it as little as possible. Seams and "bubbles" are sanded. Now mounting the mudguards (fenders) The suspension Cleaning the gearbox and gear lever (oops) Plan b. There will be a home build gear lever Drilled a hole in each gearbox. current status A search 👀 for extras in one of the parts boxes (These were once filled with cookies 😋) Thanks for following.
  9. Nice capstan. Much more correct than that of the kit and that of Corel
  10. Thanks, Actually not. A Stanley knife, half round file and sandpaper are used
  11. Re-making parts, i know that too ... One of the charms of scratch building . Great work Steven
  12. Continue with the construction. The engine and rear compartiment are glued first. After drying 24h these will be cleaned (sanded) up. That's why I'm not following the plan. These models require a lot of sanding and fitting in the beginning. If you follow the plan and have assembled the small pieces first. Then you have many "oops" and " " The pieces after cleaning glued and drying (24h) The rear compartiments The pieces They really don't fit from the first time make the rear plate thinner Glued and drying for 24 h. Thanks for following and comments
  13. Thanks. I probably won't buy any more kits. Not because of the price or whether or not good or bad quality. Once started with scratch building a wooden shipmodel, you can not stop
  14. Thanks Steven The fore top is only 2mm smaller in diameter than the main top. This really doesn't look good and the conversion is now underway. These are the "charms" of scratch building a model without plans, haha.
  15. Great work Micheal. for some stupid reason I forgot to press the follow button in the beginning of this build .
  16. Thanks Chris. It is useful to take a photo now and then. And then take a good look at it I see that the mast top of the fore mast is actually a bit too big. So I'm going to rebuild this top a bit smaller. Better now than later
  17. Beautiful models
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