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Everything posted by rdsaplala

  1. Nice to see your AVS log restored to it's full glory, Alistair, beautiful work as always
  2. Hi Popeye, Pleased to see you back in action my friend Just catching up with your beautiful America log, I must have missed it in the old forum She's looking great, mate, very nice and clean work
  3. Hi Mark, Thanks for the warm welcome, my friend, it's great to be back
  4. Thanks for the good word Anja, Eric, Ben and Frank For my final update.... right now, I'm almost done re-planking the outer hull and these last pictures finally bring my build-log to her current status: Here is the inside portion showing the mutilation, I mean modification, I've done... it's still quite messy now with all those scrap wood to make up the false frame, but hopefully will look cleaner once planked. The dowels on the bow area serve as temporary supports while the proper deck beams and hanging knees are not yet in place.
  5. Hello Force9, I'm pleased to see your beautiful Constitution log up and running again, looking forward to learning from your upgrades/modifications
  6. Hi Adeline, Just caught up with your Le Camaret build log, beautiful planking work there, looking forward to more updates
  7. Hi Pasi, Just catching up with your Rattlesnake log, she's looking great, very nice and clean work
  8. Nice to see your Revenue Cutter Stag log back in action, John, looking forward to more updates
  9. Thanks for the kind words, Robert, Sjors, Augie and B.E., I appreciate it To continue my synopsis, HMS Fly has finally arrived and so I took her keel, stem and stern post and transplanted them to Pegasus, the operation was a success and Peggy Sue is in the pink of health again While re-planking Pegasus, I thought I'd squeeze in another modification by redoing her quarterbadge... The kit's quarterbadge, while beautifully done, seems a bit flat when compared to the TFFM plans and the quarterbadge of the contemporary model of HMS Atalanta, a sister-ship of Pegasus: Kit Quarterbadge HMS Atalanta Quarterbadge Thus, using the TFFM plans, I decided to make a new quarterbadge to which, I will add the kit provided windows and pillasters:
  10. Hi Mobbsie, I'm pleased to see your Agamemnon build log restored once more, top-notch job as always my friend, looking forward to more updates
  11. Hi Remco, I'm pleased to see your HMS Kingfisher buildlog up and running, looking forward to more updates
  12. Hi to all First of all, a big thanks to the Admin and Moderators for their efforts in upgrading this site, keep up the good work guys I've been working on this kit, which I fondly named "Peggy-Sue", for more than a year now, squeezing in what little model-building time I have after work and family responsibilities. The kit will build into an excellent ship right out of the box, but I decided that I would add some modifications to make it as historically accurate as my skills would allow. To do these, I will be using the excellent TFFM books by David Antscherl, the original NMM draught of HMS Pegasus and some pictures of contemporary models/paintings. I also read up on a couple of Ship Modelling books to improve my knowledge on these magnificent vessels: Going back to Pegasus, the kit has been a fun project so far, materials are of very nice quality and fit of the parts is top-notch. I'm a bit lazy to re-write my whole log so will just summarize all that I have done. I started with the usual set of bulkheads fitted to the keel as seen below: This was followed by the following events, occurred more or less in chronological order: -applied gunport patterns and pricked myself with the nails followed by a lot of foul words -applied first planking basically violating every planking rule known to men -reduced the briddle port size to TFFM dimensions and moved it further forward. -applied second planking, which looked like it had been done by my 2 year-old kid -removed the bulkhead extensions, made some false frames using some scrap wood attached inside the bulwarks to thicken it (I hope to later plank over these false frames, attach some FC and QD deck beams and hanging knees to replace the kit provided parts) -my original second planking was simply unacceptable so I decided to remove the stem and keel for re-planking, resulting to irreparable damage to these parts.... THIS WAS FOLLOWED BY EVEN MORE FOUL WORDS! -bought the HMS Fly and donated her keel to Pegasus to allow re-planking... resulting to foul words from the Admiral for the added expense -
  13. Hello Jason, Just catching up with your Mermaid Cutter log, she's coming along very nicely, excellent planking and detail-work
  14. Nice to see your Pegasus up and running ( or should I say, flying) again Very neat and clean work as always
  15. Hello Per, It's nice to see your Montanes log up and running again, beautiful work as always, everything is very neat and clean
  16. Hello Vitus, I'm pleased to see your HMS Fly buildlog up and running again, beautiful deck planking, treenails and caulking work there, looking forward to more updates
  17. Hi Anja, I'm pleased to see your Half Moon log up and running again, looking forward to more updates
  18. Hi Anja, I'm pleased to see your Half Moon log up and running again, looking forward to more updates
  19. Really sweet work, Christian, I'm really amazed by the fact that you were able to make those quarterdeck fifing rails (not sure if that's the correct term ) so symmetrical and graceful, they're wonderful
  20. Hi Robert, I'm pleased to see your Mars/HMS Orestes build log back on line again, beautiful and clean work as always my friend, all those upgrades have really turned her into a museum piece
  21. Hello Flyer, I'm pleased to see your Pegasus build-log up and loading again, she's looking great, excellent detail-work
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