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Everything posted by GrandpaPhil

  1. I’m making my run on the figurehead. It’ll be made in several different pieces.
  2. I just display them. I haven’t war gamed in years. I have elements of many different armies spanning many different time periods. I’ve got a bad habit of building/painting anything that looks interesting at the time.
  3. I turfed the base. The bombard is now finished. I will take more pictures after the glue completely dries.
  4. The bombard is touched up now. I just need to finish the dry brushing and then I’ll turf the base. I made the base from 1/8” basswood.
  5. It’s mostly painted now. I’m waiting on the glue to dry so I can final paint it. I used faux metallics for the barrel and the banding. Once the bombard dries, I need to touch up the paint and do a little more dry brushing and highlighting.
  6. Thanks for all the likes and the comments! I made the barrel from a dowel rod. I used card stock to make the banding. I cut the other pieces out of basswood and glued them together. I will add more banding after everything dries and I can base coat everything. The barrel is just sitting in the carriage.
  7. I’m making a 28mm scale bombard cannon. I drew my own quick blueprint. The carriage will be 1/8” basswood and the barrel will be from a dowel rod with card for the iron strapping.
  8. The port side is base coated and I’ve done some more touch ups. You can really see the twist in the hull in the bow on picture.
  9. Thank you both, very much! Mark, I carved them from 1/16” basswood based on the picture in the AOTS. You should give it a try. This build has been a great learning experience for me.
  10. Thank you all very much for the comments and the likes! I have the starboard side base coated and have done some touch ups. I’m happy with how it’s turning out. Now, on to the port side!
  11. Looks good! I agree that the roof looks like a great base to work from!
  12. Thank you all for the comments and the likes! I did some priming and some paint touch ups (the black anyways). The Victory is looking better. Tomorrow she’ll have some color added.
  13. Leave as is and build up. That’s my vote. I did it with my Victory using wood putty. I shaped it with a Stanley hand plane.
  14. I meant painting of miniatures and scale figures, mostly in 28mm or 54mm scale. I'll have to take pictures of them and post them.
  15. I look forward to seeing your build! It’s going to be neat! I like the ancient vessels (ancients are one of my frequent painting subjects), so it’s neat to see builds of them. I don’t know enough about them to build one.
  16. I agree, looking forward to seeing what you decide to build!
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