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Everything posted by cog

  1. ... work for tiny wages? If so where can I get one
  2. Yes, looks really thrown together the hull.Strange that when I start to throw things together they usually look something like this
  3. Yes, he even added popcorn Mark Scale .. now that would be summink like 1/5000 I guessss
  4. But lads, it is not up to me to make such a weighty decision, I am just the messenger. I am still waiting on the Apprenticeship confirmation for myself, so Steve is already in the fast lane
  5. I just got a notification, they are willing to fast track you to Apprentice 1.5 You were to late with the sweeping experience certificate, else they might have given you the 1.75 My summer jobs ... unloading sea containers by hand, stacking the boxes on palets we did 5000 boxes a day 9Kg a box
  6. Awe inspiring Jesse. She really looks ready to sail into the sunset ... up to new adventures
  7. Steve, it has to be taken under consideration by the builders guild, and skipping grades is only done very rarely. Nowing the type of men, the journeyman is out of your grasp anyway, the leap is by far to steep, besides that last redo killed any chance on that one, even apprenticeship may be a no go because of that. You would be back sweeping floors ... with or without (sweep?)walker
  8. Collection ... you'll need a ferw more ... you started of well. Looking forward to the next one!
  9. Can't wait to see the finished hull. The camouflage looks very promising
  10. A blb can fetch you a nice amount ... just like a single coloured canvas ... with a red dot
  11. The Vallejo airbrush primer is a definite DON"T, and I really mean don't even try it on brass. There are Vallejo rattle can primers, but I haven't tried them on brass yet, so you'll better steer away from those too for the time being. I will try it soon. Tamiya rattlecan primer is currenty the best available primer for brass. Maybe expensive, but it even sticks on unclean brass parts. I have hands on experience for the latter. Advantage of Tamiya primer: You can use most acrylic (airbrush) paints on it too.
  12. Mark, also known as "Eagle Eye" ... I spotted it too, eagle eye confirmed it, it seems you need to do some "re-bending" Steve. Although it is rather late in the railing season. You might want to use a square piece of wood to set the location of the twists and turns in the horizontal, so you can easily avoid those "hanging" railings. Should have thought of it before, but my age is slowing me down (love the age excuse it can be used on everything) Cheers
  13. You are sick! Real sick ... infected I would precise ... by the way, help is unavailable, it is terminal
  14. Aussie advice, now I have two advisors ... It seems that all the good stuff comes from downundah maybe a silly question Mrs Cat, but what would you need Zap for on a wooden build? (just curious)
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