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Everything posted by cog

  1. Kortes, Your boeier turns out really marvelous. I like the very crisp detail you have added to her so far, the planking, the caulking of the deck, doors, etc. It is becoming a truely wonderful representation of the type of yacht. By the way Sperwer means sparrowhawk
  2. Steve, With regards to your CA application to the stanchions. If you go back on your decision and heat sink the stanchions, you run the risk burning the CA off, not just the paint. Hence our reference to silver soldering earlier in your log. Try at which size drill you can still press the stanchion in, or if you use a drill size where it slides in easily, use thick CA it will act as a filler
  3. I see you have a slightly hidden image of yourself on the wall ... nice close ups by the way
  4. Dan, You might take into account scale colouring, i.e. giving your colours a lighter tone by adding very light grey, or white to it. At 1/350 it is approximately 25%. At the scale we work on colours aren't as bright as on 1:1, that might have thrown you off
  5. Thank you all for the likes gentlemen didn't I, OC ...? ... darn ... must have posted the wrong pictures ...
  6. My Greek is non-existent, so I'll giv you German: Vielleicht wartet der schwierige Arbeit auf Sie, Messis. Manche Dinge gehen schnell ... andere scheinen sich langsam zu bewegen
  7. I got lucky Yesterday evening ... I did what OC needs a hand with ... started rigging, in my case the funnel. Starbord side has been done as wel as rigging the davits on that side. Took me long enough ... two hours for four threads, hardly visible with the naked eye ... Tried some angles so you could see at least something ...
  8. There are a few blokes in the UK you could visit. Maybe they will take your hand and show you the ropes
  9. I've seen the dazzle from the Mahomet before at art class. It really is one of the best examples of that specific application dispite the bleeding, you have done a remarkable job on the camouflage. On the plastic kit I'm working at currently, I smoothed down the edges of the masking tape with a q-tip. That helped considerably against bleeding. I also cut the masking tape off the boat. I made a template from the sides drew in the shapes after which I transfered that to the tape, which I stuck on some plastic, and after cutting moved it to the hull. I have to add that mine was a lot less intricate, so hardly if at all worth comparing Safe travels and happy holidays to you too
  10. Minor ... I would say you have ben decorating your deck quite nicely. Railings look very promising
  11. do you have a video??? Jaw droppin' impressive. You must be a sick man or a glutton for punishment ...
  12. still at it ... I like the details, both parts, as well as clours. It's turning out very realistic
  13. What with ... for there are plenty of things I need to help myself with ... Ken, I do not give a rats you-know-what about that. When you live , or lived for a long time in an urban neighbourhood with lots of (truck) traffic, you breath even worse fumes. Considering the time I lived in Rotterdam, I'd sooner die from that, than from CA fumes. Work gives me more stress than what CA can cause. So don't worry mate. Besides, when the time comes, it comes.
  14. Sorry to hear about the laptop. Nasty buggers those colds ;: hope you get it sorted out quickly
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