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Posts posted by Vladimir_Wairoa

  1. I would humbly inexperiencely think coppering would  ruin beauty and philosophy behind it for me. and cover palnking :( . :) im with Greg. elegant with simplicity. its same logic applied as going with treenails. posibilities are endless. - fully ? partially with framing ? one side? :) I would for sure not put scuppers on mine. :) Im eager to see  how top deck would look like apart of cannons. Would there be those crossbeams like on greenwich model we see? only Chuck knows :)   im looking forward to explore it as it goes....

  2. Good health everoyne. I was just about to ask whats the news but reading thru Robs news a Im like kids getting christmass and what a company we have here. Cannot wait for those outocmes i myself little abandoned plan to continue as realized there still would be somenthing i am not really up to. nice start of year just hope everyone stay healthy safe, to update myself i started to build rigless model of hms winchelsea under Chucks group project ( sou can chcek if youre interested) meanwhile,  which got me in touch with nice fellow around here who is cutting laser stuff and made me fantastic bulkheads for very fair price. So I cant wait to see some proper glorys lines. I would jump on wagon in 1:65 scale even it would be hell of a big beast. :) cheers everyone. 

  3. Good weekend everyone. 

    I took a lean way this week and made only one gallery. It is tough! I only now understand why Chuck left almost entire chapter to it. Unless measurements match of course. otherwise windows would not match...I had to improvise a little as  roof was not aligned properly. At the beginnig i was thinking of painting window frames white but i changed mind as along with darker hull and fluted statues i think now it makes nice contrast...I also changed main stern underwingows molding and as i got used to scraping more i made classic 90 degrees one one that its top reaches more outwards  ...finally i painted columns underroofs filling blocks that sit on windows with diluted asphaltum to unify the look. .next week i am about to sand down few blotches from hull and put another coat up. And second gallery. Thank you for look, any comment, etc. 
















  4. On 1/25/2021 at 11:26 PM, Ron Burns said:

    Tom, I would definitely 2nd the fact that fairing the Baltic birch is a king-size PITA! I had the bulkhead set laser cut up here to save a few dollars but I regret it now. Just for sheer accuracy and ease of sanding, go with Chuck's offering. If I do it again, I think I would go with the cherry even though the cedar works like a dream, bends easily and really holds an edge. The cedar shows up my bad workmanship a little to easily :) We'll see..by the time I'm done, perhaps I will need to put in an order for more cedar to build the next one. Hope you're doing better! 

    Vlad, I don't think your scraper will have a difficult time with the cedar. It's such a great wood to work with and cuts almost as easily as basswood. You just wouldn't have to deal with fuzzy edges

    Ron I  should take writing slow as well as my inexperience with scraping - i realized Chuck provided boxwood for scraping. which is definitely tougher than even cedar. Well I had to elarn how to scrape along the grain. key is to have sharp one. even touching scraper firmly and pulling timber works flawlessly. there is no ugly fuzziness on that wood. so i stand corrected folks. therefore cedar must be easier than boxwood by definition :)  

  5. How i worked transom...


    I must say it is like a price for me after planking, but it is not easy even it may look like.  Chuck carefuly mentions all tricky parts and dangers in monograph. I never read better written guide for modeling. He mentions more ways and i opted intuitively for gluing outer windows frame to transom outside the boat not when transom is glued. Im glad i did because i made one important mistake ij chapter one and put windows little bit lower than should be or my boat is wide whatever. You cam see i had to remove inner side of window frame so i could stick windows in . Thabkfully no broken bones. I carefully tried windows and finally   managed to glue ttansom firmly to the boat. Than i despite of Chucks waring dared cutting on windows here along the grain and even sanded with grinder. But never do that, its like feather. I crushed one window and managed to repair it, but I wound not like to again :). So after satisfied i left them aside -  untill finally firmly glued. Than I mounted round side windows - easy task and i protected them by tape so tape is not touching it. With work around aft, there is really dust coming and visible oj black window- yes those windows are just so georgous. ...

    than i started most difucult part. Gallery base. Main complex beam is godsend to us from Chuck ! And i want to thank for all parts. It so rewarding working them. Beam must be sanded so it touches flush all parts it touches to. Plank is grear But most dufficult part was attaching plank and bottom of the base - each boat us skightly different and those parts are perfectly oversized to accomodate that. I went with different approach. I first glued plank to too base and than gradually cut bottom side to match the curve. But i again cyt counter a little bit more than i should so i pushed plank a but too much towards the boat to touch counter. I funally managed to glue it together satisfactorily but it is not without flaws even those are hidden now. So again no pain. With moldings -  i first attached frezie to see how big and where is the border so there is no gap between molding and paper. And for the finish I onky regret i dont have mire complex scraper to make more complex  underwindows molding. But i wont try to make scraper so i go safe route. I managed ky way to combine them with paints and i like the outcome so even if not complex i think they are pretty. What you think? I observe other so i can see how to proceed further so I hope my pics could be of some value to someone. Hope you enjoy it and thsnk you. V. 























































  6. 1 minute ago, Chuck said:

    Sloooow Doooown.........Enjoy the ride.  ⏱️ There is absolutely no reason to rush through the build.   Plus you will just end up waiting for the next chapters to be released.

    :)Chuck, it only looks like rush.  I have possibly week or max two to finish 3d. than I will have to leave it until end of summer so there will be no waiting for parts soon. I am at home in quarantine next 14 days cannot go anywhere as i dont have covid test . so I worked in relaxed pace thru it last two days up to the bits i like finished. no disaster so far I follow the chapter it is so completely and helpfuly written. 

  7. Enough for today. If you look closely - Yesterday disaster happened. I smashed one glorious round window to 5 pieces ! .And - impossible task for 2   hours and surgical instruments -  i managed to restore it ! :D I used asphaltum color for moldings - just from the tube on t-  shirt and wipe out -or with tiny brush into bigger hole -  it will leave color inside the lines...and leave awesome boxwood beautifuly golden. 





  8. 1 hour ago, bruce d said:

    Vlad, well done. This is looking great.

    Maybe I missed something but I have a question. The cap rail in this photo ...



    ... is beautiful. Previously in post #60 it looks like this ...




    Do you mind telling us how you achieved that perfect spiral?





    Bruce, its Chucks provided laser cut piece for part 3. ! All credits to him! :) i would say it is really impossible to achieve as by any sort of handworking as it would be  watch jewelery. Thanks for like. 

  9. 4 hours ago, wyz said:

    Thank you, Vladimir and Matt for your concern for my health.  After several days my back is still quite painful, and it takes everything just to stand up.  I can see this is going to take a while to feel better,  Oh well, that's life.  Getting back to ship model building is what I want to do, and I've decided to build Chuck's POB model of Winchelsea.  I really do like the ship and think it would be a wonderful project to work on.


      I have a lot of Baltic birch of all sizes and a brand-new Delta scroll saw.  Is it better to build out of Chuck's laser cut Alaskan yellow cedar or use the Baltic birch which is so much harder and stronger and then plank over with boxwood and pear wood?  Each way has its advantages and disadvantages, so I'd really like to hear what the group has to say.  What's your opinion on this?  I've never used yellow cedar before.  Is it as nice as you thought it would be?  Would you use another wood if you had a do-over?  How long did it take for those who cut out their own station line bulkheads and then give them a preliminary sanding so that they fit?  I ask these questions because, if you say that the laser cut yellow cedar is the way to go, I will make a sizeable $$$ commitment and buy everything Chuck has available to make me current.  If not, I will do a scratch build POB.  You people are far enough into your builds that you've seen what's good and bad.  Give me your honest opinion.


    im sure you will enjoy Chucks POB enormously. its almost pof.... different



  10. 2 hours ago, scrubbyj427 said:

    Definitely buy the entire laser cut package and save yourself the trouble. Alaskan yellow cedar is a wonderful wood that sands like a dream, holds a wonderful sharp edge and looks very uniform with very little grain showing.

    I must agree about that cedar - its quite unique in that perspective. not sure how it bends but its uniform and holds edge brilliantly. only concern I have though is scraping. Im set t ouse baswoon instead as I would probably ruin scraper before i make 10 cm shape. seems to me impossible to scrape...very stiff wood. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Beckmann said:

    Hello everybody,

    I started chapter 4 now, and made 2 of those fantastic gun's at the beginning. I think the red carriage suits better, but the natural carriage is beautiful as well.






    Next I planked the lower deck platforms and glued the deck beams an deck sheats in position. All turned out well, no problems so far.










    This broadside will look wonderful, once completed!!












    Stunning Mathias. 

  12. Tom, 

    I am new to this hobby started last year for my childhood old love of old vessels. I have also other main woodworking occupations as attempting violinmaker. in the middle of cutty sark soldering  I did something very regrettable, I repeatedly poured soldering acid on top of my hands - for a coupl of days ! :( resulting in killing skin cells to the point of permanent alergic reaction - so every time i touch either  glue, come to touch with sawdust etc my hands swirl red and sore for a couple of days so i have to put sepcial cream on them. I know its not back sore, just to share my shortcomings and thoughts I always have in my 40 ties since than - whether to continue working with wood. so far i manage but i have to stop after few days if it gets worse.... so i can say my dubness  during modelling  harmed me a bit to rest of my life in a way but thats life. everyone has unique story to tell. I hope your back betters and im sure you will come to right decision.  Vlad

  13. 3 hours ago, Vladimir_Wairoa said:

    Something went wrong when uploading, I am adding some pics. My girl is dressed up now :) so next work will go around putting some "makeup" on so she could go out properly :) thank you for watching etc. Execution is not flawless, especially at stern counter line...:( i guess it may take another talent or years of experiences I dont have. nevertheless. Here she is. ready to put some coat on...not sure if leaving  her blonde though...but basswood doesnt take stain well so i have to better be careful ...




















    Thank you for likes youre very kind all ! 

  14. 1 hour ago, Ron Burns said:

    I can't believe the speed at which you work! Awesome job Vlad. I wish I could have looked over your shoulder as you planked your Winnie so I could learn something :) She will look amazing when you dress her up and give her a coat. 



    Thanks a milion Ron, I bet im not the one to look over the shoulder:) , its really my first proper model aside of cutty scratch attempt. When i think it cant be better and take pic and look at Chucks or others perfect straight tight seams etc ...I keep asking what the hell? :) as for my speed i am at home at the moment so time pays off...coating dilemma this seek to solve :) so fingers crossed. V. 

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