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Everything posted by Gregory

  1. Suggest to the wife that you want to hone your skills a bit before running the risk of damaging the wonderful kit she bought you.. There may be many suggestions, but my favorite for a first kit is the 1:48 Longboat from ModelExpo. It comes with a nice set of tools. It has really great instructions that will help with most wood kits going forward. Sign up for emails at ModelExpo and watch for nice discounts.
  2. I agree Frankie. This has become my go-to place for rigging details ( Not necessarily the run of the rigging ) and deck fittings for cutters.
  3. There is something wrong here.. Your tools and work area are much too neat and clean..😄 Seriously, that is a very nice start. I look forward to watching your progress... I particularly like your work board with the drawers underneath.. I am going to shamelessly steal that idea..
  4. Your links would indicate it ( on the left ) is the final color at this point. I don't think it is a color I would be comfortable with if I was building the model. I think most observers would question it, as a lot of them seem to be doing now. I think Druxey's comments above, carry a lot of weight.
  5. Are you sure the picture on the left is the final color, and not some sort of primer?
  6. For what it is worth, MicroMark makes an adjustable fence like the one shown for the Dremel saw.. Accuriser The Microlux 4" saw was probably the best before Byrnes came along.
  7. Here is the actual drawing with a ruler overlayed. This will not print to actual size. I will send you a PM with the image that should print to actual size.. It looks like the Bower Anchor is about 75mm at 1:96. PS As we discussed in our PM exchange, I think this scale - 1/96 - is off.. Seems off by maybe a factor of 2, and is actually 1:48
  8. I sure will .. Later today.. Sorry, I didn't think of that when I posted..
  9. If you didn't get the email, Essex is on sale, and there is an extra 25%off with free shipping over $150 P.S. You might want to check this out.. MODEL SHIPWAYS 18TH CENTURY LONGBOAT WOODEN MODEL SHIP KIT & TOOLS A great price with an extra 25% off during this promotion. Would make a nice practice kit, along with a few extra tools.
  10. Good explanation Frankie, and brings us back on topic. If Scott is still curious about a detailed plank on frame kit, here is a pretty good example. Cutter Alert from Trident Model.. ( Not yet available as far as I know. No updates from Trident lately )
  11. I'm reminded of another saying: " We learn from our mistakes, but it's better to learn from someone else's mistakes." Hopefully, Scott Brown will draw upon the expertise here and have smooth sailing..
  12. Shipwrights have to start somewhere.. 😃 I'm reminded of some wisdom from the late, great George Carlin, who observed: " There was a time when no one knew how to play the piano. They were all practicing. "
  13. Here are the anchors from the Anatomy of the Ship " The Armed Transport Bounty
  14. I was thinking the figurehead on the model might depict St Francis, being a tie-in with the name ' Swallow '..
  15. Which the majority of people are, and don't feel particularly challenged in that regard.
  16. I apologize if i missed it in all of this, but what is a good generic overall length for a belaying pin? ( I'm not particularly concerned about the rivet counters surveying one of my models and proclaiming that my belaying pins are 2 scale inches too long.. )
  17. That is assuming that one is only going to " do something once every two or three years ", in which case I agree.. However, I am using a laser cutter to enhance the kits I build, and hope to work on a scratch project someday soon. I am exploring the use of a CAD program to enhance my parts creating tool box, even though 2D is all I need right now. Relatively low cost 3d printers and CNC tools are already a reality, and robust 3D software is essential to using these tools effectively.
  18. I see V25 is available on Amazon for $80.. Does that sound like a good deal? Anyone ever use Turbo Cad. I have a pretty robust version but haven't taken the time to learn it.. Any opinions if it would be worth the effort?
  19. No kidding Frankie.. The parts of the drawing labeled 1/3 & 2/3, look more like 1/2 & 1/2..
  20. There is much discussion about ratline technique, but it is difficult to do a search because the subject appears in many different topics, including many different build logs. You will probably get many suggestions from our members. Here is a technique I like, offered by Jersey City Frankie Glued Ratlines ( Scroll down to post #118 ) I also like what Frankie said in another topic about tying them: The thing about knots, is that they can easily appear way out of scale, depending on the scale of the model and the size of the rope used. Here are some actual ratlines from Victory and Constitution.
  21. My kit also only has two plan sheets. No Sail or mast construction. There is an instructions booklet with three pages of very sparse English instructions, the bulk of which is a parts list. I will be happy to copy and email you those three pages if you feel they would be useful. I would not expect the instructions to be much help to anyone who does not have experience with a few other kits and some considerable knowledge of model ship building in general. While it may be a bit of a chore to filter it out, all of the information you need should be found here as MSW. Not just the Enterprise logs, but any number of other logs that have a lot to offer in the way of technique and how to progress. I'm sure there are others, but one Enterprise log that caught my attention is the one by src.. Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome I see 10 Enterprise build logs in the Index of wood build logs. Two of them show finished.
  22. I have what I believe to be a complete kit.. I'll have to check and get back to you later..
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